While Golden Ant and others were staying in Qingqiu to continue their training, a city on the coast of the Federation...

Magic City is one of the most developed cities in the Federation.

This is true before the spiritual energy is revived, and it is even more true after the spiritual energy is revived.

Just because, in this city, there are so many talented people, and strong people emerge one after another.

This city occupies three of the top ten geniuses in the Federation.

What is even more terrifying is that because this city is located at the mouth of the sea, it has been able to resist landing sea monsters all year round. Every strong person can be said to have walked out of the"mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood".

Both in terms of strength and means, they are far superior to ordinary strong men.

Because of this, Magic City is also known as the"Federal City", and is as famous as the three federal cities of Demon City, Steel City, and Fog City.

And at this moment, on a bus heading towards the sea in Shanghai, a long-haired girl was sitting in front of the car window, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, looking into the distance, and a glimmer of light flashing in her eyes.

This girl is very beautiful, with a youthful look that only high school girls can have. Her white top is slightly see-through, and the corners of her clothes and her long hair are fluttering together. She makes many boys on the bus lose their minds by looking at her.

She is Lin Ziyi, a transfer student who came from nowhere, and her identity is almost a mystery.

Today, she followed the Spiritual Power Academy to the Coastal Military Region for a trial.

The so-called trials are the 'graduation examinations' of every spiritual power academy in the Demon City. All they learn is to kill mutated beasts.

If you can't kill the mutated beast, then what's the use of everything you've learned?

In this way, killing mutant beasts and even mutant sea beasts has become a graduation exam for every spiritual power academy in the Demon City.

In this regard, the Spiritual Power Academy will cooperate with the military.

Students with excellent grades may even be directly recruited to the military to become the backbone of the military region.

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, Lin Ziyi, who was sitting in front of the car window, frowned slightly.

"This is?"

While murmuring softly, her eyes were also looking far away, towards the direction of the sea.

However, for a moment, she seemed to be sure of something.


Exhaling gently, the girl looked at the teacher not far away and called:

"Teacher, something happened. I'll go take a look first."


As if he knew the girl's identity, the teacher wearing glasses also nodded.

And the moment the teacher finished speaking, one after another classmates were stunned, Lin Ziyi's figure slowly blurred. , and the space she was in was more like a distortion, pulling out a transparent vortex

"This is..."

"It’s fake, space power, how is that possible?"

"I must be delusional..."

With one exclamation after another, countless students stood up from their seats.

As graduates, they already have a good understanding of power.

Some of them have amazing talents, even reaching the first level of extraordinary.

But now, looking at this girl, not to mention the ordinary students, even the students who were already at the first level of the extraordinary, all had their mouths wide open.

However, one of the knowledgeable members seemed to know something and couldn't help but murmured:

"One of the top ten geniuses in the Federation, Xiao Xiao, who is known as"miraculous", is actually a girl, and she is still such a young girl."

Xiao, one of the top ten geniuses in the Federation. She is also famous in the Magic City. However, she is too mysterious. Not to mention her face, not many people even know her gender.

However, her signature method is extremely Discernment.

Just because it is known as the 'miracle talent', a true spatial talent that can blend into space and move instantaneously.......

And at the moment when the girl disappeared, somewhere above the sea, a figure with long hair appeared.

Standing quietly in the air, looking at the end of the sea, where the huge waves were rising, the girl's face became more solemn.

If she hadn't sensed such a terrifying crisis, how could she have exposed her identity in front of her classmates.

She just wants to be an ordinary high school student and experience ordinary high school life.

But God did not follow her wishes and brought her to this terrible era.

"Leviathan invasion..."

"Moreover, it is an invasion of sea beasts that far exceeds previous ones...."

While murmuring, the girl linked her fingers with her sword and slashed towards the end of the sea.

"stab pull..."

Accompanied by the sound of the brocade being torn apart, a black line tore towards the horizon.

However, what is shocking is that as time goes by, the line continues to expand, until after spanning a distance of several hundred meters, the line has turned into a black crack dozens of meters long.

And within the cracks, there was roaring terrifying power that could tear everything apart.

Space Slash - tear apart the space in an area, causing space turbulence to crush everything.

This is a very scary move.

At least for low-level mutated sea beasts.

However, just such a terrifying move caused a sudden shock when approaching the huge wave.

Immediately afterwards, under the horrified gaze of the girl Lin Ziyi, a black shadow that covered the sky and sun was revealed in the high waves.


The roar was like thunder, shaking the sky and the earth.

At the same time, a terrifying head full of spikes poked out.

This is a monster.

A real monster.

However, compared to its ferocious appearance, its power is even more terrifying.


Another roar was even more terrifying, and even the space was shaken.

Visible to the naked eye, the black crack created by the girl stopped.

At this moment, the eyes of this ferocious giant monster covered with spikes suddenly glowed red.

Faintly, the sound of shaking chains could be heard in the air.

But don’t wait for the girl to find the source of the sound of the chains.


A spike from the monster's body shot out fiercely.

Fast, incredibly fast.

However, compared to this terrifying speed,What is shocking is that this spike is tens of meters long.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a spear penetrating the sky and the earth


Along with the roar, wherever the spikes passed, a crack tens of meters wide was torn out along with the sea....

"This is definitely not a second-level power."

Using her weird space talent to avoid this terrifying offensive, she slowly turned around. The girl Lin Ziyi was shocked to see a city in the distance. There was a loud 'boom' sound, which was like a nuclear explosion. Same, violent vibration

"this power..."

Amidst some incredible voices, the face of the girl who had always been calm changed drastically.

What was originally just a sharp spike attacking her actually traveled dozens of kilometers and still landed on the city wall of the Magic City.

At this time, she turned her head again and took a deep look at the monster. The girl disappeared into the air without even thinking about it.

However, less than five seconds after the girl disappeared,

"Didi didi...."

"Didi didi...."

"Didi didi...."

The city was completely noisy, and the sirens sounded throughout the city.

"Highest Red Alert, Highest Red Alert..."

"Again, the highest red alert, the highest red alert..."

"Irrelevant people, please retreat. Irrelevant people, please retreat..."_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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