The wizarding civilization is terrible.

But no matter how terrifying it is, it is still extremely far away from the Divine Blood World and even the Starry Sky World.

And this period of time is by no means so easy to cross.

Therefore, in the short term, there is no need to worry about the divine blood world and the starry sky world ~ the threat of wizard civilization

"Before the wizard civilization established the Chaos Teleportation Array, the Divine Blood - Heaven and Earth was worry-free."

The primitive beast sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Immediately, he passed all this news to Yu Ziyu.

In his body, he had the means left by Yu Ziyu.

This was both his life-saving means and his means of communication.

Soon after, Yu Ziyu had already All the news has been received

"Has the Wizarding Civilization not started building the Chaos Teleportation Array yet?"

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu was also surprised.

It seems that the wizard civilization really does not pay attention to the divine blood world.

Chaos teleportation array is the best way to travel in chaos.

It is also the fastest way.

Although in Each major civilization has different names.

But its essence is the same.

They are all folded spaces, or twisted spaces......And then achieve the purpose of long-distance transmission.

On the technology side, this is called a wormhole.

In the starry sky, this is called the Chaos Teleportation Array.

In wizard civilization...This seems to be called a channel.

Specifically, Yu Ziyu didn’t know.

But the problem now is...None of the wizarding civilizations set out to build a channel.

This means that the Wizard Civilization Expeditionary Force feels that it can solve the world of divine blood.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that for any civilization, the cost of establishing a channel or a chaotic teleportation array is very high.

Not all civilizations have people like Yu Ziyu.

Yu Ziyu carries time and space on his back, and one person can initiate ultra-long-distance teleportation.

As for other civilizations, if they want to build such a huge teleportation array and coordinates, it is definitely necessary.

Eternal-level existence is also needed to maintain the stability of the teleportation array and provide energy. besides...

All of this is beyond imagination.

To put it bluntly, establishing an ultra-long-distance channel is a huge step for the wizarding civilization.

Today, wizard civilization has seven major channels.

Corresponding to three civilizations respectively.

Countless wizard armies use these passages to continuously rush towards the battlefield.

If it is on the side of the Divine Blood World, another channel will be established.

Then the wizard civilization has eight major channels.

And this also means that the eight eternal wizards are involved.

Plus unlimited resources.

It is estimated that with every daily consumption, the wizard civilization feels like it is bleeding.

This is also the reason why wizard civilization is unwilling to establish a channel unless necessary.

However, once the channel is established.

So sorry.

The wizard will invest troops beyond imagination.

It will also truly start a full-scale war

"The wizard civilization is now at war with three major civilizations at the same time."

This is a message from the primitive beast.

Hearing this news, Yu Ziyu was a little confused. What do the three major civilizations mean?

It is enough to affect half of the chaotic battlefield.

Countless strong people.

There are also one after another super Unimaginable Eternal Lord..

"This is the most powerful civilization."

Yu Ziyu's pupils shrank.

He once again realized the horror of wizard civilization.

He dared to start a war with three major civilizations at the same time.

All I can say is that it is worthy of it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And Now, add the divine blood civilization.

In other words, the wizard civilization and the four major civilizations are at war?

Moreover, they all seem to be suppressing.

One civilization suppresses the four civilizations.

It is really suffocating.

"According to the news from the original beast...Among the three major civilizations, one is the predator civilization...The main body of this civilization is a race of predators...They are life forms at the top of the food chain...Any life can evolve by devouring others"

"The most terrifying thing about them is that they can extract high-quality genes from other creatures to make up for their own shortcomings...."

"Therefore, the single combat power of this civilization is extremely powerful. Especially the four eternities are even more suffocating."

Yu Ziyu sighed with a complicated expression.

The three major civilizations that the wizard civilization is currently fighting against should not be underestimated.

This predator civilization sounds very scary.

But the problem is that such a powerful civilization seems to be in the midst of the three major civilizations that the wizard civilization is fighting against. Among the civilizations, it ranks third. It can’t even get into the second place.

In this way, you can also imagine the horror of the other two major civilizations.

However, there is very little news about the other two major civilizations.

Even the primitive beasts have not heard about it.

Come to think of it, it is The level of the primitive beast is not enough.

It is difficult to contact.

But it is enough.

This information is very important to Yu Ziyu

"The war started with the three major civilizations at the same time, opening up seven battlefields...."

"Like a fan shape, with the wizard civilization as the origin, it radiates half of the chaos."

Yu Ziyu closed his eyes and quickly deduced the current situation of wizard civilization.

In Yu Ziyu's view, these three major civilizations should not be in contact.

If they are in contact, the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

The three major civilizations estimate that They joined forces directly.

And this is not as simple as one plus one.

For example, the predator civilization is very strong.

But its weaknesses are also obvious.

This is a civilization that is obsessed with its own evolution and relies on plundering flesh and blood to evolve.

So the wizard civilization What was sent was the technological side.

The wizards rushed to the battlefield in person from the most famous city - City in the Sky.

Countless mechanical wizards came one after another.

They actually directly suppressed such a civilization.

This is targeting.

Proper targeting.

Predator civilization Although it is powerful, it is also a headache for this kind of mechanical wizard.

Naturally, it was suppressed.

But if there are other civilizations to assist and help, then the result is hard to say.

Therefore, the reason why the current wizard civilization is completely suppressed is very big Maybe, he defeated them one by one

"Other civilizations may not haveout of chaos"

"In other words, there is no power to get out of chaos."

"The wizard civilization suddenly arrived, and they could only be beaten"

"if...I mean, if..."

With his eyes flashing, Yu Ziyu had a bold idea..

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