The first general attack of the wizard civilization's vanguard force.

It can be considered a failure.

However, the losses on the Divine Blood World side were also extremely heavy.

Especially the Legion.

There are three legions, nearly completely wiped out.

If it hadn't been for Mo Mo's attack on the eternal battlefield and severely injured the Star Language Singer, I'm afraid it would have been...The bloody city wall, the first line of defense in the Divine Blood World, will fall directly.

And now, the Divine Blood World is also making a summary in this regard.

"This time, the Lord of the Demonic Way silently made a great contribution"

"But he was also seriously injured and might not be able to take action for a long time."

Shensu Eternal sighed, looking at Mo with a touch of gratitude.

However, he didn't know that Mo was a puppet controlled by Yu Ziyu. Few people in the entire starry sky knew this. In their view, the devil's way" 407"Zhumo" is a deviant, a traitor to the Taoist sect, who abandoned the Tao and became a demon. But no one thought that such a being would actually be killed in a civilized war pet. For the sake of the divine blood world, he would not hesitate to risk his life. Therefore, countless People's views on Mo, the Lord of the Demonic Way, have changed. Even some top experts look at Mo, the Lord of the Demonic Way, in a different way. However, it is a pity that Mo, the Lord of the Demonic Way, is still the same as before, walking alone. I go my own way. I never talk to anyone. The most I can do is meet Eternity. Then, I communicate with the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, who is also a giant of demons.

"Mo will stay in our sea of ​​blood to recuperate, but what should we do next?"

Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood looked at the speed and eternity not far away, as well as the element-devouring beast.

"While further strengthening defense, prepare for counterattack."

Godspeed Eternal expressed his thoughts.

Counterattack is a must.

Being beaten has never been what their mutant civilization is good at.

Only attacking is the only thing their mutants can do.

"Counterattack, that's for sure."

The Yuan Devouring Beast nodded, and then said frankly;

"Next, organize the legion to attack, and then repair the bloody city wall"

"yes." responded in unison, and everyone also accepted the order.

As for the body of the sea of ​​blood, it is a force that walks between the mutant civilization and the wizard civilization.

He is a giant of the devil, sucking blood from both sides.

The mutant civilization died in the battle. , will become a part of him.

The creatures killed by the wizard civilization will also become a part of him.

And with the efforts of the two major civilization-level forces, Yu Ziyu's body of the sea of ​​​​blood is also growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

More terrifying.

More restrained.

For this, Shensu Eternal may not have discovered this.

But this is Yu Ziyu.

As always, extremely low-key, dormant.

Even if he is a clone, he may have learned the essence.

Just his eyes condensed slightly, Yu Ziyu's But the body of the sea of ​​blood thought of the key.

That is whether he can prove the Tao with force.

The force here is not the law of force.

It is a kind of pure force.

It is the continuous accumulation of energy.

It is the continuous growth of the body.

It is a kind of From quantitative change to qualitative change.

To be honest, if it were before, Yu Ziyu would not dare to think about it.

But what if he could devour a civilization endlessly.

Or even devour half of the most powerful civilization?

If this is the case, then is it possible? ?

"It's impossible to swallow it infinitely, my body doesn't allow it"

"But if..."

Suddenly, Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood thought of a very terrifying law - the law of devouring.

The law of swallowing means swallowing everything.

It involves the laws of transformation, absorption, assimilation, etc.

If he could practice the Law of Devouring to perfection, he might be able to solve the problem of limits.

Moreover, the body of the purple dragon is also burdened with a very terrifying supreme law - the infinite law.

This is also a direction.

As he kept thinking about it, Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood was actually filled with a hazy Taoist charm.


The sudden roar shocked everyone.

Subconsciously, he looked in the direction of the body of the sea of ​​blood.

Immediately, everyone widened their eyes


"this..."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Continuous exclamations resounded deep in the palace.

But before they could say anything more, God Speed ​​Eternal waved his right hand and swept everyone away...........

The Lord of the Blood Sea suddenly realized the truth.

This is beyond imagination.

Absolutely no outsiders allowed to be disturbed.

What is worth mentioning is that enlightenment is both mysterious and mysterious.

The more powerful a being is, the more terrifying it is to fall into enlightenment.

Because it is difficult for a strong person to go further.

But falling into enlightenment means taking it a step further and becoming a reality.

Just like the Buddhist Sakyamuni, he fell into enlightenment under the Bodhi tree and attained eternal enlightenment once.

It's scary.

Therefore, after seeing Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood and enlightenment, Shenshu Eternal immediately took action.

The element-devouring beast also opened its barrier.

Protect the body of the sea of ​​blood

"At this time, enlightenment?"

The Yuan Devouring Beast raised his eyebrows with a hint of envy.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of him, he is practicing all the time"

"Good guy, we are discussing business and he is thinking about spiritual practice."

"Outrageous, really outrageous."

After a series of discussions, the Speed ​​Eternal and the Yuan Devouring Beast all looked helpless.

However, they would not say much.

No matter who has enlightened, they are worthy of congratulations.

What's more, this is the Lord of Time and Space.

However, the only puzzling thing is Yes, can a clone also realize enlightenment?

This is beyond imagination.

At this time, in the depths of chaos, Yu Ziyu also noticed the changes in the body of the sea of ​​blood.


While he was stunned, he also felt that 4.0 had received a terrifying power, descending on the sea of ​​blood.

That is the Tao.

Mysterious and mysterious, it is indescribable.

At this moment, the Tao prefers and is close to the body of the sea of ​​blood.

Even Yu Ziyu himself is It is difficult to influence.

Of course, he will not influence it.

The body of the sea of ​​​​blood and enlightenment will be of great benefit to him.

It’s just that...

"It seems that Zilong is about to reach prehistoric times."

Suddenly speaking, Yu Ziyu thought of his other clone, Zilong.

This guy was sent to the primitive world by Yu Ziyu.

With the help of Yu Ziyu's power, he kept teleporting across time and space in the chaos.

Although he was only half a step into eternity, he was still on the road. The speed is estimated to be much faster than ordinary eternity.

Thinking about it this way, he should not be far from the prehistoric...

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