Not long after, in a corner of hunter civilization, a figure came unexpectedly

"What's wrong?"

Yu Ziyu is a little confused.

Recently, the war on the front line has been tense. Blade Eternal also has time to come here?

"Didn't something happen?"

Speaking, Blade Eternal also spoke concisely and to the point:

"We have encountered some troubles on the front line, especially the reverse species who have fallen into the trap of the wizard civilization."

"Now we are trapped in a tight siege and it is difficult to get out."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu's eyes flashed slightly.

It was a bit unexpected.

It can only be said that it is indeed a wizard civilization.

It is really scary.

With a little preparation, you can make the hunter civilization in front of you miserable.

Of course, Yu Ziyu believes that with the strength of the reverse species, it is not difficult to escape from the siege.

It is just that it may be extremely embarrassing.

However, with the help of Yu Ziyu, his escape will be much easier.

It can even be said that it is easy.

And this time, it can be considered. The last test.

To test Yu Ziyu’s attitude towards wizard civilization.

And to test whether Yu Ziyu is willing to take action

"There is no problem for me to take action."

Yu Ziyu said bluntly.

But the next moment, he changed the topic and continued:

"However, if I take action, it is very likely that my existence will be exposed, and even the existence of our starry sky civilization."

Hearing this, Blade Eternal's eyes also condensed slightly.

He has also thought about this.

The news that the starry sky civilization is now in contact with their wizard civilization must not be spread.

Otherwise, the wizard civilization may directly invade in a large scale. Win the hunter civilization in one breath

"But the current situation is indeed very troublesome. If something unexpected happens to the reverse species, it will be very difficult...."

Blade Eternal didn't finish his words.

But the meaning is self-evident


After a long silence, Yu Ziyu was also deep in thought.

He must take action.

But how can we not expose ourselves? this point is very important.

It’s about future plans

"Let me go and check the situation first."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu also stood up and planned to take a walk.

The vast chaos was boundless.

But at this moment, a corner of the chaos.

An extremely vast battlefield had opened up.

This battlefield was surrounded by boundless strong winds. The wall of transformation.

This wall is indestructible.

Even the Eternal Lord can hardly shake it.

Because, this is the immortal wind wall made by the elemental wizard from the wizard civilization - Wind Mark.

It can effectively seal off everything.

It is stronger than the reverse species. , trapped under this immortal wind wall, it is difficult to escape.

And deep in this wind wall, four unimaginable strong men have already started a fierce battle

"Hoo, ho, ho...~."

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Continuous low roars resounded through the chaos.

The reverse species was like a beast in dire straits, his whole body was filled with the power of chaos, and he kept rushing in all directions.

But waiting for him was the terrifying slashes of wind blades converging one after another.

Not only that, but there was also a shadowy figure blocking the way in front of him.

This is the lava beast.

Another eternity of wizard civilization.

Also alien.

It is said that he comes from a world called Lava Civilization.

Everything there was filled with thick black smoke and magma.

It is a terrifying world of fire and smoke.

The harsh living environment is beyond imagination.

And the giant lava beast, it is in such a world that when it comes out, it rises even more


The sudden punch was like a meteor falling from the sky.

As soon as Nizhong raised his head, he felt that the sky was getting dark.

It was the fist of the lava beast covering the sky and the earth.

Mixed with endless heat and magma.

Enough to crush everything.

However, going against the grain and not retreating but making progress


He growled low and raised his paw.

The pitch-black claws entwined with the power of chaos swelled against the wind, and instantly turned into towering giant claws, colliding with the terrifying fist.


Along with the earth-shattering loud noise, the two figures shook at the same time.

Endless wind and waves rose up, turning everything into pieces.

But at this moment,

"Forbidden curse doomsday storm."

Mumbling sounds, like murmurs, resounded through the chaos.

Immediately afterwards, a dark storm fell from the sky.

This storm was extremely sudden. It was even more terrifying.

In just a moment, the reverse species felt as if his body was cut by countless wind blades.

It was powerful. Just like his body, it was transformed into countless fragments in an instant.

Molecules, atoms...

Or even something else.

I don’t know about reverse breeding either. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, as an existence of eternal level.

The mind is immortal, and the body is also immortal.

His thoughts are united, and his body is constantly reunited...

But at this moment,

"Prevent him from recovering."

I don't know where the voice came from, suddenly sounded.

Hearing this, the giant lava beast that looked like a giant holding up the sky raised its fist again

"Come on, try my iron fist."

As the words fell, the lava beast's raised fist turned into pitch black.

It was the color of divine iron.

But at the moment when the pitch black was dyed, an unimaginable heavy feeling surged out. It was powerful. And the strength is heavy.

It has the aura of shattering everything.


In the sudden roar, the reorganized body of the reverse species once again turned into pieces.

"Roar, roar...

He kept growling, and he couldn't tell whether it was a scream or anger.

However, this is not the end


An unknown existence shouted in the dark. What awaited the counter-seed was another round of encirclement and suppression.

Time passed slowly, and a few days passed in the blink of an eye.

The counter-seed was like a turtle in a urn, trying hard again and again.

But it was impossible to escape. Heavy siege.

However, at this time, what no one noticed was that a figure was walking in the cracks of nothingness.

He was wearing a purple robe and an inexplicable crown on his head.

He was holding a purple giant sword in his hand.

It looked like extremely mysterious



Lift up step by step.

Every step that fell caused thousands of ripples.

Wherever he passed, the space was broken into fragments, and they were constantly reorganized, turning into a road under his feet, which continued to extend, as if to the other side.

And this is clearly the ultimate vision of space.

The road ahead is clear!!

It's like walking on flat ground!!


Suddenly he said, this figure seemed to have discovered something. He suddenly raised the giant sword in his right hand and swung it casually.


(Zhao Zhao Zhao) The space shattered as easily as paper, and the rich purple spirit spurted out fiercely.

And at this moment,

"who is it? ?"

"come out?"

"Sneaky, huh."

The continuous violent shouts were like thunder.

Accompanied by several extremely terrifying energy fluctuations, it was an attack.

An attack from digital eternity.

But looking at such a terrifying attack, this purple figure not only There was no fear, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. When the giant sword in his right hand was raised again, a large space instantly fell, turning into the most terrifying defensive power.

Yes, defense.

As the saying goes, the most terrifying defense is distance..

No matter how terrible the attack is, it is useless if it cannot touch the enemy.

And now, the picture that appears in front of these eternal venerables is like this.

Their attacks are terrible.

But such a terrible attack can hardly touch this one. Figure.

And this is because this purple figure cut off the distance between them.

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