
The sudden roar shook the whole chaos.

At the same time, the faces of each Eternal Venerable changed again and again.

An astonishing energy is rising continuously.

This energy machine rushes straight into chaos.

It seemed like it was tearing everything apart.

And this is an imperial weapon, fully revived


Amidst the increasingly terrifying roar, a monstrous bloody whirlpool was set off in the deepest part of the boundless sea of ​​blood.

And in the depths of the whirlpool, each of the Eternal Lords saw a spear spinning continuously.

And that spear was the legendary Spear of Destiny.

Also known as:"The Spear of Longinus"!

According to biblical records - this is the spear that once pierced Jesus Christ. When Jesus was crucified, this spear pierced his side.

Stained with the blood of God.

Destiny was touched again.

Extremely mysterious and terrifying.

Even if you look at the starry sky and the earth, they are truly top-notch offensive imperial soldiers.

And this imperial weapon originally followed the goddess of fate.

That is, the third princess.

But this time, when Yu Ziyu sent the body of the sea of ​​​​blood to travel through chaos, he arranged for the 14 guns of destiny to follow.

For, this is it

"Even if Eternal hits with all his strength, so what?"

The body of the sea of ​​blood grinned, and countless blood continued to flow towards the spear of destiny.

Until the spear was dyed red


A terrible roar resounded through the chaos.

That touch of red light became more and more bright and dazzling.

Until it illuminated half of the vanguard of wizard civilization.

At the same time, a feeling of extreme palpitations also poured into the heart of the alien Eternal Alam.


With an exclamation, Alam did not expect to have this hand.

A weapon has such power.

Are you kidding?

And at this moment,

"Through it, destiny."

The body of the sea of ​​blood commanded softly.


"Yin, Yin..."

Bursts of gunshots rang out.

But it was extremely sharp.

And at the next moment, the spear lifted into the air and headed straight above Chaos.


With a sudden roar, the Spear of Destiny was like a red comet, cutting through most of the chaos.

Seeing this, Alien Eternal Alam's heart skipped a beat.

If they were both eternal, he would definitely retreat after seeing this attack or temporarily avoid the limelight.

But this guy is just a half step into eternity

"He is only half a step into eternity."

Amid another emphasis, the alien Eternal Alam's right foot fell hard again.


Accompanied by an earth-shattering roar, two waves of energy that could shake the entire chaos also erupted at this moment.

Even more terrifying storms swept across all directions.

But don’t wait for more collisions between these two energies.


Suddenly breaking through the sky, a red comet penetrated everything from bottom to top.

It also penetrates the body of the alien Eternal Alam.

Looking from a distance, it seems that it goes all the way up from the soles of the feet and goes straight to Tianling Gai.

It is quite now.

Everyone was quiet.

Even Black Moon and Star Language Diva were completely quiet. what happened?

What happened?

As powerful as the alien Eternal Alam, he was actually penetrated by a single blow. this...

"Could this weapon be the imperial weapon of this civilization?"

Black Moon Wizard's pupils shrank again and again, he couldn't believe it.

Star Language Singer's eyes flashed, and her little mouth also grew, revealing a hint of astonishment.

But at this moment,

"Cough cough cough..."

A sudden cough caused the alien Eternal Alam to have a stiff body, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. he got hurt.

A half-step eternity, a blow penetrated him, leaving him injured.

He wouldn't have dared to think about this before.

But now, it happened to him.

There were even many wizards watching quietly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The injury is not serious.

For Alam, healing occurs in an instant.

But he felt his face burning with pain.

An unimaginable sense of shame engraved itself in my heart.

He seemed to be nailed to a pillar of shame, feeling unspeakably aggrieved and furious.

"OK, OK, OK..."

Laughing repeatedly, the alien Eternal Alam looked at the boundless sea of ​​​​blood without any emotion.

That look seemed to be looking at a dead person

"Oops, Alam is angry."

Xingyu Singer pretended to be surprised.

"Um, can you not be angry? This is only half a step into eternity"


The star singer wants to say something else.

But the next moment, he saw Alam carrying the huge waves and rushing towards the boundless sea of ​​blood.

He alone can transform into the sea.

Set off billions of waves.

One weight, and another.

Just to sweep everything

"Bury me here."

Alam shouted angrily.

And at the next moment, earth-shattering energy fluctuations also broke out in the chaos.

How terrifying would it be for an eternity to explode with all its strength?

No one knows.

But now, the advance troops of the wizard civilization, countless people I saw it all.

The whole chaos seemed to be shattered.

The space continued to break open, revealing cracks one after another.

Countless water flows shuttled through the chaos.

They shot out like sharp swords.

There were also countless waves that turned into choices. The sea beast that eats people constantly attacks everything in the chaos.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Continuous roars resounded throughout the chaos. 970 was vaguely mixed with Alam’s roars one after another.

"die to me"

"Die to me."

That roar was the most terrifying mental shock in the chaos.

It was Yu Ziyu himself who was resisting.

If he were in a body of blood, he might not be able to withstand it.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, most of the day had passed. Most of Alam's anger seemed to have disappeared.

But that was also true.

The culprit who made him angry was completely depressed.

It was as if the oil had run out.

With this scene, his mood improved slightly.

"So what if you hurt me?"

"No matter what, you are only a small half-step to eternity."

Alam sneered.

Immediately, he tightened the spear in his hand and pointed it at the boundless sea of ​​​​blood not far away.

There, in the deepest part of the sea of ​​​​blood, he captured a core. He aimed at the core and exploded it with one blow. Shattered.

This half-step of eternity should lead to death.

With this thought in mind, Alam also threw the spear in his hand.


With a roar, the spear cut through the chaos, fell into the sea of ​​blood, and pierced Yu Ziyu's body of the blood god son fiercely.

In an instant, all life was gone.

Even the breath is disappearing.

Everything tells that a half-step of eternity has been fought to death..

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