Listening to the words of the colorful divine flower, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but remain silent. really.

Even two creatures cannot completely trust each other.

Not to mention civilization.

However, there is no way this time.

In the face of the wizard civilization, the starry sky civilization and the hunter civilization must put aside everything and pursue unity

"It's been very smooth to form an alliance this time.

"I hope that the other two civilizations can also go so smoothly."

Yu Ziyu smiled, looking forward to it

"It's difficult to estimate."

The colorful divine flower said without mercy.

"There was a moment of silence, and Yu Ziyu also looked at the colorful sacred flowers.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly in a subtle arc, and she explained:

"Haven't you seen that the hunter civilization"970" has actually fallen into a desperate situation?"

"They are being forced step by step by wizard civilization and are constantly encroaching. Until now, the scope of their chaotic activities has shrunk by half."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyebrows.

He really didn't notice this.

However, if it is true what the colorful divine flower said, then he can also understand why the hunter civilization is like this. Eager to form an alliance with the starry sky civilization.

This is not the icing on the cake. It is a real help in times of need.

Therefore, the hunter civilization is extremely happy.


With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu's eyes twinkled.

He knows, he can add some chips

"Then try to get some advantages in the negotiation as much as possible."

Yu Ziyu reminded

"That's for sure."

Nodding, Wucai Shenhua also started discussions with the think tanks in the Nine Realms.

And not long after that, Yu Ziyu also began to prepare to build the Chaos Teleportation Array. The

Chaos Teleportation Array established this time was different from the past.

This It is a chaotic teleportation array between two civilizations.

It is by no means as simple as one or two.

According to Yu Ziyu's estimation, he will need to build at least thousands of teleportation arrays and then connect them to each other. Then realize joint transmission.

And then at once, Teleporting from the starry sky and the earth to the hunter civilization.

This tests three points.

The first is Yu Ziyu's understanding of space.

The second is Yu Ziyu's grasp of time. At the same moment, thousands of teleportation arrays are activated at the same time, and there is no chance of missing anything. The difference is thousands of miles.

If you are not careful, all the teleported creatures will disappear.

So there is no room for any mistakes.

In the end, it is a test of Yu Ziyu’s understanding of the formation.

As for resources and energy, they are secondary.

Yu Ziyu has already emphasized.

If you want to activate such a teleportation array, it is estimated that you need an Eternal Master to output energy with all his strength.

After the teleportation array is completed, the Eternal Master will also be exhausted and need to rest for a period of time.

Regarding this, the Eternal Blade, the Queen There was no objection.

Even the queen took the initiative to say that she would activate the teleportation array.

With this guarantee, Yu Ziyu was relieved.

As for letting him activate it himself, it is possible.

And the energy contained in his body is extremely majestic.

Even if he supports it , The teleportation array has little impact.

But the problem is that Yu Ziyu will not do anything that is not beneficial.

Therefore, unless the hunter begs him politely and makes some promises by the way, Yu Ziyu will never take action to support the entire teleportation array..

This can be regarded as one of the few selfish behaviors of Yu Ziyu.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also began to prepare to build the teleportation array.

He submitted the list of various materials for building the teleportation array to the hunter civilization in advance. (Watch it cool. For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Suddenly, Blade Yong appeared next to Yu Ziyu.

"The space crystal you need, the Chaos Divine Stone...There are also prism crystals, white jade sacred iron, and aerial azure stones. We have found them all....But the Divine Stone of Creation and the Divine Soul-stealing Iron you mentioned have never been found."

Blade Eternal looked guilty.

These are all necessary to build a teleportation array.

But they couldn't produce it.


It really made the blade eternal and uncomfortable for a while.....

"It doesn't matter, the current materials are enough to build most of it, and the rest will be slowly found."

Yu Ziyu waved his hand, indicating that it was okay.

In fact, he smiled in his heart.

Sure enough, poor information is the king of making money.

He really needs the space crystal stone and the white jade divine iron.

But the chaos divine stone and the creation divine stone, I'm sorry. , these are not the things needed to establish the teleportation array.

These are just Yu Ziyu's jealousy.

The Chaos Divine Stone is said to be the hardest stone in Chaos, and it can gather the power of Chaos.

It is the best material for refining Imperial Arms..

Extremely rare.

Even if the starry sky has developed for so many years, not many have been found.

As for the divine stone of creation, it is even a legendary stone. It is a spiritual stone.

It can breed life and is extremely mysterious.

According to legend, this is also a stone for refining clones. The best material.

The starry sky and the earth have been lost for many years.

Yu Ziyu also had the idea of ​​​​testing.

Yes, the best.

No, no problem.

However, he also discovered that the hunter civilization does not know how to refine weapons or alchemy.

There are treasures in the sky. I don’t know.

If the weapon refiners and alchemists in the starry sky came here, I’m afraid they would go crazy.

Many weapon refiners have been looking for the best weapon refinement materials for a lifetime. I can’t say that they can be found everywhere in 0.6.

But they can also be found easily. So, how can we not make these weapon refiners go crazy.

As for the alchemists, it's okay.

The strong men of the hunter civilization can still sense various spiritual flowers and herbs, and then devour them to promote their own evolution.

But they devour them directly like this. , is too much of a waste of natural resources.

If it is given to an alchemist to refine it, the effect will be improved by tens of thousands.

It can even reduce side effects.

In this regard, Yu Ziyu feels that he can also make a fuss.

When the time comes, he can arrange for alchemists and weapon refiners to come. Earn the difference here

"Thinking about it this way, there are many places that hunter civilization can take advantage of."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu also looked thoughtful.

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