The misty mountains, deep in Beiyu Canyon.

The thunder is still like a chainsaw, and every time it falls, it is enough to shatter the rocks.

And at this moment,


A soft cry suddenly sounded in the void

"This kind of fluctuation?"

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu, who had fallen into deep cultivation, slowly woke up from his slumber.

Looking up, Beiyu Canyon was filled with darkness.

Occasionally, a bolt of lightning flashed across, illuminating the darkness.

His heart moved, Yu Ziyu's branches also all converged.

Then, under the delighted gazes of countless mutated beasts, the dark clouds that had shrouded the misty mountains for a long time gradually dispersed....

The clouds opened and the fog dispersed.

What is exposed is a giant tree that covers the sky and the sun. It is already a huge tree.

"Meet the sacred tree..."

"Meet the master..."

Amidst the chorus of congratulations, Yu Ziyu saw countless mutated beasts and even humans looking at him with the most reverence.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu looked to one side.

What he saw was a red fox with a huge body.

She had red hair like a flame, and her limbs were slender and strong, each with a flame-like body. The ring of transformation.

However, what is different from the past is that this red fox has a sharp angle between the arms and the back of the neck, and the red hair is particularly lush between the two shoulder bones.

When the hair is flying , like a red cloak tied around its body, exuding an indescribable nobility.

The Nine-Tails can also be called the 'Lord of Fire', or 'Lord of Flame' for short. The control of flames has reached a certain level. An incredible situation.

I haven’t seen her for a long time, but now she is a lot stronger.

"Master, have you made a breakthrough?"

With a touch of expectation, Jiuwei took the lead and asked.

Although she had entered the third level of extraordinary, her perception of Yu Ziyu was still hazy. The hazy feeling was like a flower in a mirror or the moon in the water. She can't figure out Yu Ziyu's realm now.

But she knows that Yu Ziyu is very scary now.

Really scary.

The breath alone makes her, who has stepped into the third level of the extraordinary, feel very depressed.

If We don’t get along all year round, and Kyuubi always has the urge to leave.

"Just one step away."

In a soft whisper, Yu Ziyu also responded.

Indeed, there is only one step left.

And this step is the evolution point. In this retreat, his evolution points have been exhausted, and now tens of millions of evolution points are impacting The last step.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu looked towards the direction of the Federation, an inexplicable luster flashed in the depths of his eyes.

At first, he was worried about having a reasonable killing spree.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he woke up, Sensing the violent aura coming from the sky

"Kyuubi, can you tell me in detail what happened recently?"

Smiling, Yu Ziyu also took the initiative to ask

"OK, Master."

Nodding, Kyuubi also explained the recent invasion of sea beasts one by one.

Just because the Misty Mountain is located inland, it has not been affected by the sea beast disaster.

Until now, the entire Misty Mountain has maintained its previous calm. It can even be said to be 'thriving'.

The only thing that happened was that Qing Fan, who was far away in the north, actually led the White Bear Clan back.

In order to resettle the White Bear Clan, the Ice Dragon specially created an ice valley in the misty mountains.

"Is that so?..."

Listening to Jiuwei's story, Yu Ziyu also gained some understanding of what happened in the mainland recently.

However, he did not expect that the sea monster invasion would be so large this time, and even the third level of extraordinary beings from the deep sea, such terrifying existences, would all emerge.

However, it looks good now.

At least, there is no need to worry about evolution.

But the key is, what kind of image should he appear on the stage?

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also rarely fell into deep thought.

Slaughter and plundering evolution points are inevitable.

But how he appears depends on him.

When Yu Ziyu heard about the craze of sea beasts, the first thought that came to his mind was to change his impression in the minds of humans and even mutated beasts.

‘The name"Demon Tree" is a bit unpleasant after all.

And the sacred tree is pretty good.

However, it is not an easy task for many humans and even mutated beasts to willingly call him a 'sacred tree'.

And now, a great opportunity has come....

And here, it is worth mentioning that the reason why Yu Ziyu did this was mainly to enhance his prestige.

Not only the prestige in the hearts of humans, but also the prestige in the hearts of many mutated beasts.

Because, after he breaks through to the fourth extraordinary level, it is not far away to establish a 'demon kingdom'.

At that time, the more powerful his prestige became, the more powerful people came to seek refuge with him.

At this time, Yu Ziyu no longer needs to stick to whether the strong person he seeks refuge with is a human or a mutated beast.

To him, these are all ants.

As long as everyone respects the 'sacred tree', there is nothing wrong with humans.

As the leader of a party, if you don't even have such a tolerant heart, how can you become a great weapon.

In the past, there was still some fear of humans.

But he is about to break through, and he is enough to regard human beings as ants....Naturally, there is no need to be afraid.

Moreover, human beings do have unique features and are an indispensable race.

Nowadays, Yancheng in the Federation, which is the city where Ling'er is located, has a very good impression of 'Yu Ziyu'.

Some people even proposed to barter with the Misty Mountains to start trade.

And all this is only because of Ling'er's guidance in the dark.

In other words, the three major human cities that Ling'er now controls are all Yu Ziyu's people.

In addition, the force established by Iron Fist Tyrant Benson is secretly following the lead of the"Misty Mountain".

I heard that not long ago, this guy Benson secretly ran to the Misty Mountains and got a place to soak in the 'Spirit Lake'.

In addition to Iron Fist Tyrant Benson, there are many other strong human beings like this.

These powerful men all signed an alliance agreement with the Misty Mountain because of the 'Altar'.

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as an ally of the Misty Mountain.

And such strong men have also influenced some human beings' perceptions of the Misty Mountains to a certain extent......

"When I break through to the fourth level, the plan can begin."

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu turned his eyes to Jiuwei not far away and ordered:

"Nine Tails, you lead the beasts that are still in the Misty Mountain and take advantage of this sea beast disaster to conquer some powerful mutated beasts and prepare for the establishment of a new expansion of the Misty Mountain in the near future."

"Yes, master."

As he happily agreed, Kyuubi's eyes couldn't stop flickering.

There was a crimson flame burning faintly.

That was the fire of ambition, burning brighter and stronger.

However, Kyuubi was not Burn for yourself, but for the master.

Because Jiuwei, who has always understood Yu Ziyu, deeply understands what kind of ambition and aspirations are hidden behind Yu Ziyu's simple words._Fei

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