"For us?"

The pupils shrank again and again, and the Lord of Thorns' expression also changed slightly.

This is not good news.

So, these two guys are targeting them?

Moreover, these two guys came from the deepest part of Chaos.


Taking a deep breath, what else does the Lord of Thorns want to say?

But the king of beasts with a fiery temper could no longer sit still.

His eyes were cold and he raised his fist fiercely

"Since we are enemies, let’s fight."

After Shun Jin finished speaking, the King of Beasts was already rushing towards the Great Sage.


A fierce punch resounded throughout the world.

It was actually a punch from the King of Beasts that blasted through the sky and even the earth, heading towards the great sage.

But at this time, in front of the great sage, countless energies gathered, and a light shield condensed in an instant

""740" magic - Absolute Shield.

In the name of Absolute, the intertwined, indestructible shield can block all attacks. It is extremely terrifying.

But now, the King of Beasts punches it, not only does it not hurt the great sage On the contrary , he shook violently.

Especially his body, it started to tremble.

And at the same time, the sage pointed out


Terrible energy gathered into a line and bloomed in an instant

"The king of beasts."

The Lord of Thorns exclaimed, and immediately rushed in the direction of the King of Beasts.

But what waited for him was only ripples in the space.

In an instant, Yu Ziyu's figure appeared in In front of the Lord of Thorns.

At this time, Yu Ziyu looked at this rare female eternity from close range, and a smile appeared on his face. The spirit of grass and trees.

The face is beautiful and the figure is enchanting. It really meets his expectations.

Moreover, What's more important is that the essence of this person is still there.

As a spirit of plants and trees, Yu Ziyu knows the essence very well.

Essence is possessed by every spirit of plants and trees.

It is a mixture of pure energy and inexplicable matter.

It is extremely precious.

And this The essence of plants and trees of a Lord of Thorns is still there.

This surprises Yu Ziyu.

Just suppressing her and Yu Ziyu plundering her essence of plants and trees is enough to greatly improve her cultivation.

Not to mention other things.

Licking the corner of her mouth, Yu Ziyu showed a look of greed without concealing it.

At this time, the Lord of Thorns also noticed the look of greed on Yu Ziyu's face. Her face changed slightly, and her eyes when looking at Yu Ziyu were a little colder.

As a person As a spirit of grass and trees, what she dislikes the most is Yu Ziyu’s gaze.

Extremely greedy and extremely disgusting.

"court death."

With a sweet shout, the Lord of Thorns waved his hand violently. His extremely white and tender right hand was like a signal.

In an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

No, that was not a dark cloud.

It was a waterfall intertwined with thousands of willow branches, heading towards Yu Ziyu Rushing over.

One vine after another, like a spiritual snake. The barbs kept rolling out. It was overwhelming and terrifying. But at the next moment, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Continuously breaking through the sky, countless golden divine chains spurted out from behind him


The Lord of Thorns was a little stunned.

But at this time, thousands of divine chains had locked all her vines, and they exerted even more force.

In just a moment, the Lord of Thorns felt an overwhelming force coming.

It seemed like he was trying to pull her whole body over.

"Through him."

The Lord of Thorns snorted coldly, and countless barbs of vines suddenly shot out.

Like drizzle, it filled the sky and the earth, and was extremely surging.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

"Swish, swish, swish..."

The extremely fast space breaking was as powerful as Yu Ziyu's brows were slightly furrowed.

The drizzle came quickly.

It's just a pity.

The unlimited spells engraved on the whole body are operating all the time.

The farther away Yu Ziyu is, the slower the speed becomes. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Until it stops.

Therefore, in the slightly stunned eyes of the Lord of Thorns, thousands of barbs stopped in front of Yu Ziyu.

Not even an inch can be taken.

However, the Lord of Thorns is not someone to be trifled with.

She gritted her teeth slightly and clenched her right hand tightly.

Visible to the naked eye, countless barbs continue to gather until they turn into a giant black thorn that is ten thousand meters long, hanging in the sky.


More and more terrifying power continues to spurt out 0....

It seemed as if Yu Ziyu was going to be torn into pieces.

Visible to the naked eye, this giant black thorn kept approaching Yu Ziyu.

Bit by bit

, the surrounding space was shattered into pieces in an instant.

Yu Ziyu's unlimited technique is a technique that revolves around space.

Even the space is completely shattered, which also means that there is no lower limit to the spell and it is completely shattered.



Accompanied by an earth-shattering noise, the giant black thorn accelerated violently and turned into a black shadow, piercing through Yu Ziyu's chest in an instant.

"It goes through."

The Lord of Thorns showed a smile on her face.

Her barbs are different from others.

Not only are they extremely ferocious, but they are also blessed by the law of poison.

If you touch them, you will be injured, and if you touch them, you will die.

The most terrifying thing is.

So, down The thorn penetrated Yu Ziyu's body, which means...

However, what she didn't notice at this time was that at some point, a blurry shadow appeared behind her.

That's Yu Ziyu.

As for the body penetrated by the Lord of Thorns, it is just the shadow of Yu Ziyu.

To be more precise, it is Yu Ziyu’s past.

Dislocated time and space, constantly alternating.

It is difficult to distinguish between reality and reality, and it is difficult to distinguish the true self.

And now...

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Yu Ziyu raised his right hand.

Nine worlds like stars rotated in Yu Ziyu's palm.

This 1.1 is the nine realms of the great god’s power to reach heaven.

As for the great god who can reach the nine realms of the sky, the simplest way to use it is to smash it.

Smash it hard.

With a fierce slap, before the Lord of Thorns could react, a terrifying and indescribable force erupted from behind her.


Just a loud noise was heard, and countless vines were shattered.

There are even thousands of blood splashes.

That blood is not red.

But the color is green.

Contains extremely pure energy.

As for the Lord of Thorns, in an instant, he hit the earth like a meteor.

But she is eternal after all.

Even though he withstood a blow from Yu Ziyu's Nine Realms, he still managed to stabilize his body.

Only the internal organs kept churning.

More blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth..

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