【Small magical power - petrification: where the eyes look and the soul takes photos, a large number of elements will continue to gather and fill, and finally turn it into solid stone. 】

This is Snake Girl’s innate magical power.

After she was born due to some accident, she had such magical powers.

However, this magical power consumes a certain amount of power.

And that kind of power, She Ji calls it eye power.

If this power is consumed to a large extent, it will damage the eyes. In severe cases, Snake Girl may even have blurred vision.

And now, staring deeply at the huge fox shrouded in a sea of ​​fire in the distance, visible to the naked eye, like ice, the vast tracts of desert are constantly petrifying,

"Tsk tsk..."

There was a chuckle, but Kyuubi didn't pay too much attention.

This kind of power is indeed terrifying for ordinary people, and it is even fatal to most powerful people of the same level.

Unfortunately, she is a Kyuubi and has the blood of the Sky Fox.

In itself, it is perfect in all aspects, and even its insight has reached an extreme.

But now, in her perception, she can clearly see countless indescribable forces, eroding everything like waves.

And it’s terrifyingly fast

"Although the speed is fast, can it be faster than me?"

Amidst the rare laughter, the flaming waves at Jiuwei's feet were surging fiercely.

Then, in Snake Princess's somewhat horrified eyes, Jiuwei's figure turned into a blur and disappeared in her eyes in an instant. within sight

"Damn speed."


She Ji was also helpless. With her little magical power, what she feared most was the existence that was astonishingly fast and could capture her power.

But now, she met one with almost no chance of death.

However, This is not the end.

Since the simple little magic power comes in handy, let's fight.

Thinking of this, Snake Girl waved her tail


As the dust rolled up all over the sky, her entire figure melted into the yellow sand. at the same time,

"bang, bang, bang..."

The successive collisions resounded throughout half of the desert.

Looking up, the yellow sand in the sky has turned into a giant python thirty to forty meters long, and the monstrous flames have also turned into a red fox whose size is not inferior to the sand python.

"Roar, roar..."

"Hiss, hiss..."...

A sound like a fox howl coming from ancient times, and a neighing sound so cold that it freezes people's hearts, constantly intertwined, covering up the successive collisions.

At this moment, there are only two giant beasts, constantly colliding in the desert.

From the first few kilometers to the dozens of kilometers now...

Their battlefield is continuously expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Flame Pillar..."

With a low cry in his heart, the Kyuubi, which was hidden in the waves of fire, raised its head.

After a moment, he opened his mouth and vomited

‘There was a loud bang, and the bursting flame turned into a pillar of fire as thick as a bucket, rushing straight towards She Ji.

But don't wait for it to get close to She Ji.

The yellow sand in the sky has been constantly intertwined, turning into a sand shield tens of meters high.


The loud noise shook dozens of kilometers of desert.

The terrifying shock wave stirred up countless amounts of sand and dust.

At this time, if you look at the center of the entire battlefield, you can suddenly see that half of the world is filled with the collision of yellow sand and flames.

Half yellow sand, half flame.

And where they meet, countless yellow sands seem to crystallize under high temperatures, giving them a transparent texture.

However, before this crystal could last for a long time, Jiuwei's eyes suddenly condensed.

At the same time, the even more terrifying flames have rolled back


The terrifying high temperature seemed to distort the air, and the surroundings of Kyuubi presented an illusory texture.

However, even such extremely deep red flames completely broke through the blockade of the yellow sand.


With a loud noise, the sand shield was completely penetrated.

Immediately afterwards, the thicker flame pillars cut through most of the desert.

From a distance, it looked like a laser, leaving a trail of charred blackness.

But at this time, Kyuubi didn't feel proud at all.

Just because an inexplicable crisis has emerged in her heart

"Hidden in the yellow sand?"

With a whisper, Jiuwei's limbs were pointing towards the desert one after another.


Following this whisper, countless crimson flames spread out in all directions with the Nine-Tails as the center.


Suppressing the twitching at the corner of her mouth, She Ji disappeared into the depths of the yellow sand and retreated immediately.

Faced with this unreasonable large-scale offensive, it was difficult to even get close, let alone a sneak attack.

Moreover, Snake Princess has now discovered a very terrifying fact. This guy's spiritual power seems to be endless, and he can perform large-scale moves one after another without any fatigue.....

At this time, a voice sounded in Yu Ziyu’s ears.

"Sacred tree, who do you think can win?"

Looking at the excitement, Wucai Linghua also asked curiously.

"Kyuubi will not lose."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu also gave an answer.

"Won't lose?"

Slightly stunned, Wucai Linghua was also a little puzzled.

After a moment, looking at Wucai Linghua with a confused face, Yu Ziyu also explained:

"The most terrifying thing about Kyuubi is its control over spiritual power and its endless supply of spiritual power."

"To be more precise, even if you look at the nine-tailed ultimate moves, one after another, her own spiritual power is still abundant. Even except for the physical consumption, she is not much different from the beginning."


Listening to Yu Ziyu's explanation, Wucai Linghua also fell into confusion.

Is this the legendary perpetual motion machine?

After a pause, the colorful spirit flower looked at the battlefield again.

Sure enough, what caught his eye was the nine-tails breathing increasingly surging flames....It seemed endless, even the sky was dyed red.

It was a blazing flame that was enough to burn most of the city, and it was also a crimson flame that was enough to turn the sea of ​​sand into hell.


There was a moment of confusion, and the colorful spirit flower was also a little numb.

She is worthy of being the eldest sister among the nine beasts.

This method is really speechless. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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