
The violent shouting was like thunder, shaking most of the city.

The entire city was reduced to a battlefield.

Looking up, the already devastated city was even more devastated.

The wave rolled up high, and countless sea beasts surged along the wave. Come on, each human being holds a sharp blade and rushes out

"bang, bang, bang..."

In the continuous collisions, the scales and the sharp blades have come face to face again and again.

However, compared to these, the blood is even more splashing

‘With a click, a human being was split into two by the claws of a mutant blue crab.

"Old cow."

Amid the heart-rending shouts, another human race rushed over desperately.

"You go to hell."

With an angry shout, the sword in his hand slashed hard at the mutated crab's head.

"stab pull..."

A series of sparks flew everywhere, but looking at the white mark on the shell of a huge blue crab, which was only as tall as a person, this human also had cold hands and feet.


In the bitter voice, this human who had just entered the level saw a pair of cold and cruel eyes.

For a moment, in his desperate eyes, a very huge pliers with a length of three meters was smashing towards him.

However, at this moment, a cold snort came from far away.

And at the next moment, without waiting for this human reaction,

‘A sharp sound like a tearing brocade resounded through the streets.

At this time, with his eyes widened, this advanced human saw that this extraordinary crab actually had a fist-sized hole in its body.

Through this hole, this advanced human even saw countless mutated sea beasts behind it, all of which had been penetrated.


Somewhat unbelievable, this advanced human being was also stunned.

But for a moment,

‘With a bang, a strong wind passed by.

A dark, mysterious figure appeared at the end of the street.

And his right hand grabbed the spear that he shot out

"This is not something you can interfere with."

As a reminder, the first knight of the Federation, the legendary knight, slowly raised his eyes and looked at the overwhelming tide of beasts not far away.

However, before he could make any move, there was something in the rear. Suddenly there was a loud shout

"Thief, do you dare?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a silver-white sword light tens of feet tore through the sky.

"These guys."

Looking at the place behind where the sword energy was raging, the expression of the first knight of the Federation also changed slightly.

Sure enough, these guys came here for the Yalong eggs.......

But at this moment, in the center of the city, a very huge building suddenly exploded, and countless sword rays were flying across it.

"Step, step, step..."

Following heavy footsteps, amidst the sword light, a figure wearing a green robe, with a somewhat sluggish aura, but who looked like an immortal, slowly walked out.

Young and old, one is the strongest.

He appeared out of nowhere, but even Ling'er was afraid of him.

But now, this Taoist who looked like an immortal had a pale face, looking coldly at the figures around him that came from nowhere.

Most of these figures are masked, hiding their shapes.

But during the fight, Qing Lao had already noticed the identities of these people.

"Luo Kingdom——The Iron Fist Tyrant Benson, the snake-controlling lineage of Brahma Saint Cult, and...Rock King of Yue Kingdom...good very good."

With a cold voice, Qing Lao pointed out the identities of many people present without any regard for any emotion.

And the coldness of his words made everyone present feel tense.

"Why bother?"

With a sigh, the burly man in Luo Kingdom, who was called the 'Iron Fist Tyrant', had already torn off his mask.

He didn't want to break his face.

But now, this guy is like this, so that's all he can do....


With a sigh, Benson's fists were filled with flickering lightning. What was even more terrifying was that his aura actually increased at a terrifying speed....

On the other side, strong men from other forces also walked out one after another.

If it were before, they wouldn't be like this.

But now, naming his identity is tantamount to breaking his face, and they will not hold back anymore.

However, thankfully, this time, the three strongest players in the Federation were more or less injured.

Among them, the First Knight, with most of his arms disabled, went to resist the beast tide.

Otherwise, these people really don’t have the courage to take action....

But at this moment, everyone didn't know that in the building they almost destroyed, a touch of emerald green appeared in a small corner.

Immediately afterwards, a willow tree more than ten meters high was already rising faintly.

"Long time no see, Linger."

With a smile, Yu Ziyu's voice was already sitting cross-legged not far away, and the girl's heart rang.

"Long time no see, master."

Suppressing the excitement in her heart, Ling'er's voice trembled slightly.

But for a moment, as if she had reacted, her eyes suddenly moved to both sides.

However, what surprised her was that around her, he was guarding Ya with him. The human being in the dragon egg turned into an ice sculpture at some point.

"Don't worry, they won't get out of here alive."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu took a deep look outside and continued:

"If you think about it, there will be no one person or mutant beast surviving in this city."

Amidst the rare coldness, a suffocating breath filled the air.

However, after a moment, Ling'er shook his head violently and interrupted:

"No, master"

"The Federation will go crazy if you do this."

Listening to Ling'er's voice, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but smile.

Indeed, if all the strong men present were wiped out, I guess the Federation would directly go to war with the Misty Mountain.

After all, the three strongest men, plus many extraordinary second Level.

Such many strong men are enough to shake the foundation of the entire federation.

At that time, it is conceivable what extreme things the crazy federation would do.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also smiled and said:

"I'm just saying that."

However, after a moment, Yu Ziyu changed her words and added coldly:

"Tell me, all the humans here, who do you want to see the King of Hell?"


After being stunned for a moment, Ling'er was also helpless.

Look at the master, this posture is destined to see blood.

But, yes.

It’s a rare trip, how could it be possible without blood?

As the Lord of the Mist, he arrived with great fanfare. If he just slipped away, wouldn't he lose his prestige?

And, more importantly, Ling'er also needs to kill a few people with his master's hands.

Thinking of this, Linger also said frankly:

"Master, one of the two strongest men in the Federation besides me, that young man, if you can, you'd better take him back. He seems to have some problems."

Speaking of this, Ling'er named a few more names of humans who were at odds with him.

She is already very good at excluding dissidents.

If it weren't for her scruples, annihilating everyone present would drive the federation crazy. , she will not stop Yu Ziyu.

Moreover, another point worth mentioning is that her status in the Federation is now stable.

If everyone present is wiped out and she is left alone to go back, the Federation will be suspicious.

This It's not good for her plan.

For her, the best way to deal with humans is not to suppress them with force.

It's to eat away at them bit by bit....

Yes, nibbling.

It sounds like a fantasy, but it is the most effective method.

Just like now, she, known as the 'Emperor Ji', has quietly taken control of three cities in the federation.

And this is one of the reasons why Yu Ziyu will ask for her opinion when dealing with humans.

It's good to feel refreshed for a while.

But if Ling'er's plan was ruined, it would be a bit unsightly. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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