Looking at the seventh brother Kui Zhou from a distance, the blood is spreading out like waves, and the white tiger's pupils are shrinking to the tip of a needle.

"you you..."

Anger is raging like a fire burning in the chest... just a moment


The terrifying roar of the tiger has been roaring in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, under the horrified gazes of countless mutated beasts, at the far end of the sky, a strong wind rolled back into the sky, and even the white clouds under the night were torn apart by the strong wind.

At the same time, a white stream of light, like a shooting star, rushed straight towards the giant black tiger in the distance that turned the endless night into a black cloak.

"This is?"

Frowning his brows slightly, the giant black tiger felt something in his heart.

For some reason, he felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart.

But at this moment,


The strong wind blew back, and a white light approached instantly.

Immediately afterwards, what caught the eye of the black giant tiger was a body that was several times larger than it. Behind it was a pair of ferocious white tigers that looked like dragon wings.

"Winged tiger tribe..."

Full of astonishment, the entire body of the dark giant tiger jumped to the side.

‘There was a loud bang, and the ground shook violently.

Looking up, a 40 to 50 meter large pothole has emerged.

But at this moment, without waiting for the dark giant tiger to react,

‘With a bang, a huge snow-white figure suddenly rushed over from the pothole.

"If you hurt my seventh brother, I will kill you."

The eyes are slightly red, and the tail like a steel whip behind the third white tiger has thrown out a sonic boom.


In just an instant, the tail like a steel whip landed on the giant black tiger.

Before he even had time to react, the giant black tiger was already flung away.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

One after another, countless tall trees were broken.

At the same time, a very shrill tiger roar also sounded.

It hurts.

It hurts.

The giant black tiger, who was rarely injured, felt such pain for the first time.

It was as if the bones were about to be broken into pieces.

But at this moment, I seemed to notice something...The giant black tiger's pupils shrank severely.

Just because, out of the corner of my eye, I saw that white tiger that looked like a madman pounced on me again.


Before he could roar, the giant black tiger felt as if his body was out of control, and his whole body was thrown to the ground.


There are traces of the ground being dragged out for tens of meters and two to three meters deep.

And just at this moment,


The spiritual power gathered, and a flash of spiritual light was locked in Bai Hu's throat.

For a moment, under the horrified gazes of the giant black tiger,

‘There was a loud bang, and a barrel-thick wind column sprayed on the head of the dark giant tiger from zero distance.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The earth shook again and again, and a bottomless pit emerged.

However, the entire black giant tiger was sprayed into the deepest part of the earth....


The night wind was still howling, and the nearby virgin forest was devastated.

At this time, a huge white tiger with snow-white wings stood quietly on a rugged rock with cold eyes.

"Come out, this offensive is not enough to kill you."

Amidst the cold voice, the white tiger also looked at the bottomless hole not far away with fierce eyes.

Even if his eyes could not see it, he could feel a very depressing aura surging up.

"Very long time...I haven't suffered such serious injuries...."

The hoarse voice was full of calm.

But within that calmness, there was a chilling chill that chilled the heart.

"Then you will be even more miserable."

As if stating a fact, the white tiger's white wings have been slowly retracted, like scales, sticking tightly to the body.

At the same time, its entire body has also tightened.

The muscles are moving in a straight line. This terrifying frequency vibration, and more and more vigorous power, are also constantly brewing.

This is a 'muscle breathing method' taught to him by the fourth brother Emperor Crocodile.

He can mobilize more muscle power by adjusting his breathing...

"Bang, bang, bang..."

With the heavy footsteps, the already deep pit became even darker.

Looking carefully, it seems that there is endless darkness, spreading towards the outside world.

Immediately afterwards, a very ferocious figure appeared in Bai Hu's eyes.

The smaller half of his head was covered in blood.

The black hair that was like satin before is even more messy....

At first glance, this guy is really as miserable as what humans call a 'stray dog'.

However, at this time, Bai Hu did not dare to be careless at all.

Only by actually fighting can you understand how amazing this guy's fighting consciousness is.

Even when the White Tiger had just made a surprise attack and completely suppressed him, this guy had avoided all fatal damage.

Even the terrifying wind pillar that Bai Hu finally held down his body and sprayed out from zero distance was mostly dodged by this guy.


Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped in his heart, and the white tiger became more and more cautious.

It has to be said that this will be a fierce battle for him.

However, a tough fight is a tough fight.

Those who should clamor must still clamor.

Thinking of this, Bai Hu also sneered and said:

"If the so-called 'King of the Black Tiger' is this powerful, it would be too disappointing."


Smiling sinisterly, the giant black tiger looked at the white tiger with a somewhat complicated look.

After a moment, he sighed, and the giant black tiger still said in a rare sincerity:

"We are both from the tiger clan, why should we compete?"


Smiling coldly, Bai Hu responded indifferently:

"Not to mention you hurting my brother, just the fact that one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers and one clan cannot tolerate two kings is enough for you and me to fight."

"two kings..."

After murmuring, the giant black tiger also darkened his eyes.

"I see."

Grinning, the black giant tiger also understood in his heart

"It seems that we are indeed going to have one."

As he said this, the endless darkness slowly shrank.

For a moment, in the white tiger's eyes, which seemed to be the deepest darkness, another giant dark tiger walked out.

However, this dark giant tiger is even darker, and even its facial features are a bit blurry.

【Special ability: Shadow Tiger - gives its own shadow huge spiritual power, and then turns it into an entity, possessing 70% of the combat power of the original body.】

"Come on, let's start over."

The words fell,

"Roar, roar..."

Amidst the roars of the tigers, two dark giant tigers suddenly rushed towards the white tiger from the left and right sides. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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