The most powerful magic circle, returning to zero heaven.

How terrible.

With just one blow, most of the legions of wizard civilization were destroyed.

The casualties amounted to tens of millions.

Even the master-level existences have fallen by the hundreds.

There were only a few wizards in twos and threes, relying on their trump cards and unknown means to escape.

"What's this?"

"Destroyed, all destroyed"

"This legion is wrong, absolutely wrong"

"Oh my god, they're all dead, they're all dead."

As if they were going crazy, countless remaining wizards fled frantically.

Even some wizards from the seventh and eighth levels of the Tianmen fled in confusion regardless of their image.

However, for these fish that slipped through the net, the Fallen Angel Legion did not Chase.

They stand together, their auras are extremely unstable.

Returning to Zero Heaven is indeed terrifying. It is enough to bury most of the legion.

But the consumption on them is also terrifying.

It is estimated that they will not be able to slow down without a period of buffering. Got it

"Enough to bury so many lives in one blow."

With a sigh, Satan, the leader of the fallen angels, smiled.

This is the legendary most powerful legion.

It has the power to destroy the world.

It can easily dominate the battlefield at the legion level.

Their arrival is a threat to any legion. It can be said to be a dimensionality reduction blow.

However, at this time, not only Satan sighed at the power of the Fallen Angel Legion, but also countless strong men in the Divine Blood World could not help but lose their minds.

With a shocking look, they looked at the Fallen Angel Legion.

"real or fake?"

"They seemed to have wiped out a legion of wizard civilization in one breath."

"Oh my god, a legion disappeared in an instant"

"What kind of army is this?"

"I guessed it, black wings, handsome figure...This should be the legendary fallen angel army, right?"

"Fallen Angel Legion? What is this~?"

"Belonging to that one, Shiyi Legion...Absolute first."

Exclaimed one after another, countless strong men were horrified and shocked.

It was difficult to express the excitement in their hearts.

However, not only the people of the Divine Blood World were shocked, but also the other strong men of the wizard civilization.

Under their noses , a legion just disappeared.


"what to do?"

"I don’t know either, many adults are still fighting"

"It's not easy to deal with now. The strength of this world is beyond imagination."

After a series of discussions, many wizards' eyes flashed.

Now they are rarely panicked.

Obviously, the appearance of the Fallen Angel Legion is beyond their imagination.

However, it doesn't matter. After calming down, they also asked the Lord for instructions as soon as possible..Waiting for the next instruction.

Time passed slowly, and decades passed in the blink of an eye.

The all-out war between the divine blood world and the wizard civilization broke out suddenly.

It also ended quickly.

Just because the current major legions of the wizard civilization , actually faded away like a tide.

Even the Black Witch King rarely chose to retreat.

"Your strength is truly beyond imagination."

The Dark Witch King praised

"But this is just the beginning..."

As the words fell, countless despairing forces wrapped around him.

There is even more intertwined water from the underworld.

In just a moment, his figure disappeared in front of the Transcendent.

Transcendents are not surprised by this.

Although, they have been fighting each other for decades. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But they also occasionally get entangled and occasionally take a break.

The actual fighting did not last long.

But during this period, they also realized each other's horror.

It can be regarded as the ultimate in a field.

Deciding the winner will not happen overnight.

In other words, without external intervention, it is almost impossible for the two to decide the outcome.

This is easy to understand.

After all, the body of the transcendent is immortal.

Even someone as powerful as the Black Witch King can only be shaken through the seal.

As for the Black Witch King, he is very strange.

Hidden deep in the mist.

Even the figure of the transcendent one is hard to find

"Although it is not as troublesome as the Lord of Time and Space, it is not far behind."

"But why did they retreat so quickly?"

The Transcendent is a little puzzled.

Logically speaking, the wizard civilization launched a full-scale war with great fanfare this time.

It should be a fight to the death.

But now...

"Is it possible that there is something wrong within the wizarding civilization?"

The Life Tribunal speculated

"Hard to say."

The Transcendent did not delve into it.

Rather than this, what he was looking forward to more was the return of the Lord of Time and Space.

Logically speaking, that guy would be coming soon.

But at this time, what no one knew was that Yu Ziyu, who was deep in the chaos, had I learned a little bit about the internal situation of wizard civilization with the help of primitive beasts.

"~Is it possible that the old enemy of the wizard civilization has appeared?"

In a daze, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but lose consciousness.

He didn't know much about the old enemy of the wizard civilization.

But as the enemy of the wizard civilization, this civilization may be more powerful than imagined.

It's no wonder that in all major civilization battlefields, the wizard civilization is accelerating. The speed of advancement was reduced.

As for those who were difficult to advance, they chose to temporarily return to defense.

Simply put, they stopped fighting.

They retained their combat power and prepared to deal with their old enemies.

This should be the choice of the wizard civilization.

And at this time, not only The battlefields of the Divine Blood World, even the undead civilization, and the hunter civilization are all like this.

However, the hunter civilization is a bit miserable. It is difficult for them to resist the offensive of the wizard civilization. They have asked for help from the starry sky and earth many times.

Regarding this request for help, Yu Ziyu The teleportation array was temporarily unstable, so he refused (Qian Zhao).

Although the wizard civilization is powerful, it will not push the hunter civilization to a desperate situation so quickly.

When the wizard civilization pushes the hunter civilization to a desperate situation, Yu Ziyu will go to support It’s not too late.

Just like Yu Ziyu’s original plan.

The alliance is to better fight against the wizard civilization.

But in the process of fighting against the wizard civilization, Yu Ziyu does not mind expanding his own civilization.

The hunter civilization is a very good experiment. Object discussion.

If this civilization could be annexed and integrated quietly...

Then it is also very good for the entire starry sky civilization.

"Today, the undead civilization has seven or eight eternities, the hunter civilization has three, and the evergreen civilization has two..."

"Plus the Soul Mother of the Divine Blood World, the five members of the mutant civilization, and me..."

"Calculated this way, our alliance seems to have a lot of eternity."

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