A remote grove on the border of Luo Kingdom


With a soft call, a young man with long platinum hair and very pale skin bowed down respectfully.

Vampire Kaili, Ling'er is the most capable assistant.

Now, he has respectfully narrated:

"Miss, everything is according to your plan. Until now, Iron Fist Tyrant Benson has revealed the life essence of the Misty Mountain to the public."

"What's more important is that under our guidance, this guy successfully broke with the top management of Luo Kingdom and established himself as king."

Listening to the voice of vampire Kaili, Ling'er, who was shrouded in black robes, also slightly raised the corners of his mouth and praised:

"well done."

Smiling proudly, vampire Kaili no longer concealed his inner pride and said bluntly:

"Since they drank my blood, they should die if necessary."

"It's just a pity that a high-level member of the Luo Kingdom who was finally obtained is gone."

Smiled, Ling'er also knew what he was aware of.

One of the most terrifying abilities of vampire Kaili is the blood dependent. Anyone who drinks his blood will greatly increase their strength and even their lifespan. As time goes by, the consciousness will gradually disappear until he completely becomes Kaili's slave.

This is a very terrifying ability.

With this ability and the cooperation of many alien races, the vampire Kaili has been built among ordinary people. A huge and terrifying force.

Of course, this force just hides behind the scenes and is not visible to the light.

Moreover, there are not many human extraordinary people in this force.

Most of the top combat forces are aliens.

And at the bottom, there are some Human beings who have no talent, but have a large number of connections, wealth or status.

These humans either long for power or long for longevity....

Everything starts from greed.

In this regard, Di Ji Ling'er did what he wanted, using the vampire Kaili's ability to give others strength and even lifespan, and then control them.

However, now, this organization has one more thing that can attract humans to join.

Thinking of this, Ling'er already showed off her skills.

For a moment, under the stunned gaze of vampire Kaili, a porcelain bottle filled with green liquid quietly appeared in Ling'er's hand.

Essence of life, not just one drop or two...

It's a whole bottle.

And if this were known to some humans, it would probably cause a huge shock.

After all, everyone in the world already knows the wonder of the essence of life.

Now, I don’t know how many people are crazy about chasing it.

You know, the two drops of life essence just now caused countless people to fight to death, and even several second-level extraordinary experts were seriously injured.

This shows how terrifying the attraction of the essence of life is to the world.

But now, Ling'er actually took out a whole bottle...


Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped in his heart, and vampire Kaili also chased away the look of envy deep in his eyes.

This is the owner's thing.

As a slave, he didn't dare to covet it.

However, at this moment, Ling'er seemed to have noticed the vampire Kaili's thoughts, and Ling'er also smiled playfully:

"Want it?"

"The subordinates dare not."

With a touch of panic, the vampire responded immediately.

"It's okay, just ask if you want."

Speaking of this, Ling'er also opened the porcelain bottle and poured out five drops.

"I’ll give you these five drops, so you can cultivate well."

"Thank you, master. Thank you, master."

With a voice full of excitement, Vampire Kaili looked at the five drops of life essence in his hand with a touch of blazing heat.

With these five drops of life essence, his strength can skyrocket again.

However, at this time, no longer waiting Vampire Kaili reacted, and ten more drops of life essence shot towards him.

"Master, what is this?"

"This is for the organization. With these ten drops of life essence, I believe you should be able to attract many strong humans."


His face was slightly startled, and Vampire Kaili seemed to have no reaction.

But for a moment,


Taking a deep breath and suppressing the excitement in his heart, vampire Kaili also affirmed:

"This is nature. With human greed, these ten drops of life essence are enough to win over many strong men."

"That's good."

With a faint smile, Ling'er also lifted up the black hat on her back and put it on her head. It's almost time to return to the Federation.

There are more important things waiting for her in the Federation.

But just as Ling'er walked toward the woods Walking deeper, when the figure was about to disappear, a question suddenly came from behind:

"Master, what should we call our organization?"

"How to call it?"

After a pause, Ling'er also had a look of thought on his face.

After a moment, a playful voice quietly sounded in the heart of vampire Kaili:

"Let's call it the 'Dark Parliament', with the 'Sacred Tree' as the totem...."

"dark council..."

With a murmur, vampire Kaili also understood in his heart

"Rising from the twilight years, rooted in the deepest darkness of mankind...And this is the Dark Parliament...It will also be the largest dark force in the human world...".....

And just when Ling'er casually said"Dark Parliament", there were also voices outside the foggy mountains in the past few days.

Yes, vocals.

One after another, human beings who longed for 'power' came to the Misty Mountains to seek opportunities.

Among them, many people have stepped into the misty mountains.

Just in the pitiful eyes of both pairs, a shrill scream pierced the sky.

Looking up, the fog in the sky rolled back and turned into a huge fog, crushing the human being in an instant.

There were even roars that seemed to come from"ancient times", resounding through the clouds.

Looking carefully, deep in the mist, there are actually pairs of green eyes, looking at everything greedily.

"Wind wolves, a very scary group in the misty mountains, have been waiting outside the misty mountains. Anyone who breaks in without permission will be torn to pieces by them."

After taking a deep look at the figures hiding in the fog, a well-informed person also explained seriously.


Slightly startled, one of the people's eyes focused on the huge beast that turned into mist again and slowly dissipated.

"That's the fog beast, right?"

"Yes, fog beast."

Nodding, the others also echoed:

"This is the unique mist beast of the misty mountains, immortal and immortal...extremely difficult to deal with..." ps:-----------Request full order-----------

There are bound to be four updates every day, so don’t worry, Crimson is delayed today, there are two more updates, there’s still time, don’t worry.

As for the update on National Day, Crimson here sincerely apologizes....Alas, everyone is on holiday, my classmates and friends are on holiday one by one, and Crimson is very popular, and there is one party after another... emmmmm

It's very sad, I let everyone down, ugh....

However, it’s okay now, the National Day is over.

Scarlet Hong has started coding full-time again, and has tried to stay up late again these days.

Ten updates...Crimson will make up for it. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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