The Wizard King sat in the center of the conference room, looking down at countless creatures.

Around him, countless wizards and even aliens did not even dare to look at the King of Wizards.

He seemed not to exist between heaven and earth.

But it seems to be permanent.

Just looking up, there is an inexplicable brilliance shining

"It's really scary to know that the Wizard King is here but not be able to sense his presence."

With a sigh, an eternal-level alien respected and feared this Wizard King.

He had never seen the Wizard King take action.

But in front of this one, he seemed to have returned to the weakest time.

Back to those days when he was like an ant.

Therefore, he knew very well how terrifying this wizard king was.

"Speed ​​up the advance. If we can't take it within a million years, withdraw our troops."

Suddenly he spoke, and a magnificent voice resounded throughout the world.

That was the voice of the King of Wizards.

Upon hearing this voice, the faces of many wizards changed slightly.


There was a chorus of responses, but not a single voice dared to question.

Even those eternal level beings, the same is true for all.

And not long after that, the Black Witch King, who was still near the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, also received news from the wizard civilization.

"Speed ​​up the progress."

Licking the corner of his mouth, the Black Witch King raised his extremely deep eyes and looked in the direction of the Divine Blood World.

This is not easy to handle.

It's not that the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth is so scary.

It's because, behind the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, That world is terrifying.

Although I dare not say that this is a military civilization that is comparable to the wizard civilization.

But its power is also extremely rare in chaos.

Especially that bald head. It is very troublesome.

"Not affected by negative emotions..."

The Dark Witch King was greatly surprised.

It was also the first time for him to see such an existence.

However, he also noticed something special about the Transcendent.

This guy is like a puppet.

No feelings.

There is no joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

Only when entering a battle will...Has some emotion.

Thinking about it this way, this may be a lunatic who loves fighting to the extreme.

Yes, crazy.

This is the Dark Witch King, his first impression of the Transcendent

"Not only this madman, but that legion is also very unusual."

Although the Dark Witch King has been fighting the Transcendent, he also noticed the Fallen Angel Legion.

This legion looks like ghosts and is extremely mysterious.

But in a moment, Buried most of the legions of their wizard civilization.

This kind of combat power alone is enough to challenge the three ace legions of their wizard civilization.

"This civilization can actually cultivate such a legion..."

"It seems that he has a lot of background."

With his eyes slightly focused, the Black Witch King also looked not far away.

There were many subordinates there, and the losses were counted.

"First, ask for support from the wizard civilization"

"Then help me contact the Wizard King."

Hearing the words of the Black Witch King, many wizards also started to take action.

At this time, Yu Ziyu did not know the situation of the Black Witch King and the wizard civilization.

Now, he was alone in the depths of the Divine Blood World.

He arranged the formation.

Then , began to contact the primitive beast.

This one is the perfect fusion of the golden ant and the purple sickle.

Its combat power is close to eternity. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now, he has sneaked into the wizard civilization, constantly Stealing intelligence.

It brought a lot of useful information to Yu Ziyu.

Even the approximate coordinates of the wizard civilization were known to Yu Ziyu.

And now,


As the formation started, an inexplicable force flowed.

Immediately afterwards, an illusory figure slowly emerged.

This is the original beast.

He had just appeared when he immediately noticed a figure in the distance.

"The subordinate, the primitive beast, pays homage to his master."

The primitive beast said excitedly.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"Thank you for your hard work these years."

After saying that, Yu Ziyu also asked:

"Over the years, what other important information have you gathered in the wizarding civilization?"

Although Yu Ziyu and the primitive beast have been in contact, their contact is intermittent and extremely unstable.

Moreover, the primitive beast takes great risks.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu rarely takes the initiative to contact.

This time is different.

Both of them are. Be prepared.

Yu Ziyu has arranged an extremely stable teleportation array.

This is the material provided by the undead civilization and hunting civilization.

As for the primitive beast, he has found an absolutely safe place.

"~ Report back to the master...Wizard civilization is extremely terrifying"

"In eternity alone, there are dozens of them"

"However, their little semi-eternal venerables are all aliens and belong to other civilizations...."

"There are many civilizations that are allied with the wizard civilization."

"But among them, there are three that are the most terrifying."

As he said that, the primitive beast also paused before continuing:

"One of them is the World Tree Civilization. The supreme leader of this civilization is the World Tree. According to legend, it is no less than the Black Witch King....The entire civilization lives in the World Tree..."

"Secondly, there is the White Sea Civilization. This civilization lives in the sea all year round, and most of them bear the laws of water....Long life and powerful..."

"The last civilization is extremely mysterious, and even my subordinates have not found out about it."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also fell silent.

Don't say anything else (well done).

Just a World Tree that is no less than the Black Witch King gives me a headache

"Sure enough, wizard civilization has more than just two top eternities."

In a daze, Yu Ziyu also rubbed the center of his eyebrows.

This was expected.

But hearing it from the mouth of the primitive beast still made Yu Ziyu a little helpless.

And at this moment, the primitive beast spoke again:

"Over the years, I have also made a point of inquiring about the cultural heritage of wizard civilization...."

"The wizarding civilization has a lot of civilizational heritage, and all of them are very scary."

"The absolute balance I mentioned to you before is one of them"

"And the eternal city in the sky..."

"This is the civilization of wizards, the city built by mechanical wizards with all their efforts, and it is the eternal city in the sky....It's also extremely scary."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also wrote down all these cultural heritage.

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