The power of the Asura clan cannot be doubted.

The peak Asura civilization is a terrifying civilization that can compete with the wizard civilization.

Of course, this does not mean that the Asura civilization is as vast and vast as the wizard civilization.

But because the Asura civilization at its peak has that one person.

He is close to half a step of transcendence, and has even mastered the Great God's Blood God Technique. He definitely has the ultimate combat power that can rival those at the top of the digital world for eternity.

But now.

The wizard civilization is also in trouble

"these guys..."

The powerful man of wizard civilization frowned slightly.

Because of the arrival of the Dark Witch King, all balance was broken.

A sudden all-out war caught even the wizarding civilization off guard.

But the problem now is that the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth has shown a lot of combat power that is not part of the previous one.

Later, an unknown legion came with a full-scale attack.

At an incredible speed, one of their legions was wiped out. After"August 10"

, there was the Asura clan, and all the people were soldiers and participated in the war.

You know, the total number of legions sent here by their wizard civilization is more than thirty.

But now, one or two were destroyed in an instant.

The rest are all in a hard fight.

However, it is not just them, the eternal battle based on the Legion does not look as smooth as imagined.

Here, after all, it depends on the world of blood.

In these years, the Eternal Speed, the Devouring Beast, and the Tribunal of Life have all been integrating the power of heaven and earth to achieve their own success.

Near the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, their combat power will be greatly enhanced.

So much so that the Life Tribunal was able to briefly hold Black Moon back for eternity.

Of course, this is not the most important battlefield.

The most important battlefields are the Beyonder and the Dark Witch King.

These two, as the top eternity, are beyond imagination.

One, sanctified in the flesh.

With one punch, everything was destroyed.

One, mysterious and boundless.

Just by controlling the despair and resentment intertwined on the battlefield, you can scorn all living beings.

Now, the two men are in perfect collision.

It actually has the tendency to destroy everything.

The aftermath alone wiped out countless lives.

Looking carefully, even the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth in the distance are trembling due to the extreme fighting.

Yes, tremors.

It seemed like it was going to break apart in the next moment.

However, at this time, the Transcendent has a headache

"Is this what the Lord of Time and Space calls singleness?"

The Transcendent sighed helplessly.

His fists are indeed terrifying.

Even the top eternity is not willing to bear it.

But the problem is, the top eternity does not need to bear it.

Just like now, the Black Witch King fights with him from a distance.

Even if The Transcendent wanted to get closer, but there was no chance. He raised his hand, and the power of despair gathered, turning into a towering beast, biting towards him.

The Transcendent smashed it with a punch, and just wanted to get close to the Black Witch King.

The Black Witch King had already It was the power of despair that condensed into a huge armor and wrapped him up.

This armor was enough to withstand three punches from the Beyonder.

But after three punches, the true body of the Black Witch King disappeared unknown where.

This is the Black Witch King.

A man who even fought fiercely with him without knowing where he really was.

The Transcendent felt powerless as if he punched the air.

But it was okay.

It was difficult for him to touch the Dark Witch King.

It was also difficult to hurt the Dark Witch King. Come to him.

His body is indestructible.

It is much more terrifying than ordinary eternity.

Even the Dark Witch King feels a headache when he sees such a body.

"This guy can only seal."

The Black Witch King finally came to such a conclusion after fighting against the Transcendent.

Seal is the best choice to deal with the Transcendent.

As for the others, I'm sorry, it is difficult for someone as powerful as the Black Witch King to come up with it in a short time. Better way.


Grinning, the Dark Witch King's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

It seems that what he is best at is the art of sealing.

Use the underworld as the matchmaker and death as the boundary.

Seal all things at the end of despair - the depths of the underworld


Taking a deep breath, the Black Witch King looked at the Transcendent who was shooting towards him from afar, holding his scepter high.


There was a sudden roar, and dark yellow water flowed out from behind the Black Witch King.

It's like a big river. (If you want to read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It is full of extreme filth.

Those who are stronger than those who transcend cannot stop stepping.

"This is?"

The Transcendent paused and looked at the yellow river surrounding the Black Witch King.

"Could it be Huangquan?"

The Transcendent recognized it.

Huangquan is an extremely mysterious river.

It is said that only it contains the mystery of death. Of course, in the starry sky and earth, this is called Huangquan.

But in their wizard civilization, it has another name.

Name:"Fountain of Nine Hells"...."

And he, the Black Witch King, is the ruler of the Fountain of Nine Hells.......

Just like, Yu Ziyu now dominates the long river of time

"There is no concept of death in eternity. It lives forever between heaven and earth and does not exist in chaos...."

"However, I control the fountain of the Nine Hells and can also seal eternity here...."

"Not like death, but better than death."

With a chuckle, the Black Witch King pointed his scepter fiercely.

"Boom, boom..."

With a sudden roar, the yellow spring water behind the Black Witch King surged forward like the water of the Yellow River.

They all attack towards the Transcendent.

Not touched though.

But those who transcended still felt deeply ominous and terrifying.

There is even more chill in the air.

Therefore, he retreated subconsciously.

But the next moment,

"Come, let everything die"

"Come back quickly"

"Let's die together."

Shrill roars, and desperate wails, exploded violently.

Visible to the naked eye, countless skeleton-like arms and ferocious figures are constantly pouring out of the underworld water.

It seems to catch the transcendent.

This is People of death.

Real people of death.

They are not the existences of the undead civilization that are wandering on the boundary between life and death.

These guys, their bodies die, their souls are destroyed.

They are buried at the bottom of the underworld.

Now, they are all awakened by the Black Witch King, only In order to bring the transcendent into an indescribable realm of death.

It is worth mentioning here that although thousands of civilizations have 2.3 power systems, the development of civilizations is different.

But at the end, the understanding of some things is Common.

For example:"death".

For example:"time".

Therefore, above chaos, there is a vast river of time, which encompasses thousands of civilizations.

Even if Yu Ziyu can control the river of time, he can only control it. The long river of time near him is equivalent to some tributaries.

As for the main stream, even if it is stronger than him, it is impossible to completely control it.

And the Yellow Spring, which is called the spring of nine hells in the wizarding civilization, is also like this.

It is the embodiment of death. Manifestation.

It is the final destination of thousands of civilizations and creatures.

And now, the Black Witch King controls these fountains of death.

He cannot kill eternity.

But if he pulls the transcendent into this underworld and seals it, then what will happen to the transcendence? For readers, there is no difference from death...

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