The Bodhi tree is incarnated as an old man.

He looks to be in his seventies or eighties, already in his twilight years.

But he is energetic, but not old-fashioned at all.

Especially behind him, there is a halo of light.

That is the light of Buddhism.

It is extremely sacred, and you can still vaguely hear the echo of Sanskrit sounds.

"Bodhi, I have seen the Lord of Time and Space."

The Bodhi tree clasped its hands together and paid homage to the Taoist priest.

"Long time no see, it seems like you are not as good as before."

Yu Ziyu sighed.

Although the energy is good, people with a discerning eye can clearly detect that the aura of the Bodhi Tree is far less than before.

Yu Ziyu knows clearly that this is the Bodhi Tree, and it is rare that it has not been baptized by a strong Buddhist man.

No, To be more precise, Buddhist strongmen rarely recite sutras in front of him.

The Bodhi Tree, also known as the Buddha Tree. It absorbs Buddhist rituals and grows.

According to legend, the reason why the Bodhi Tree changed qualitatively and turned into a sacred tree of heaven and earth, and its name is moving. In this era, a great master of Buddhism attained enlightenment under Bodhi.

Then, one person attained enlightenment, and chickens and dogs ascended to heaven. From then on, Bodhi became a holy object.

The Bodhi tree became a symbol of Buddhism.

Therefore, the Bodhi tree and The other sacred trees of heaven and earth are different.

Most of the other sacred trees of heaven and earth are forcibly enslaved by the strong, or kept in captivity, so they always accompany the strong. The

Bodhi tree is a wish.

He is willing to protect Buddhism. He is also willing, It has become a sacred object of Buddhism.

In this aspect, it is very similar to the Fusang sacred tree of the Golden Crow clan.

They both rely on one race and one force.

In the end, they complement each other.

"Hahaha, the Lord of Time and Space was joking."

A smile appeared on the wrinkled face of the Bodhi Tree.

He immediately said:

"I don’t know what the Lord of time and space is doing here~?"

"Didn’t I say before that I hope you can revitalize Buddhism?"

Yu Ziyu smiled, and then continued:

"Thanks to the efforts of you and the future Buddha, Buddhism is indeed showing signs of recovery, but it is not enough."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu paused, and then continued:

"I hope that you can return to Buddhism and reignite the glory of Buddhism."

Listening quietly, the Bodhi tree was silent.

Return to Buddhism and reignite the glory of Buddhism.


"The Lord of Time and Space has already noticed this."

With a sigh, the Bodhi Tree also showed a hint of complexity on his face.

He really needs Buddhism.

Only with the rise of Buddhism can he go further.


"Buddhism and you are inseparable"

"Today, Buddhism is still in the starry sky, and you should also learn about it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Ziyu also waved his right hand.


There was a sudden roar, and the world was shaken.

A gray-white vortex suddenly emerged and swallowed the Bodhi Tree.

The world is spinning.

When the Bodhi Tree reacted, he was shocked to find that he had appeared in a familiar place.

This is the big world of Buddhism - the Buddha Realm.

And the place where he is is Tianling Mountain in the Buddhist world.

This is the center of the Buddhist world


With his hands clasped together, a look of understanding appeared on the face of the Bodhi Tree.

Since the Lord of Time and Space also hopes so, then he will return to Buddhism.

However, he suppressed the shock deep in his eyes, Bodhi The holy tree also lamented

"This is the current Lord of Time and Space."

The Bodhi Tree has met many powerful people.

Even the Eternal Venerable has met more than five.

But none of them can make him so horrified.

Quietly, he was teleported to the Buddhist world, the great world of Buddhism.

Such methods and magical powers are really shocking.

Even suffocating.

"As expected of you."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With a sigh, the Bodhi Tree also knew that this person might be the Lord of ZTE that Starry Sky World has been waiting for.

He is the existence that can save the entire Starry Sky World.

Starry Sky World , has been waiting.

Waiting for someone to free it from the reincarnation of the era.

Constant reincarnation.

Destruction again and again. Even though it is constantly reborn, every destruction is an incurable one for the stars and the world. The trauma.

Until now, the starry sky and the earth are riddled with holes.

This is a creature. Every time he reaches his prime, it will end completely before he can show his talents.

This is unbearable for any creature.

Let alone It’s heaven and earth.


The starry sky and heaven and earth have been waiting...

Waiting for the arrival of this one

"'He may be able to save the starry sky and free it from the reincarnation of the ages."

With a sigh, the Bodhi Tree also showed complicated expressions.

But at this moment, the Buddha's light was rippling. Sanskrit sounds were everywhere.

In the eyes of countless Buddhist disciples, who were extremely excited, an old man sat cross-legged between heaven and earth.

Obviously he didn't recognize him.

Obviously he was very familiar. Strange.

But a kind of enlightenment arose in the minds of countless people.

This is the supreme person of their Buddhism.

And at this moment, several figures suddenly appeared in the sky and earth

"Let’s pay our respects to the Lord of Bodhi"

"We will pay homage to the Lord of Bodhi."

In unison, these people all bowed down.

They still respect the Lord Bodhi very much.

This is a sacred object of their Buddhism.

It is a symbol of Buddhism.

There is no room for doubt.

At this time, above the world, , Yu Ziyu watched this scene quietly, and couldn't help but be moved.

"Buddhist beliefs are still deeply rooted."

With a sigh, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth were also slightly raised.

The Bodhi Tree has been away from Buddhism for so long.

They still remember it.

Moreover, their respect for the Bodhi Tree is still the same as before.


I have to say that Buddhism is still worthy of admiration at this point.

It’s no wonder that as eras pass, countless forces are fleeting.

But Buddhism is still the same as before.

It has a long history..

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