The all-out war between the Divine Blood World and the Wizarding Civilization broke out faster than imagined.

It was beyond Yu Ziyu's expectation.

He thought it had been for a while.

However, for now, the vanguard of the wizard civilization is not enough to shake the world of divine blood.

"With the strength of an advance force, it would be too arrogant to want to shake the world."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also chatted with Wucai Shenhua about this matter.

"You think, is it possible that the Black Moon Wizard will also take action?"

"Didn't you say that he is very strong? To say nothing of it is a top-grade eternity."

Hearing the worries of Colorful Divine Flower, Yu Ziyu also smiled and said

"It doesn't matter if he takes action"

"It won't affect the overall situation."

Yu Ziyu said bluntly.

For that Black Moon Wizard, he had already laid out his backup plan.

If he dared to take action, then what awaited him would be the complete defeat of the wizard civilization's advance troops.

To be honest, Yu Ziyu hoped that he would take action.

At this time, the eternal battle on the bloody city wall, the first line of defense in the Divine Blood World, has entered a fever pitch.

Even if the element-devouring beast is not afraid of death, it is still difficult to withstand the 990 eternal siege of the three major wizard civilizations.

As for the Speed ​​Eternal, he is more of a guerrilla player.

A head-on collision is impossible.

With his small body, it will break if not touched.

But if it touches a few more times, it will almost break.

Therefore, the Speed ​​Eternal is very effective. Stable.

It's just that he's so stable that the Devouring Beast feels sick.

"I can't hold it anymore, I can't hold it anymore."

The element-devouring beast continued to send messages

"I'll do it right away."

Speed ​​Eternal roared, turned into a bolt of lightning, and once again attacked the star singer.

But aside, the alien Eternal Alam was already staring at Speed ​​Eternal.

In terms of speed alone, he is indeed not as good as Speed ​​Eternal.

But The question is, after knowing the speed and eternal attack target, does it still need speed?

"The immeasurable sea."

The alien Eternal Alam roared, setting off a huge wave, and turned into an indestructible wall, blocking the speed of Eternity.

"damn it."

God Speed ​​Eternal cursed angrily, but had to retreat.

He could only watch helplessly, the Yuan Devouring Beast, being besieged by the three Eternals.

However, (cddh) at this moment, no one noticed that in the Star Language Singer There was a flash of blood in the sky.

It was the trace of the Spear of Destiny.

It was finally found.

It found the opportunity to penetrate the Star Language Singer.

"It's now."

Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood suddenly shouted in a low voice.

"Yes, master."

In response, Mo also shot out fiercely, turning into a sword light reaching the sky.

The four swords of Zhu Xian circled around him.

They continued to accelerate and rotate until they turned into a terrifying sword storm.

And at the same time,

"Yin, Yin..."

Amidst the bursts of gunfire, a shocking blood glow surged out from the sky above the Star Whisper Singer.


The star singer noticed the edge of the Imperial Soldier's Spear of Destiny, and her face changed slightly.

However, she didn't pay too much attention.

She had seen the Imperial Soldier's Spear of Destiny.

Naturally, she knew that this divine spear was unstoppable.

But the attack The attack was not enough.

At most, it was just a shot from him.

With their hands intertwined, they led countless musical runes around her body, and the star singer was ready.

When the alien Eternal Alam and another eternal wizard saw this, they were relieved.

If it was just the Spear of Destiny, they could still accept it

"You continue to suppress him and don't give him a chance to breathe."

Xingyu Singer, commanded


Responded in unison, they all looked serious and continued to attack the element-devouring beast.

But at this moment, no one noticed that the silently activated Blade Storm had disappeared into the chaos.

It was in the Spear of Destiny. Under the guidance of the hero, he escaped into nothingness.

He followed the traces left by the spear of destiny and kept moving forward.

""Boom" a sudden roar resounded through the chaos.

The spear of destiny, with the power to destroy everything, until the star singer


There was just a crisp sound, and a touch of blood splashed out from the chest of the star singer.

It hurts, it really hurts. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It seems like it is tearing apart your soul.

But it's still within the acceptable range of Star Language Diva.

The healing musical runes surround you.

Injury continues to recover

"This one blow alone is not enough."

Xingyu Singer smiled.

However, at the next moment,

"Yin, Yin..."

Bursts of sword sounds suddenly sounded in the chaos

"This is?"

With her eyes widened, the star singer reacted quickly, and immediately launched one halo after another.

But the sword light came too fast.

Too fast.

It also had an edge of destruction that could destroy everything.

"Die to me."

As the words fell, a terrifying storm of sword light fell from the sky above the Star Language Singer.

"Click, click..."

"Click, click..."

With a series of crisp sounds, the Star Whisperer's entire body was submerged in the terrifying sword storm.

Countless blood continued to overflow.

At the same time, the expressions of Alam and another eternal wizard from far away changed greatly.

"not good"

"Star singer."

Amidst repeated exclamations, Alam rushed over as fast as possible.

But what was waiting for him was only more miserable screams. The sword storm is not terrible.

The terrible four swords of Zhu Xian.

They are like spiritual snakes, shuttling through the Star Language Song at extremely fast speeds. Around Ji.

Every dance of the sword was filled with blood.

In front of these four Immortal Killing Swords, the defense that Xingyu Singer was proud of seemed to be made of paper.

Even the defensive aura she used, They have completely lost their effect

"What kind of sword is this?"

The star singer is puzzled. She is more confused.

In front of these four swords, her immortal body is weakening rapidly.

The blood is flowing away.

The soul is dimming.

Even the laws have lost their brilliance.

Everything. , telling her everywhere that he seemed to have reached the end. He was not far away from the so-called death.

Of course, this must be an illusion.

If the four swords of Zhu Xian were controlled by the Eternal Lord, their power would definitely be able to kill Eternity.

But now , just half a step of eternal silence, controlling.

Although the power is extremely terrifying, it is still not as good as the peak case.

Now, more is relying on the sharpness of the Four Swords of Zhuxian.

Relying on the characteristics of the Four Swords of Zhuxian, Only then can you cut off eternity..

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