In addition to Australia, the continent where the Free Federation is located, and the continent where the Sun Never Sets Empire is also suffering from an unprecedented wave of sea beasts.

However, what is surprising is that the Free Federation, a top country with the most powerful technology, actually had a little accident.


A low roar of beasts sounded from the depths of a certain grand canyon, and one after another scientific researchers wearing white coats were already standing on both sides of the canyon.

"Aren't you willing to bow your head?"

A white-haired old man looked helplessly at the giant beast in the depths of the canyon, which was wrapped in chains one after another.

This was a very terrifying giant beast.

It had an upright dinosaur-like body, comparable to Like a dinosaur, it is too huge, a full hundred meters high.

Even if it is lying quietly in the Grand Canyon, its terrifying body still makes the canyon look much narrower.

However, compared with this The figure of a giant beast. What is even more frightening is the appearance of this giant beast. It is green and black, and the body is very thick. At first glance, it is extremely ferocious.

Especially the blue back that flashes from time to time behind it. It adds a bit of terrifying power.

This giant beast is very famous.

It was originally a mutated sea python. During the evolution, it transformed into its current ferocious appearance. It even returned to its ancestors and awakened to the super ancient state. The blood of dinosaurs.

It was it in the past that caused huge waves and swept through several cities of the Free Federation.

Later, it even had conflicts with the Free Federation several times.

But, it is a pity.

During a battle with the Free Federation, the Free Federation The Federation, no matter the cost, finally suppressed this giant beast here. The arm-thick black chains were woven from muscle fibers that resembled metal. They had extremely terrifying hardness and were able to cooperate with certain weapons of the Free Federation. These instruments are used to extract spiritual power.

If you look carefully, the countless chains tightly wrapped around this giant beast are all flowing with an inexplicable luster.

And that is the spiritual power of this giant beast.

It is precisely because of the continuous extraction of spiritual power. , so that this giant beast was unable to struggle and could only be trapped here.

However, now...

However, the Free Federation sent dozens of high-level officials to come here.

"I know you are highly intelligent, and I know even more that you have a lot of grievances against our Free Federation...."

"But now, we have an opportunity for peace talks."

With that said, an old man wearing a white mandarin jacket came to the eyes of this giant beast on the elevator.


Looking into those dark yet calm eyes that made one's heart palpitate, the old man couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

However, there is no choice now.

This sea monster invasion is too terrifying.

Until now, more than a dozen cities in the Free Federation have been submerged, and five of them have been completely buried in the waves.

Such a heavy sacrifice finally made the Free Federation realize the horror of mutated sea beasts.

No, it's not the horror of mutated sea beasts.

But among the mutated sea beasts, there is a terrifying existence that reigns at the top.

With them, thousands of mutated sea beasts seemed to have a backbone, and they swept the entire continent with rolling waves.

In just half a day, all coastal cities were lost.

However, this is not the scariest thing.

The most frightening thing is that the Free Federation can't find a way to resist the mutated sea beasts.

If no one can deal with the king of the sea clan, the entire Free Federation will be in danger.

What is worth mentioning here is that the continent where the Free Federation is located has no forbidden areas.

All forbidden areas are targeted by nuclear weapons.

Until now, most of the entire continent is under the control of the Free Federation. Any alien beast that grows up will be sniped by the Free Federation as soon as possible.

There are no less than ten figures of powerful mutated beasts that have been suppressed like this giant beast.

And this is also the most ruthless part of the Free Federation.

They can suppress the powerful mutated beasts at all costs.

This one was codenamed 'Zero' and was known as 'the most terrifying beast'. The Free Federation spent dozens of legions of troops to suppress it.

However, it is better to say that it is suppression than the endless technological weapons that are emerging, making the giant beasts tired of dealing with it.

Facing such a single combat power, the country's terror is fully demonstrated.

However, this is after all a response to a single combat force. Facing such a menacing beast tide, most of the Free Federation's targeted technological weapons are of no use.

Not to mention the few kings who were hidden in the mutated tide, they were not even seen.

In other words, the Free Federation was confused.

Completely confused...

However, while they are confused, Sea Beast Frenzy will not be confused.

Until now, it is still sweeping the entire continent at a terrifying speed.

The rougher the tide, the more mutated sea beasts will land.

When the sea engulfs this continent, this war will be over.

And this is something that the Free Federation will never tolerate.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to choose to start negotiations with the giant beast they imprisoned.

Yes, negotiate.

It sounds ridiculous, but it is a fact.

Simply because, this giant beast codenamed 'Zero' has evolved from a deep sea beast into an amphibious beast on land and sea.

More importantly, this giant beast should have extremely strong domain awareness.

Thinking of this, the old man in a white mandarin jacket reminded him again:

"Although we are enemies, you have to understand that we are fighting internally after all, and now, foreign enemies have invaded..."

"With deep malice, they intend to destroy everything, even your territory...."

"As the top predator of the food chain, can you tolerate it?"...

As he continued to speak one after another, the old man was suddenly startled.

Just because, he suddenly saw the eyelids of this giant beast trembling slightly, and the brown-yellow pupils like an eagle were raised, staring at him coldly.


After swallowing again, the old man felt his body go limp.

Even though this giant beast is restrained, the pressure that belongs to the top of the food chain still makes people feel a little trembling.

However, at this moment, a long low roar suddenly sounded from the depths of this grand canyon.


The low beast roar and the inexplicable melody surged, but it made the old man look happy.

His talent is communication, being able to communicate with thousands of mutated beasts.

But now, he heard what the giant beast meant


"Me, it's hard to beat them..."

"you...Humanity...Doomed to destruction..."....

Although the sound was intermittent, it was enough for the old man.

That's enough.

Just because, what the giant beast said, the Free Federation had some considerations.

Thinking of this, the old man also waved towards the top of the canyon.

For a moment, under the confused gazes of the giant beasts, a purple-black giant egg came on the elevator.

Moreover, what made the giant beasts even more confused was that countless helicopters were slowly flying over with metal boxes in their hands.

"These are Wurm eggs, which will more than make up for your losses."

After introducing the purple-black dome, the old man pointed to the metal boxes and said bluntly:

"We know that you can swallow nuclear energy, and that is a mountain of nuclear energy, which is enough to greatly increase your combat power."

Speaking of this, the old man suppressed his excitement and continued:

"Now, we give you all this, but you have to promise us not to destroy our country after driving away the mutated sea beasts"

"In exchange, we also promise to give you a place of cultivation..."

"Of course, the most important thing now is that you have to deal with the king of the sea clan. Don’t worry, we humans will help you resist those sea clan soldiers...."

"This is a deal, a fair deal. You will be free, you will be powerful, and we will be safe...."...

And shortly after this somewhat frightening negotiation ended,

"Click, click..."

Accompanied by the sound of chains breaking one after another,


A terrifying roar shook the sky... at the same time,

‘There was a loud bang, and an indescribable wave of spiritual power slowly rose up.

Visible to the naked eye, the increasingly vigorous spiritual power actually dyed the entire canyon red and even melted it a little bit...._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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