At this moment, a laugh suddenly came from behind.

Looking for the sound, the white fox suddenly found a humanoid figure, stepping on the fallen leaves, slowly coming.

She is dressed very 'simplely'.

Only a few green leaves cover the most important parts of the body...

Behind the back, there are blood-colored vines one after another, like blood pythons, stretching towards the sky with their teeth and claws.

"queen of thorns..."

With a touch of respect, Bai Hu lowered his head decisively.

The Queen of Thorns is the sixth mysterious existence on the surface of the Misty Mountain.

Few people have seen her face, even Bai Hu has only heard about her.

But when the white fox actually saw the Queen of Thorns, she regretted it.

This is a terrifying existence that emerged from the sea of ​​blood.

Even now, watching her approach, Bai Hu could feel the smell of blood that was so strong that it couldn't be dispelled.

My breathing is slightly tight...

However, what is a bit surprising is that the strong smell of blood that cannot be resolved is not fishy, ​​but has a hint of sweetness.

However, even so, looking at this girl covered in blood, she is a mutated beast, and she is probably trembling.

Just because the bloody vines surrounding the girl's body were still dripping with scarlet blood.

That is the blood of one mutated beast after another, and it has never dried up until now...........

The Queen of Thorns is an extremely bloodthirsty and terrifying existence.

In front of her, the white fox was a little frightened.

"Your blood must be delicious."

A faint voice suddenly rang in the ears of the white fox, which frightened the white fox.

At this time, when he raised his head, the white fox was horrified to find that the Queen of Thorns had pulled her to her side, and was still licking the residue at the corner of her mouth. There was a flash of blood.

However, before the white fox could respond, the Queen of Thorns raised the corner of her mouth and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of my companions."

As he said that, the thorns slowly came to the top of the mountain.

Looking down, looking...

Piles and piles of mutated beasts are all fighting hard.

Although the Fox Clan has many tribes under its command, they are still retreating steadily in the face of the large armies led by the Tiger Clan commanders.

But now, looking at this scene quietly, a flash of blood flashed in the depths of Thorny's eyes.

After a moment, he slowly raised his right hand.

The scarlet spiritual power is already wrapped around it

"Hang it..."

With the soft call, the seeds that had already fallen began to grow wantonly.

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Amidst the frightening screams one after another, countless mutated beasts were shocked to discover that countless blood-red vines were rising from the ground.

They are like countless blood-red giant pythons, growing wantonly and entangling wantonly...

"Jab pull, jab pull, jab pull..."

The sharp blood thorns of the vines pierced the mutated beast fiercely, causing an even more shrill scream.

For a moment, it was like a prison for a kilometer in radius.

Even the existences of several extraordinary first-order leaders of the Five Tiger Clan were in desperate situations.

One after another, bloody vines tightly entangled them.

Spiritual power, blood, everything is flowing away crazily.

In just a moment, a mutated tiger that was wrapped into a rice dumpling by bloody vines actually withered....

And all the blood around it has been swallowed up

"Sure enough, war can make me grow faster."

Puckering her red lips, feeling the terrifying power coming from the blood-colored vines, her thorny eyes couldn't stop flashing.

In just a short time, her spiritual power had already surged by 20,000.

You know, she was only forty in total. Tens of thousands of spiritual powers.

What’s even more terrifying is that she hasn’t had time to digest most of the spiritual powers. Once she truly digests them, her spiritual powers will probably skyrocket again....

Of course, it is undeniable that the spiritual power obtained by devouring it in this way has many impurities, and it will also affect her sanity.

Thinking of this, Thorny also took out a willow leaf from his waist....

Then, he put it in his mouth.

And the moment she took the willow leaf in her mouth, a touch of coolness came from the willow leaf.

The owner's willow leaves have strange powers, can soothe people's minds, and are full of vitality.

Yu Ziyu doesn't have many leaves like this.

Each piece needs to be polished with spiritual power and life essence.

However, considering that thorns and bloodthirsty guys like Kui Zhou were likely to be dazzled by the killing, Yu Ziyu also prepared three pieces for each of them.

And just when Thorns was about to launch his killing move, another battlefield,


A violent dragon roar shook the sky and even the earth.

Immediately afterwards,

"Bang, bang, bang..."

As the earth shook, a giant beast came running wildly from the distant sky.

He is huge and ferocious.

The forelimbs were raised high, as if they were going to tear everything apart in front of them. Behind them, there was a huge tail that was tens of meters long.

Kuizhousaurus - the overlord of the Cretaceous period, is also a long-lost dinosaur family in this world.

Looking at such a creature, most people in the fox tribe, let alone the tiger tribe, were dumbfounded.

But at this time, Kui Zhou had no time to care about them. excited, excited...

The smell of blood stimulated every cell in his body

"Roar, roar..."

With bursts of dragon roars, Kui Zhou became more and more excited.

For a moment, the powerful hind limbs bent sharply

‘There was a loud bang, and the ground seemed to be unable to bear his weight and instantly shattered. With this, Kui Zhou's entire body jumped to a height of hundreds of meters.

Hundreds of meters high, what is the concept?

Mutated beasts that can't fly are hard to understand.

That's a terrifying height that sinks into the clouds...

However, what is even more terrifying than this is that Kui Zhou is huge and weighs 10,000 tons.

Ten thousand tons, a very scary word.

But now, Kui Zhou with such a tonnage is slamming into the battlefield.


Accompanied by a loud noise, like a nuclear explosion, the terrifying shock wave spread.

At this moment, the entire battlefield trembled, as if there was a big earthquake, and no mutant beast could stand firm.

In the center of the explosion, countless blood mist exploded, and a huge pothole emerged.

But, in the pit where dust and sand are rising all over the sky,

"Roar, roar..."

The increasingly violent dragon roars have resounded throughout the world

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Another shock, step by step.

Under the horrified gazes of countless mutated beasts, a huge monster covered in blood and holding an extraordinary first-level mutated yellow tiger in its mouth slowly walked out of the dust.

"This guy Lao Qi is really scary."

With lingering fear, she put down the countless blood-colored vines that blocked the shock wave from far away, and the thorns' face was also a little twitching.

At this moment, she finally understood why the sacred tree 'kept the three giant beasts quiet in the misty mountains'.

This way destructive power...Even ten foggy mountains are not enough for them.

And this is the giant beast!

The most terrifying place for prehistoric monsters!

The destructive power far exceeds cognition, enough to make most mutated beasts fearful. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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