
Lonely since childhood.

He grew up in an orphanage in the wizarding civilization.

Fortunately, at the age of sixteen, she awakened her wizard talent and entered the wizard college.

After that, she rose up unstoppably.

He even became a disciple of a well-known wizard at the wizard academy.

However, this is not happiness for Lerina.

Instead, it was the beginning of tragedy.

That famous wizard seemed to be kind, but in fact he was extremely evil.

Not only wizards are used to refine secret medicines.

He has been plotting against Lerina.

Lerina went through life and death several times before escaping from this wizard.

However, what is waiting for Lerina is this wizard, endless pursuit.

Looking at it blankly, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but fall silent.

It's not that he lamented Lerina's miserable life.

Instead, I lamented the horror of wizard civilization.

In Lerina's memory, wizard civilization has one continent after another.

These continents are connected to each other.

Like islands one after another, floating in chaos.

The reason why their wizard civilization can move.

It’s also because it’s floating on an island of chaos and can move at will.

"That’s how it turned out to be."

While sighing in her heart, Yu Ziyu continued to read.

Later, Lerina met her current master, the 19th Ring Eternal Wizard.

This was a very terrifying wizard.

He could control the sky.

Raising his hand, wind, rain, thunder and lightning gathered, The color of the sky and the earth changes.

The entire sky can easily be transformed into his face.

The sky symbolizes vastness, infinity, all-encompassing, and the most terrifying.

And Lerina is one of the seven wizards under the Sky Wizard, the wizard who represents the aurora.

"Sky wizard?"

Yu Ziyu's eyes flickered.

He didn't know what kind of power the sky was. He didn't know what the nineteenth ring meant?

But he knew one thing.

That is, this wizard was very difficult to mess with.

Just because, in Yu Ziyu's memory, Seeing this eternal wizard, he snorted coldly, and the whole world felt like the end of the world was coming.

Dark clouds were gathering, and lightning flashed.

The huge surge of power surprised him.

Obviously, this wizard was very scary.

And At this time, if you pay attention to Lerina, you will definitely find that at some point, a strange symbol appeared between Lerina's eyebrows.

That is the seal of the apostle.

It symbolizes that she has become Yu Ziyu's apostle.

Yu Ziyu, his subordinate , with apostles.

All of them are extremely powerful.

They can also continuously harvest evolutionary points for Yu Ziyu.

This is why Yu Ziyu has not harvested much in these years.

With apostles, he does not need to work hard.

And now, Yu Ziyu is Accepted an apostle.

Of course, the apostle's statement is just nice.

It also has another name. It is called: slave.

However, considering that Lerina is a person from the wizard civilization and is extremely loyal to the wizard civilization.

Yu Ziyu is also direct Forcibly distorting Lerina's mind.

This is difficult for most Eternal Venerables to do.

After all, it is not difficult to kill a strong man from the eighth or ninth heaven of Tianmen.

But if you want to kill someone from the body to the heart It is not that difficult to enslave them.

However, Yu Ziyu is not an ordinary eternity after all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He has mastered the forbidden divine power Genesis. He even built the Forbidden Book.

The book of taboos has pages and pages of paper.

Yu Ziyu can use these papers to make the impossible possible!

And this time, Yu Ziyu used the papers in the book of taboos to forcibly enslave Lerina

"This time I went out with only three pages of paper~'."

Smacking his mouth, Yu Ziyu also felt a little regretful.

He didn't bring the forbidden book.

It is a line of defense for the starry sky and the world.

If necessary, it can save the starry sky and the earth.

Yu Ziyu didn't want to. He looked around for other civilizations and ended up in his own world. , there was a fire in the backyard.

So, he was prepared very early.

But at this time,

"Lerina, meet the master."

Kneeling on one knee, Lerina's face was filled with respect.

"Thank you for your hard work these years."

Yu Ziyu patted her on the shoulder and spoke seriously.

"These are all things that subordinates should do. Subordinates, you are born as a starry sky person, and you die as a starry sky ghost!!"

When Lerina said this, her face was full of seriousness.

And this is Yu Ziyu's slavery.

It is different from ordinary slavery.

Yu Ziyu's slavery is more like weaving false memories for Lerina.

She I mistakenly thought that I was a chess piece placed by Yu Ziyu in the starry sky and reincarnated. I have been working hard for the starry sky for many years. It was only today that I awakened the memory of my past life.

Although this is a bit troublesome

, only this kind of slavery is the safest.

Forced After all, it is possible to break free from slavery.

But my wrong understanding made her truly loyal to the starry sky and the world.

In other words, would Lerina betray the wizarding civilization in the past?

Absolutely impossible.

But now, Lerina The wizard civilization in her heart is the starry sky civilization.

Yu Ziyu used the covering method to make her loyal to the starry sky civilization instead of herself.

This is terrible.

Just because such slavery can control Lerina silently, but she herself does not Unaware.

And the most terrifying thing is that such slavery will not affect Lerina's progress.

Ordinary slavery will stop her cultivation. (Good promise)

Because the mind is affected.

But Yu Ziyu did not start with the mind. From memory.

Now Lerina can think for herself and practice.

Therefore, he can still go one step further and attack the ninth level of Tianmen.

However, she is unlikely to attack eternity.

Because eternity symbolizes absolute perfection.

Yu Ziyu The enslavement of Yu Ziyu was ultimately external interference that affected her existence itself.

For Lerina, Yu Ziyu’s enslavement was like a black hand behind the scenes.

If she wanted to impact eternity, she must uproot Yu Ziyu’s enslavement, and this must be Yu Ziyu would not allow it.

But now.

Looking at the loyal Lerina in front of him, Yu Ziyu also grinned.

"Lerina, please report to me on the recent situation of wizard civilization."

"Yes, master"

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