Wizarding civilizations like to form alliances.

Knowing this, Yu Ziyu fell silent.

Complete silence.

This was different from what he imagined.

He originally thought that the wizarding civilization was extremely fond of killing and invaded.

But now

"No wonder, the wizard civilization has so many alien eternities."

A flash of enlightenment arose in Yu Ziyu's heart.

He also completely understood the way the wizard civilization grew.

This civilization is really straightforward.

The strong form an alliance, and the weak invade.

It is truly terrifying.

"So, do they plan to form an alliance with you?"

Yu Ziyu asked


Nodding slightly, the petite figure in the distance also smiled.

"However, we have no intention of forming an alliance with them..."


""Three One Three" Yu Ziyu is very curious

"Because I don't want to condescend to others."

A simple sentence, but it expresses what the great sage is thinking.


How can such beings be willing to condescend?

Unless they are defeated, it will be harder to make them condescend than to kill them.

"I see."

Yu Ziyu sighed, but didn't say much.

He knew that coming to the undead civilization this time would not be too smooth.

But he did not expect that it would be so unsatisfactory.

No, this is not as simple as smoothness.

It is the beginning of hell. Who would have thought that the wizard civilization would also intentionally form an alliance with the undead civilization.

This would be a fatal blow to the starry sky civilization.

It would even be fatal to the entire alliance.

Just because, compared to the starry sky civilization and the wizard civilization.

It doesn’t have any advantages.

Anyone with a little brain knows who to ally with, right?

Even Yu Ziyu, if he chooses between the starry sky civilization and the wizard civilization, he will choose the wizard civilization.

This is inevitable.

After all, the power of the wizard civilization is It is generally recognized.

And what is the starry sky civilization?

It’s just an unknown civilization.

Who would ally with such a civilization?

Why is the hunter civilization willing to ally with the starry sky civilization.

That’s because they have no retreat.

If they can’t stop the wizards With the invasion of civilization, all that awaits them is destruction.

But now, the situation of the undead civilization is completely different.

If they cannot stop it, they still have the option of forming an alliance.

However, at this time, the great sage seemed to have noticed Yu Ziyu What was in his mind, he suddenly chuckled:

"Let’s discuss the alliance later. Let’s discuss other things first."


In response, Yu Ziyu also stepped up and followed the Great Sage towards the depths.

The civilization of the undead is located on a continent.

This continent is called the Skeleton Continent.

As soon as you see it, you can see shocking white bones everywhere. a corner...

Countless beings between life and death roam this continent.

Not only that, there are countless ghosts floating in the wind.

Banshee, Bone Dragon, Frost Witch, Zombie...

All imaginable immortal beings exist on this continent.

There are even so-called succubi and corpse spirits.

There are many, even Yu Ziyu has never heard of them.

However, seeing that they were almost the same as the immortals in the starry sky, Yu Ziyu also made a judgment.

It should be considered a race.

Even if it's not, it's almost the same. only...

"Your immortal civilization is really all immortal."

Yu Ziyu sighed

"In our undead civilization, there is an altar called: Immortal Altar"

"Every moment, countless immortal beings are transmitted, and among them there may also be members of your starry sky civilization."

The great sage explained.

Then he added:

"This is also a way for our undead civilization to source its population."

"That's it."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yu Ziyu looked stunned.

He did not expect that there is such a way to increase the population.

"Our undead civilization is different from other civilizations. In other civilizations, men and women, male and female, can combine at will to give birth to offspring."

"But in our immortal civilization, only advanced immortal beings can give birth to future generations."

"Therefore, we can only increase the population through other methods......"

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu could understand.

Every civilization has its own way of survival.

This belongs to the undead civilization.

Unique and special.

Weird enough too.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu said curiously:

"Do you just believe what I say?"

Yu Ziyu thought of the key.

The great sage didn't seem to doubt what he said. He even directly invited him to enter.


"It’s not that I believe it, but that you didn’t lie to me."

"Besides, if you lie to me, it will do no good. Instead, it will offend our undead civilization."

"You must not be willing to bear the wrath of our undead civilization."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu was also silent.

This is true.

The anger of any civilization cannot be endured by an eternal venerable.

Let alone a powerful civilization like the undead civilization.

Don't look at the current undead civilization, among wizards The civilization is at a disadvantage.

As long as there is this great sage in front of you, there is no way for the undead civilization to be defeated. The

Optimus Prime of any civilization will always be the top eternity.

And the great sage in front of you is the most powerful The eternity.

It is the kind of eternity that makes even the King of Wizards and the Black Witch King fearful.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu thought of the Transcendent.

Then he thought of himself 3.7.

They can also be considered top eternity.

However, Yu Ziyu stepped into Eternity is too short.

There is not enough accumulation.

Only with the blessing of the Chaos Clock can he be considered a top eternity!!

But this is not what Yu Ziyu wants.

What he hopes is that his own strength alone is enough. Comparable to the top eternity

"This time, it's an opportunity."

In a daze, Yu Ziyu thought of the great sage in front of him.

If he could give some advice, he would be of great help to Yu Ziyu.

Just because, Yu Ziyu discovered that the path of this great sage was somewhat similar to his.

All of them were. Their methods are weird, they are good at deductions, and they are all unfathomable.

Like a vast ocean, one can’t help but be shocked..

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