Practice consists in plundering.

This is the current perception of the transcendent.

But this time, he and even Yu Ziyu gained a lot from refining Emperor Yate.

Not only that.

Grinning, the Transcendent also raised his eyes and looked at Yu Ziyu

"Next, is the real fierce battle"

"I know."

Yu Ziyu nodded, with a complicated look on his face.

He didn't expect to encounter such a civilization on the way to the wizard civilization.

This is very good.

It gave him a chance to train.

It also proved how powerful the three taboo legions can be when they join forces. Horrible.

Almost overwhelming.

Unless the Eternal Lord takes action or reveals the truth, nothing can stop them.

It’s just that

"The three taboo legions are the most powerful legions standing at the apex of the starry sky, and they are also the vanguard of the starry sky and the earth...."

"They must not be defeated, otherwise it will be an unimaginable heavy blow to Xingkong."

Yu Ziyu murmured, with a flash of determination on his face.

He wants to personally protect the three taboo legions.

Especially the fallen angels.

The fourth natural disaster, and the undead natural disaster, it's okay to say...These two legions are dominated by numbers.

As long as you have the so-called fire, you can grow exponentially.

957But the Fallen Angel Legion is different.

This legion is really one dead and one missing....


"The subordinates are here."

In sudden response, a hazy figure appeared behind Yu Ziyu.

He even knelt down on one knee, extremely Chicheng

"From now on, you, the Fallen Angel Legion, will be my exclusive bodyguards, right?"

"Yes, master."

In response, Lucifer's expression was extremely calm.

But looking carefully, his eyes flickered slightly, as if he understood something.

He knew Yu Ziyu's master. He also knew that the master valued their existence.

And at this time, The Transcendent also spoke:

"Emperor Yat has been refined, it’s time for us to set off, right?"


As soon as the words fell, Yu Ziyu also raised his steps and walked towards the depths of chaos.

Accompanied by this,

"Swish, swish, swish..."

"Swish, swish, swish...."

The dark stream of light cuts through the chaos...

Those are countless fallen angels.

Each of them carried dark wings on their backs, flashing in the chaos.

As Yu Ziyu's personal guards, they will naturally need to follow Yu Ziyu in the future.

Not long after the Fallen Angel Legion took action, the Fourth Scourge and the Undead Scourge and other legions set off one after another.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

With continuous roars, the entire chaos was making extremely terrifying noises.

At this time, deep in the wizarding civilization


While muttering, the primitive beast looked complicated.

Most of the military strength of the wizard civilization has been gathered.

Just to fight against the high-dimensional demons.

They have discovered traces of high-dimensional demons.

Next, what awaits the wizard civilization will be an unprecedented war.

However, the only problem now is that the master must not run into the main force of the wizard civilization.

This main force is too terrifying.

Any civilization that collides with it will be destroyed.

Just because...This main force, just looking at the eternal appearance, has more than thirty people.

This is only on the surface.

Behind the scenes, I don’t know how many there are.

It also has the heritage of the seven major civilizations of wizard civilization, accompanying them.

To put it bluntly, even if Yu Ziyu's three taboo legions collided with such a main force, they would still be dead.

It's just a matter of the length of time.

In this way, it is conceivable how terrifying the main force of the wizard civilization is.

How suffocating.

However, at this moment, a willow leaf suddenly glowed with an inexplicable light.

Picking up this piece of willow leaf, the primitive beast's eyes flickered. (bhcb)For a moment, his divine power surged


There was a sudden roar, and countless images flashed through his mind.

"What, it’s already here."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In a daze, the primitive beast was helpless.

The master has already arrived.

It came so suddenly.


"In this case, I can't sit still and wait for death."

With a sigh, a look of determination appeared on the face of the primitive beast.

The wizard civilization is not a unified one.

In other words, many civilizations have been destroyed by the wizard civilization in recent years.

However, any civilization that wants to kill them all is not Ordinary hardship.

And the fires of these civilizations continue to gather, just for revenge.

They are the enemies of wizards.

The enemies of wizards are a force that cannot be ignored by wizard civilization.

Among them, there are more than ten Eternals.

They come from various civilizations..

Their hatred for wizard civilization is beyond imagination.[]

I wish I could eat the flesh of the wizard and drink the blood of the wizard...

And such enemies of wizards have some connection with primitive beasts.

It was precisely because the primitive beasts saw how powerful they were that they...aroused interest

"If the enemy of wizards can join forces with the master, they may be able to threaten wizard civilization."

Thinking about this, the primitive beast also plans to have a real trip.

But before that,


With a sudden roar, the primitive beast that was originally a whole burst out into two groups of golden and purple light.

Accompanied by it are two figures, slowly emerging between heaven and earth.

"long time no see..."

"Long time no see."

Talking in unison, two extremely familiar figures have completely emerged. The golden figure is mighty and domineering, with unimaginable ferocity.

This is the golden ant.

Dominating the world.

Another figure, surrounded by purple light, countless In the intertwined lightning, there was an aura that looked down on the world.

This is Zi Si.

And they are the generals that Yu Ziyu cares about most.

In order to carry out the mission, the two of them merged, turned into primitive beasts, and came to the wizard civilization...

But now...They actually split into two

"Next, I will go to the enemy of the wizard, and you will be in charge of the wizard civilization."

Zi Lian's cold voice echoed between heaven and earth.

"No problem, just be careful and don't get into trouble"

"probably not."

Zi Lian affirmed....

Nothing will happen to him.

He also has to meet his master.

I also want to meet all my friends. so....

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