In the vast chaos, Yu Ziyu wandered alone.

However, on this day, he was smiling

"Finally figured it out."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

Over the years, he has been making deductions.

Then combined with the news from the primitive beasts from time to time, he finally calculated the location of a civilization.

This civilization.

It is called: hunter civilization.

It is the reproduction of individuals. to the peak of civilization.

And now, he is about to rush there

"Let's go."

Said hello to the colorful divine flowers, Yu Ziyu took a step forward.

Time and space were reversed.

It was fleeting.

However, at this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to see more balloons behind Yu Ziyu.

And those are all there. Chaos behemoths.

In front of Yu Ziyu's power, these chaotic behemoths"930" are as small as ants.

They are all restrained in a small space and turned into balloons one after another, leaving it to the colorful divine flowers to play with.

And that's not all. ,

Yu Ziyu also established a Chaos Behemoth Experimental Base deep in the Nine Realms.

Now, the experiment has achieved certain results.

"The composition of each Chaos Behemoth is different"

"They are closer to the law itself."

This is a very important experimental conclusion.

It also means that Yu Ziyu and even Jiujie have taken a further step in the research on chaotic beasts.

"Unfortunately, the mechanical pioneer is not here."

The mechanical pioneer is now in Demon Court.

He is a pioneer of technology. He is a terrifying existence at the forefront of technology under Yu Ziyu.

If he stays by Yu Ziyu's side and analyzes the chaotic beasts for a long time, he may still be able to deal with the chaotic beasts. The understanding is deeper.

However, this is not forced.

There will be opportunities in the future.

Time passes slowly, and thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye.

And on this day,

Yu Ziyu has come to a strange chaos.

When he came here, Yu Ziyu was convinced Yes, he did not come to the wrong place.

The strong smell of blood permeated the chaos.

From time to time, you can still see some powder floating in the chaos.

That is life.

Unknown life turns into the powder left by the crushing.

Raise your hand, some powder Falling into the hands of Yu Ziyu


Yu Ziyu shouted softly.

The next moment, a strange light burst out from his palm.

Everything seemed to be distorted.

In just a moment, a vague figure appeared in Yu Ziyu's hand.

It was a life form like an insect.

Its body It is oval in shape and covered with a hard shell. The shell is black in color and has many spiny protrusions on the surface.

Its head is very small, with only a shape similar to a human skull, and its eyes show a very It has a unique shape and is green in color.

Its mouth is located under the head and is very narrow, but it can open very wide to reveal sharp teeth.

Just like the mouthparts of insects.

"Is this what is called a hunter?"

Yu Ziyu stared blankly at the life in his hand, and couldn't help but be tranced.

How should I put it?

It is indeed a mutant that dominates the chaos.

Just looking at it gives people an extremely ferocious feeling.

Moreover, it is very much like a kind of life.

That is the Zerg race in the starry sky.

The Zerg race in the starry sky is actually extremely terrifying.

At its peak, it was no less than the Dragon and Phoenix tribes. It was one of the most terrifying races in the starry sky.

But it has declined a lot in this era.

However, even so, The Starry Sky Zerg has also produced many strong people.

For example, his apprentice, Zong Girl, has an insight into the spiritual laws.

Another example is Purple Sickle and Golden Ant, to a certain extent, they can be considered as most of the Zerg.

And this This alien species is just like the Starry Sky Zerg.

To be more precise, it is the advanced evolution of the Starry Sky Zerg.

If this is the case, it is not difficult to imagine why they were able to establish civilization and dominate the ancient times.

They have such qualifications

"Take these back to the Nine Realms and analyze them"

"yes."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The colorful divine flower responded, and then brought back the life in Yu Ziyu's palm.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu did not approach rashly.

He had already arrived near the hunter civilization.

Now, there is no rush.

He needs to observe.

However, to his surprise, not long after, he discovered a chaotic battlefield where wizard civilization and hunter civilization were fighting. The place was devastated.

Countless corpses were suspended.

It seemed that there was no time to clean up. It looked like The battlefield is not as fierce as usual0....

And just then


The colorful divine flowers came to Yu Ziyu's side

"How to say?"

"The results are out. Through analysis, we found that the life forms of the hunter civilization have extremely strong vitality and amazing evolutionary potential."

The colorful divine flower looked solemn.

"Be specific."

Yu Ziyu said

"Simply put, they can devour any race, ingest the genes of that race in a short period of time, and then evolve directly."

"Moreover, they are extremely adaptable and can now adapt to chaos..."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyebrows.

Adapt to chaos.

This is amazing.

Why have most races in the starry sky not emerged from Chaos?

The big reason is that the chaotic living environment is extremely harsh.

Ordinary masters can't resist it.

Especially when the Chaos Storm is set off, it can destroy everything.

But these guys are actually able to adapt to chaos.

Survive in Chaos

"I kind of understand why this race has the power to fight against the wizard civilization."

Yu Ziyu sighed

"They are at least much stronger than the current divine blood civilization."

"If the previous divine blood civilization encounters them, it is very likely that they will become their food."

The colorful divine flower said with a smile.

"But now they have encountered the wizard civilization"

"This wizard civilization is not easy to mess with."

As his eyes flashed, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes.

2.8 Vaguely, he could feel several extremely terrifying auras, dormant in the depths of chaos.

They were waiting...

They are sleeping.

However, once they wake up.

Then what awaits all life will be unimaginable horror.

However, what Yu Ziyu didn’t know at this time was that in the deepest part of a certain civilization,...


Suddenly he spoke, and a huge figure suddenly vomited blood.

But his wrinkled face was all smiles. It's coming.

It's really coming.

"What's coming?"

Some people are puzzled

"The One, the One whom I prophesied has come."

As the words fell, the figure vomited out another mouthful of blood. It should be like this to reveal the secret.

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