And shortly after that

"Thank you so much."

Blade Eternal came to Yu Ziyu and was extremely grateful.

"No problem."

Waving his hand, Yu Ziyu said:

"However, in the future, my identity as a void walker will appear frequently.-"


Nodding, Blade-Eternal also understood.

This time, in order to save the reverse species, Yu Ziyu forged an identity - Void Walker.

He is a neutral person.

The need often appears.

Even when necessary, he must cooperate with the wizard civilization.

Only Only in this way can he maintain the neutrality of his identity.

However, this is also a move made by Yu Ziyu.

It would be good if he could contact the wizard civilization with such an identity.

"As a void walker, our hunter civilization will take good care of you, so be careful."

Blade Eternal reminded


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also understood.

The wizard civilization is extremely scary. He might find something.

But at that time, what was waiting for him was not the olive branch extended by the wizard civilization.

But. Therefore, Yu Ziyu must be careful again and again.

Just in case. 1.

At this time, Blade Eternal also said bluntly:

"Ni Zhong has gone to recuperate from his injuries. Soon, he will visit you in person to thank you."

"Need not."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu set his sights not far away.

There, there was an aperture comparable to the size of the star field.

It was the prototype of the teleportation array. It was extremely huge.

According to Yu Ziyu's current calculations, if this Chaos The teleportation array is successfully constructed and can teleport about a million people at one time.

Teleport a few more times and a small legion will arrive.

However, the resources consumed by this teleportation array every time it is teleported are extremely terrifying.

Even for the hunter civilization, it is A number worthy of physical pain.

When thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also reminded:

"Have you prepared the resources for transmission? By then, you will probably feel sore."


With a sigh, Blade Eternal said bluntly:

"What does it matter if you sacrifice some resources for the sake of victory?"

"On the other hand, your starry sky civilization still has to fight for our hunter civilization."

Listening quietly, the corners of Yu Ziyu's lips were slightly raised.

Fighting for the hunter civilization?

This is just the beginning.

The follow-up is hard to say.

Now, he just wants to tie the hunter civilization to the chariot.

The rest can be said. Think about it later.

However, at this moment, in a corner of chaos.

Here, countless black gears are rotating.

Various gears are intertwined with each other, and a huge square has emerged.

And just above this square, a man wearing a head Peng's figure, sitting quietly

"A Chaos Traveler actually appeared? Or a chaos traveler who has mastered space?"

The Lord of Mechanical Gears frowned slightly.

He also felt that it was very troublesome for the Chaos Traveler.

It is best to be able to win over such a being.

If you cannot win over him, it is an unstable factor.

However, this one is also suspected of being responsible for the space. rules.

That’s even trickier

"It's best to win over him. Didn't he say that he was a businessman? You arrange for someone to contact him. It would be best for me to meet him in person."

The master of mechanical gears ordered


Responded in unison, many powerful people also agreed.

However, at this moment, a figure covered in rocks and burning with blazing flames suddenly stood up.

"What if we can't win over?"

"Look at his attitude. If he wants to help hunters become civilized, he will be regarded as an enemy of wizards."

The master of mechanical gears has a cold gaze.

So what if it is a powerful eternity?

If you cannot be a friend of the wizard civilization, you are destined to be an enemy.

As for neutrality, that does not exist.

The wizard civilization does not allow neutrality.

Just because, They were once very prosperous, but they were stabbed in the back by neutral allies....(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, it is impossible to be neutral.

In their eyes, there are only enemies or friends.

After hearing what the Lord of Mechanical Gears said, everyone understood what he meant.

Are they not enemies but friends?

The lava beast's eyes flashed.

I have a plan in mind.

His previous civilization had an extremely harsh living environment.

If the wizard civilization hadn't helped improve the environment and helped their civilization defeat powerful enemies, their civilization would have been destroyed long ago.

Therefore, he is extremely loyal to the wizard civilization.

I dare not say that I will fight to the end for wizard civilization.

But I will work hard.

And now, he plans to meet the Void Walker in person.

Not long after that, Yu Ziyu also completed today's mission.

Next, he should make plans for his identity as a Void Walker.

"Void Walkers are merchants, so they naturally need a treasure house to sell various treasures."

Thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also thought of his king's treasure house. It has gathered countless treasures of the starry sky civilization.

It also has the treasures of the divine blood world, the mutant civilization, and the fairyland.

To be honest, Yu Ziyu can be regarded as a person in chaos. , one of the few rich people.

However, among the thousands of treasures, many are hidden from the light.

For example, the treasures unique to the Starry Sky Civilization and the Divine Blood Civilization.

He needs to hide these treasures so as not to be exposed. What

"In the fairyland, pick some treasures."

Most of the treasures in Immortal Township were given by the Chaos Bell.

Over countless eras, the Chaos Bell has collected countless treasures and various resources.

The Divine Iron alone is calculated according to the mountain.

This Not yet...other.

And with the gift of the Chaos Bell, Yu Ziyu naturally has countless treasures from the fairyland.

Now, he needs to select some suitable treasures to sell in the Immortal Treasure House.

These treasures need to be valuable, but not very useful.

Otherwise, it would not be to support the enemy.

However, at this moment, the colorful divine flower suddenly reminded:

"Should we take this opportunity to arrange an informant in the wizarding civilization?"


Yu Ziyu decisively refused.

He must not arrange an informant as a Void Walker.

Just from one point, the wizard civilization will definitely focus on monitoring his existence as a Void Walker.

If he deliberately arranged an informant, wouldn't he tell the wizard civilization clearly that he An enemy of the wizard?

"When I transform into a Void Walker, I will remain absolutely neutral, absolutely!! inch!".

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