Time stands still at this point.

The lake is still at this time.

Some are a figure, standing quietly on the lake.

Staring at the figure not far away

"Before I came here, I thought the legendary beast of disaster was so ferocious, but I never imagined..."

Yu Ziyu said with a smile

"The same goes for me. In my impression, the Lord of Time and Space is not so elegant."

The first true inspiration sighed

"The legendary Lord of Time and Space, extremely mysterious~"

"But many rumors say that the Lord of Time and Space is extremely tyrannical and cruel. He either kills or refines his enemies, and is extremely cruel and vicious."

"Even the Taoist sect, which was very prosperous for a while, was almost destroyed."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu's face was calm.

But in his heart, he had the intention to kill those who spread rumors about him.

"Damn it, grandma, you actually spread rumors about me"

"How could I be such a person?"

While sighing in her heart, Yu Ziyu looked at the First True Spirit and said bluntly:

"Orochi, he should be preparing to gather the eight inheritances and return to eternity."

"I'm here to ask what you mean"

"Will you take advantage of the serpent's impact on eternity to seize his body and achieve reincarnation?"

Hearing this, the First True Spirit was unmoved. He was as calm as ever.

However, at the next moment, he asked:

"If I can, what should you do?"


These two simple words shook the ground.

Visible to the naked eye, the lake surface continued to freeze, and white snow drifted between the sky and the earth.

It was a substantial murderous intention.

It set off boundless phenomena.

It was extremely terrifying.

"It seems that you love the big snake very much."

The No. 1 True Spirit had a complicated expression on his face.

But he did not respond to Yu Ziyu's question immediately.

Instead, he turned around and walked away.

"Can you take a walk with me?"


Not long after, two figures walked side by side in this big world.

They walked on mountains and rivers and swept lakes.

"Once upon a time, I thought that a person walking alone could be invincible in the world."

"In fact, I did that too"

"One person kills to the point where the world is terrified, kills all the tribes, and no one dares to honor him"

"At that time, I was arrogant, domineering, and extremely arrogant."

Recounting one after another, the face of the First True Spirit showed a look of memories.

As for Yu Ziyu, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In a trance, he came to the First True Spirit, that magnificent era.

One person is invincible in the world.

He kills until no one dares to respect him.

"Is this why you were dubbed the beast of disaster?"

"A man walks alone, so his back is turned to all nations."

Yu Ziyu sighed


Nodding, the First True Spirit also smiled and said:

"I don’t know when I got such a name, a beast of disaster, everyone in the world is afraid of it, and all living beings are timid."

"However, I didn't care"

"I am still as always, persistent in practicing and making breakthroughs..."

Having said this, the First True Spirit spoke for a moment


"But what?"

Yu Ziyu was curious

"But when I stepped into eternity and came face to face with the four eternities, I realized"


Yu Ziyu looked stunned.

"In the past, these four eternities all had the idea of ​​being on good terms with me, and even promised extremely imaginary treasures."

"If I agree, they will never besiege me"

"But I refused"


Hearing this, Yu Ziyu also understood the thoughts of the First True Spirit.

This guy must be feeling regretful.

Regret the past choices

"Do you know the real reason why I failed?"

The first true spirit suddenly asked.

"What is it?"

Yu Ziyu is also curious.

I wonder what the number one true spirit has realized in these years.

"Friends, I have no friends"

"This is why I failed." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No matter who I was friends with at the beginning, I would never end up like that"


Having said this, the First True Spirit took a deep look at Yu Ziyu and said bluntly:

"In this era, I don’t want to be like it used to be"

"Therefore, I will not be your enemy, and I also understand that I am not qualified to be your enemy."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu smiled.

He knew that the First True Spirit made a right choice.

"I have made an agreement with Orochi. When he sets foot in eternity, we will split our power into two, half for him and half for me."

"When needed, we will be one again"

"In this way, there is no such thing as seizing one's body."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu showed a look of gratitude on his face.

"Thank you very much"


Shaking his head, the First True Spirit also said bluntly:

"There is a risk in seizing the body, and I don’t want to take the risk"

"With you here, I believe this is the best choice for Orochi and me."

After talking with the No. 1 True Spirit for a long time,

Yu Ziyu also got to know this person. He was much smarter than expected.

He clearly knew that the starry sky and the earth were unified. He also knew that there were countless strong men under Yu Ziyu's command.

Therefore, he did not He will be the enemy of Yu Ziyu.

On the contrary, after he sets foot in eternity, he will still work hard for the stars and the world.

As for the matter between him and the big snake, he even said that they will coexist peacefully.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Yu Ziyu is alive.

If something happens to Yu Ziyu, the agreement will naturally be invalidated.

Yu Ziyu can understand this.

And if he dies, how can he care about his aftermath?

"I didn't expect the beast of disaster to be so aware of current affairs?"

Yu Ziyu said with a smile

"He had learned a lesson in his previous life."

Chaos Bell Zhenling was also speechless.

She didn't expect that the beast of disaster would have such an awareness.

However, that's fine.

Yu Ziyu probably won't have a headache because of the big snake.

And next, they only need to wait....

Just wait, the second Eternal Lord of the Starry Sky will be born.

However, at this moment, Chaos Bell Zhenling also reminded:

"Big snake, even if it steps into eternity, it will take a long time to polish"

"There is no comparison with the old brand Eternity."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also understood.

Whether it is the big snake or the beast of disaster, they can only be regarded as new eternities.

Especially the beast of disaster.

Although he is the eternity several epochs ago.

But he is still I didn’t have time to settle down and adapt to the eternal power.

I was beaten to death.

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