North of Qingqiu, there is a virgin forest.

The trees are as tall as the sky, some are even hundreds of meters high.

And such tall trees are somewhat rare in this era of spiritual energy recovery.

In the misty mountains, nourished by Yu Ziyu, it is not surprising that all the trees are so tall.

But in this green hill, the trees are so tall.

I have to say that Qingqiu is indeed a good place.

There is water and soil on one side, and animals on the other.

Now, thanks to a blessed place like Qingqiu, many powerful mutated beasts have been bred.’...



A low roar of a tiger came from the distant virgin forest.


With his eyes focused, he saw that many mutated beasts headed by Thorns were standing on a hillside.

On the left and right sides of Thorns, there was a very huge fox.

A white fox with two black eyes. The eyes are curved, the furry tail is raised high, and the body is relatively petite, with a sense of exquisiteness.

The other is a black fox. This fox squints its eyes and looks very soft under the moonlight, like a charming woman. The kind of woman is incomparably beautiful.

But at this moment, listening to the reminder of the thorns, it lazily retracted its front paws, slowly raised its whole body, stretched its neck, and suddenly, there was an indescribable touch of all kinds of things. The amorous feelings were actually revealed, and the thorns on the side could not help but squint their eyes.

"If this guy could transform like the great demon in myths and legends, he would definitely be a master who brought disaster to the country and the people."

Sighing, Thorny also looked at the golden ant standing quietly on a treetop, and reminded:

"Fifth brother, there will probably be a fierce battle later."


He responded coldly, and the Golden Ant clenched his fists.

Just because, at this moment, there was a terrible and evil aura coming towards his face.....


The low roar of the tiger echoed in the forest. moment,

"Step, step, step..."

Along with very heavy footsteps, countless black shadows were slowly pulled out from the night.

Looking up, I saw dangerous peaks standing tall and jagged rocks. Huge mutated tigers one after another strode out from the dark night.

"You are the reinforcements of the Fox Clan..."

In the very cold voice, a giant tiger with a dark body and a very strong body has sharp eyes.

"The tiger of darkness..."

While murmuring, Thorny's pupils also shrank severely.

I have to say, this guy is really scary.

Just the smell alone feels depressing.

In particular, the countless shadows gathering at its feet...It was as if he was walking out of the deepest darkness, with an indescribable power.

At this time, Thorns also noticed the three strange tigers beside the giant black tiger.

One of them was covered in blood, and his hair was so bright that it made your heart tremble slightly.

This is the second leader, the Blood Tiger King.

Cruel by nature, very bloodthirsty...

Next to this bloody tiger king was a very petite tiger.

However, it is more like a cat than a tiger.

Just because it is too petite, only the size of a basketball.

But just this small figure made Thorny's eyes narrow.

"Mutated black-footed cat..."

In the soft whisper, Thorns was also a little wary.

Just because the mutated black-footed cat is indeed a kind of cat as its name suggests.

Moreover, it is also a very cute cat.

However, if you look down on it because of the cat, you may not die too quickly.

Before the advent of the extraordinary era, the black-footed cat was known as a cat with"outrageous combat power".

Even when they are lazy, they are very cute.

But if you encounter prey, the picture will change instantly.

The firm and ferocious eyes, the slightly arched back, and the black hair on its feet are enough to overwhelm its prey in terms of momentum.

And this is not terrible.

The most terrifying thing is that before the advent of the extraordinary era, the black-footed cat was able to hunt prey four times his size.

I even successfully hunted a giraffe.

And its body is only as big as two human hands.

This shows how ferocious this cat is...

But now, the spiritual power is revived, all things are constantly evolving, and they are even blessed by spiritual power....The size gap will be infinitely narrowed.

If calculated like this, who knows how scary this cat would be.

And this is the third king of the Five Tigers - Elvis Presley


Taking a deep breath, Thorns also focused on the last figure.

Scary, very scary, with a humanoid figure, the head of a tiger and the body of a tiger, with thick yellow and black hair draped over the body like a coat, and the word"王" between the eyebrows, shining brightly.

His muscles are very developed, like a horned dragon, and his limbs are even thicker.

His shoulders are broad and his entire body is very tall. He stands like a stone tower, standing tall. fifth king...nameless...

The reason why he is 'nameless' is because this guy has always been indifferent and never speaks. If the black and white foxes were not well-informed, no one would have known about this guy's existence.

However, the more mysterious it is, the more terrifying it is.

This is one of the unchanging theorems of extraordinary times.

But now, after taking a deep look at this figure, Thorns had to admit that the fifth king was indeed terrifying.

This is a man who is no less powerful than her

"The leaders of the Five Tiger Clan, each one more terrifying than the last..."

With a touch of deep fear, the originally charming black fox tensed up his body, and his black and satin-like hair started to fly.


He nodded, and the golden ant standing on the treetop also had some recognition.

But more than recognition, it was more of a rising fighting spirit.

Visible to the naked eye, with the 'golden ant' as the center, a storm was set off, and There is a tendency to spread

"No wonder they dared to provoke us and invited such reinforcements."

After taking a deep look at the golden figure at the treetop, the Dark Tiger's eyes narrowed slightly.

However, for a moment, its face turned cold and hummed:

"However, you still cannot escape death."

The words fell,


The terrifying tiger roar suddenly sounded.

Visible to the naked eye, waves of sound come out from the mouth of this dark giant tiger.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Accompanied by successive explosions, countless rocks within a kilometer radius exploded, and even tall trees began to turn into powder.

【Tiger Roar - The terrifying tiger roar has extremely strong penetrating power, enough to turn into sound waves and kill everything.】

"This guy...."

Looking at this terrifying and devastating offensive, the Black Fox King also felt a little numb.

But for a moment, she gritted her teeth and stood up.

After all, her tribe was behind them. If this sound wave was allowed to sweep across the rear area, it would probably cause heavy damage.

However, before she could burst out her spiritual power, she screamed.



A very terrifying dragon roar suddenly sounded in the forest behind the Black Fox King.

The dragon's roar was violent, but its power was no less powerful than this terrifying tiger's roar.


Accompanied by a terrifying roar, it was visible to the naked eye that the two sonic offensives that created ripples in the air had collided.

For a moment, many mutated beasts felt that the world was quiet.

However, if they touch their ears at this time, there will definitely be blood overflowing.

It was at this time that the people of the Five Tiger Clan were shocked to discover that a very terrifying figure slowly stood up in the forest behind the Fox Clan.

This figure has never been seen before.

But it is extremely ferocious.

The forelimbs are raised high, and there is a tail like a steel whip behind it, swaying slowly.

And just such a figure, when it stood up, seemed to block the sky and the sun, completely blocking the moonlight above its head.


As soon as the foot fell, the ground trembled, and the terrifying aftermath spread in all directions, even the primeval forest began to tremble. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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