The Dark Tiger's breakthrough was extremely smooth.

And this is understandable.

He is a fusion of Tao and Fruit from two lifetimes, and he has a rich foundation.

However, what surprised Yu Ziyu was that the Dark Tiger's combat power seemed to be extraordinary.

【Race: Dark Tiger.

Level: Tianmen Ninth Level.

Talent: Origin of Darkness - Carrying the Origin of Darkness, controlling darkness, and becoming the absolute king of darkness.

The power of shadow - the interweaving of light and darkness, and then gave birth to the power of shadow, which can control ~ shadow.


The art of shadow manipulation - can control the shadow to fight. Its shadow, especially the shadow of the body, is no less extreme than its own. -Combat power.

Fixation - being able to rely on the shadow to fix others.

Dark vortex - capable of swallowing all magic power.

Darkness descends—turning heaven and earth into darkness, covering everything......】

Watching quietly, Yu Ziyu was also surprised.

Especially, the power of shadow.

Yu Ziyu feels that there is great potential

"The power of shadow..."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu looked at Chaos.

There, under the illumination of the chaotic starlight, the shadow of a dark tree shone dimly.

That's his reflection.

If the Tiger of Darkness could control his shadow, then his combat power would be terrifying beyond imagination.

And this is also a direction that the Dark Tiger is working towards.

However, the premise is that he has the means to separate other people's shadows.

Not only that, he can also try to form an army of shadows.

These are the future directions of the Dark Tiger.

But Yu Ziyu will not remind him.

He needs to grasp it himself

"The road is made."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also noticed the white fox.

This is the second generation of the sacred beast. It can be regarded as the little sister of the Nine Tails.

It is also the supreme of the fox clan.

In the past, she ate the twin creation sacred grass, and then possessed countless creatures in this starry sky and earth. They are all enviable talents.

And she has lived up to this talent.

Especially, now, she has set foot on the seventh level of Tianmen.

When the power of the prehistoric clone is completely digested.

That is, after digesting the prehistoric Dao Fruit, her strength will be I'm afraid it will be greatly improved.

And this is definitely a potential stock.

It's just a pity that Bai Hu is not good at fighting.

She is better at it, causing disaster to the country and the people.

"White Fox, if used properly, may be able to change the trend of civilization."

Grinning, Yu Ziyu is also looking forward to it.

In the past, Su Daji brought disaster to the country and the people.

Now there is a white fox, rebelling against the people.

With this thought, Yu Ziyu looked at Jiuwei.

He was looking forward to Jiuwei. Jiuwei

, it was Tianhu.

The full name is: Nine-tailed Tianhu. She was born with extremely terrifying talents.

It’s just a pity.

The Nine-tailed Tianhu has always been under the protection of Yu Ziyu. She rarely shows her true combat power.

The world’s impression of her is, Most of them stayed at the power of the seal.

She once used the chain of seals to seal the sky and the earth, sealing everything.

But after that, she rarely took action.

In other words, there was no chance for her to take action.

Anything that could threaten Before she could even get close to her, she had already been killed by many strong men.

But now, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and she also discovered something strange.

Today's Nine Tails has nine tails behind it.

However, three of them have tails. , but it does not exude a hazy light.

The reason is very simple.

It does not carry talents.

Each of her tails represents a talent.

The nine tails represent nine talents.

However, these nine talents You can choose.

This is why the nine-tailed fox is so terrifying.

They are all born different.

The closer they get to the end, the more different they become.

Because of their different talents, the paths they take will inevitably be different.

"You still have three talents and no choice?"

Yu Ziyu raised his eyebrows and asked

"Um."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nodding slightly, Kyuubi also said bluntly:

"Until now, I have not decided on my talent."

"Especially following the master, I saw so many talented people that I was dazzled."

Jiuwei is very direct.

He blames the cause directly on Yu Ziyu.


After a moment of silence, Yu Ziyu was also thinking

"Your nine talents, when matched with each other, can maximize your power."

"Therefore, the most rationalization is needed."

Listening quietly, Kyuubi also smiled.

"That concubine has thanked her master."


Yu Ziyu was silent.

Good guy, []

Kyuubi means to let him help allocate talents.

Although, this is okay.

But that...

But forget it.

Smiling dumbly, Yu Ziyu also touched Jiuwei's hair affectionately.


With a response, Yu Ziyu took a step forward and walked towards the main body.

And not long after that,


Along with the terrifying roar, a flash of purple light shone.

That was the fragment of the jade butterfly that Yu Ziyu activated.

When it comes to chaos alone, what can be deduced more terrifyingly and accurately than the fragments of the created jade butterfly?

Not only that, Yu Ziyu also obtained the talent map of all races in the starry sky and earth in an instant.

Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan... gods, humans...

The talents of all races flashed through Yu Ziyu’s mind

"The Dragon Clan's natural magic immunity is extremely terrifying. It can ignore 70 to 80% of elemental damage. If it is developed to the extreme, it can even be immune to 90% of it...."

"The angel family's speed talent is also pretty good, as well as the power of light...."

While murmuring in her heart, Yu Ziyu was also thinking.

Thinking about giving Kyuubi the best talent.

The six talents in front of her are all pretty good.

One is the seal.

The second is flame.

Three is charm... but...

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyebrows.

"Although her first six talents are good, they can only be considered good."

"Therefore, it needs to be invalidated."

Thinking about this, Yu Yu's eyes also fell on the Zerg.

Among the Zerg, there is a very common talent.

It is called: pupation.

This talent is very simple. It restructures life.

Just like a caterpillar, it transforms into a pupa. Chrysalis, become a butterfly.

The so-called pupation is to turn a solid into a liquid, and then reorganize and arrange it to become a new life. The first six talents of Jiuwei are very good.

But Yu Ziyu feels that they are far from enough.

In this way, she is completely You can use the talent of pupation to re-wash.

Yes, re-wash.

Pupation, in Yu Ziyu’s view, is a re-wash.

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