The battle in the corner of Chaos continues.

However, at this time, the alien Eternal Alam was a little numb.

Completely numb.

He beheaded again and again.

But every time he was killed, Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood would be resurrected again.

In a daze, it feels like he cannot be killed

"What the hell is this guy?"

Alam was puzzled.

But not only him, but also the Black Moon Wizard and the Star Singer were puzzled.

"I didn’t expect that I really couldn’t be killed."

"No wonder he has such confidence"


After a series of discussions, the way they looked at Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood also changed.

An unkillable Half-Step Eternity did have the qualifications for them to take it seriously.

"I said how dare you come here alone, it turns out that you are relying on your immortality."

Alam snorted coldly.

But he didn't care.

At their level, immortality is no longer rare.

There are all kinds of immortals.

However, the immortals who can make the Eternal Venerable are difficult to kill. The body is indeed somewhat rare.

But it is only rare.

Give him time, and the solution will be inevitable.

And at that time, he will definitely kill it.

But, now, there is indeed a little trouble

"What method can be used to make it difficult to kill the Eternal Venerable?"

Alam quietly stared at 057's figure in the distance, with a look of doubt on his face.

At this time, the body of the sea of ​​​​blood looked at Alam not far away and smiled;

"What, do you want to continue?"

His words were somewhat frivolous and more disdainful.

However, it was this tone that made Alam feel unhappy.

He clenched his fists and his face was ashen.

"I want to see how many times you can be resurrected."

As soon as he finished speaking, Alam was already rushing towards Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood.

However, this time, Yu Ziyu did not want to sit still and wait for death. The reason why he fell so easily before was just because he wanted to try the blood god's magic.

But now,

"Here comes the gun."

With a loud shout, a red comet cut through the chaos and fell on the hand of the body of the sea of ​​blood.

It was the spear of destiny.

It pointed directly at fate.

It had the ultimate power to hit.

And at this moment, holding the spear , wrapped in blood, Yu Ziyu's body of the sea of ​​blood is like a god of war, with indescribable power.

However, the battle between Yu Ziyu's body of the sea of ​​blood and Alam was not as long and lasting as imagined (bgfa)


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning cut through the chaos.

That lightning was extremely fast.

As strong as the Star Whispering Diva, Black Moon's eyes were slightly focused.

And this is the speed and eternity from the divine blood civilization.

He smiled and did not give the powerful wizard and civilization the slightest chance.


With a soft drink, God Speed ​​Eternal urged the power of God Speed ​​with all his strength.


Suddenly the sky broke, and he actually left under the eyes of many eternal wizards with his body in the sea of ​​blood.

Yes, leave.

It's so fast that they don't even have time to intercept it.

"This guy's speed is really terrifying."

Black Moon Wizard sighed.

"He has nothing but speed."

Alam snorted coldly.

He has fought against the Speedy Eternal many times and knows him very well.

This guy's speed is indeed full.

But the attack, defense and other things are average. He has not even reached the level of the Eternal Lord..

But at this time, what he didn’t know was that the Speed ​​Eternal was an existence that had already died once.

If Yu Ziyu’s conscience hadn’t discovered it and resurrected him, this person would probably have slept forever until the end of the era.

This is also the Speed ​​Eternity, The reason why the combat power is greatly reduced.

If it were before, the Speed ​​Eternal was not good enough.

But at least it can be ranked in the middle of the eternal level.

Soon after, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu's bloody body said helplessly:

"What are you doing here so early?"

Aren't I afraid that you will be trapped in a tight siege?

Shensu Eternal explained.

Immediately, he took a look at Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood.

"Good guy, that Aram has taken action with all his strength, but he hasn’t done anything to you yet?"

God Speed ​​Eternal is a little surprised.

Although Alam is ordinary, he is an eternity after all.

And the current body of blood sea is only half a step of eternity.

But he can actually withstand Alam's full offensive.


I said, I am not weaker than others.

Yu Ziyu's bloody body smiled indifferently, and then asked:

"How can I put it this time, are you satisfied with my depth this time?"

"Naturally satisfied."

Nodding, God Speed ​​Eternal also said bluntly:

"While you were attracting their attention, I also joined forces with the element-devouring beast, sneaked into the depths of the advance troops of the wizard civilization, and stole a lot of information."

"So far, the results are promising."

"By the way, I was still in the vanguard of wizard civilization and left gifts."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyebrows.


But before Yu Ziyu could think more, there was a loud bang, and a shocking explosion suddenly came from the distant chaos.


No need to look back,

Yu Ziyu also knew clearly that this was the gift from the mouth of God Su Yong.

At this time, the advance troops of wizard civilization were stationed.

Alam stared not far away.

That's his territory.

Originally there was a towering Tower of Eternity, standing quietly.

Then he opened the barrier to protect everything.

But now, the barrier is broken and countless buildings are destroyed.

Countless creatures disappeared into the chaos

"Speed ​​and eternity..."

"Speed ​​and eternity..."

"I must peel off your skin."

Alam roared angrily, his words full of reluctance.

He said, how could the Half-Step Eternal come alone?

It turned out to be to attract their attention, and then create opportunities for the Speed ​​Eternal and the others.

But he still didn't understand..

I still don’t understand.

The Black Moon Wizard and the Star Singer are nearby. How did they manage to sneak into the barrier quietly and then do things inside.

However, they are not the only ones who don’t understand.

Even Yu Ziyu Even the body of the sea of ​​blood does not understand

"Their barrier must be very strong. How did you sneak in quietly?"

Yu Ziyu's body of sea of ​​blood asked.

"Have you forgotten that there is a treasure in the starry sky and the earth, called the Boundary Breaking Stone?"

Shensu Eternal smiled and took out an extremely dark stone.

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