The Black Witch King, the most terrifying and ancient existence of the wizard clan.

It is said that he witnessed the downfall of the wizarding clan.

It also witnessed the rise of the wizard clan.

It is said that he is the original wizard of the wizard clan.

It is said that countless legends all tell a terrible fact.

That's how scary and scary he is.

However, now, he took one step forward and headed towards the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

A terrifying aura permeated the chaos.

Even the chaos beasts in the chaos were all silent.

It was as quiet as death.

The indescribable despair and suffocation made the irrational chaos beast feel terrified.

Time passed slowly, and thousands of years passed in the blink of an eye.

And on this day, a figure came to the civilized battlefield quietly.

This is the Dark Witch King.

He is completely hidden in the dark robes, only revealing a pair of dark eyes.

He slowly raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

The heaven and earth are like a drop of blood, shining in the chaos.

Extremely scarlet.

However, the next moment, he said something

"This is?"

The Dark Witch King noticed...

He noticed that the world of divine blood seemed to be incompatible with his creature.

Heaven, earth and living beings are in harmony.

For example, the smell emitted by the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth is similar to the smell of rich blood.

Then most of the creatures bred in this world exude the smell of blood.

But the problem is that most of the creatures appearing on the battlefield today do not smell of blood.

Just a few.

So to say...

"Are they also intruders?"

With a chuckle, the Black Witch King also judged the reason.

Only intruders will be incompatible with the breath of heaven and earth.

Moreover, it seems that the invasion has not been long ago.

Otherwise, these intruders will be more or less contaminated. The aura of the divine blood world.

With that said, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the Black Witch King looked in other directions....

He guessed...

I guessed that there should be a vast world behind the Divine Blood World....

This is a civilization more terrifying than the divine blood.

Hidden very deeply. but.....

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and the Dark Witch King also took a step forward

"I want to see where you are hiding."

The Black Witch King is known as the evil of living beings.

The reason is that he can absorb the despair, fear, and all negative emotions in the living beings, and then grow.

But now, he keenly senses the emotions of living beings and traces the root causes.

Constantly. looking for...

I don’t know how long it took, but the Black Witch King finally stood quietly in a corner of the chaos.

"These chaotic beasts actually have joy, anger, sorrow and joy."

The eyes of the Black Witch King condensed slightly, and he looked at the giant beast not far away in the depths of the chaos.

It seemed to be a big fish.

It kept swimming in the chaos while neighing.

However, the Black Witch King's keen attention It has emotions, anger, sorrow and joy.

This is very different from ordinary chaotic beasts.

So, slowly raise your hand,


Just a roar was heard, and the thick darkness enveloped the big fish.

At this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely find that this big fish looks like a creature in the starry sky.

Name: Kun.

However, it also has a form.

That's Peng.

The combination is Kunpeng.

It is the most powerful creature in the starry sky.

But now, a Kunpeng fell into the hands of the Black Witch King.

His eyes were slightly focused, and the power of the Black Witch King continued to seep into this Kunpeng.

No, (for cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s not just inside the body.

It has more soul depth.

In front of the Dark Witch King, there are no secrets.

And not long after, as if he noticed something, the Dark Witch King raised his eyebrows and murmured:


These two simple words seem to contain an inexplicable Taoist charm.

It actually shocked Chaos. he found...

Discovered the name of the unknown world.

It's called Starry Sky.

But more information, no.

It seems to have been sealed by an unknown means.

It's more than just a seal. more like erasure

"To erase all the memories of a race? Good means."

The Black Witch King admired.

This requires an extremely deep grasp of the soul.

It is possible to do it.

Although he can do it, it may take a long time. But this one...

At this time, what the Black Witch King didn't know was that the person who erased their memories was none other than the Soul Mother of Starry Sky and World.

The Soul Mother bears the supreme law - the law of the soul.

The understanding and mastery of the soul has reached an incredible level.

She not only easily sealed the memories of the Kunpeng clan.

It also set conditions.

For example, the Kunpeng clan will regain their memories when they come near the starry sky and heaven and earth.

For another example, if the Kunpeng clan detects any key information, they will temporarily recover their memory.

The Kunpeng clan has no objections to this.

They know their mission.

Everything is to protect the starry sky.

Their clan is the tentacles of the starry sky and heaven and earth. 843 is a spy in the chaos of the starry sky and the earth.

Responsible for, monitor, and explore everything in the stars.

No room for error. like now...If the Soul Mother of Xingkong Heaven and Earth hadn't taken action very early, everything in Xingkong would have been exposed to the eyes of the Black Witch King.

However, just the exposure of the word"Starry Sky" was enough for the Dark Witch King.

He has plenty of means.

Enough to find this starry sky and earth

"Go ahead and go back to where you belong."

The Black Witch King released this Kunpeng.


Like an ancient roar, Kunpeng swam fiercely towards the depths of chaos.

However, what is shocking is that this Kunpeng seems to have lost all memories of being captured by the Black Witch King.

And in the depths of its mind, there was a voice from the underworld, guiding him towards home.

Home... where?

Kunpeng didn't know either.

It cannot be explained clearly.

But it has a feeling that it can go back if it wants to.

There is a kind of power in the dark that will guide and guide it to find the direction of home.

And this, what Kunpeng didn’t know was...It is the power that comes from the depths of the blood.

The blood is pulling him..

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