Yu Ziyu understood what Soul Mother meant.

Let go of everything you have.

Start a new reincarnation?

In the continuous reincarnation, the incomplete soul is completed and transformed into a new soul.

And this is also the essence of reincarnation.

The so-called reincarnation is the fusion of countless souls into the purest soul power.

Erase all memories and traces.

Then, continuously invest these soul powers into new life.

But the problem is that having great power is too scary.

It is difficult to erase the so-called traces.

Therefore, they may awaken the memories of their previous lives after reincarnation.

This is called reincarnation.

The soul mother's intention was to let Yu Ziyu's three clones reincarnate again and again until the soul was completely completed.

But at that time, they were no longer Yu Ziyu's clones.

Instead, he became a brand new individual.

There was silence for a while, and Yu Ziyu did not respond.

He didn't know how to respond.

In this case, even if the clone sets foot in the realm of eternity, it will have nothing to do with him.


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"Let me think about it."

The words of the Soul Mother are really worth thinking about.

However, at this moment, the Divine Blood World and the Life Tribunal also raised their brows.

There were actually spatial fluctuations in his inner world.

"Did the starry sky send something good again?"

Although Star Sky World will not directly support the Divine Blood World, it will support all materials from time to time.

For example, spiritual stones.

For example, some weapons.

And now, they seem to be supporting again.

"Boom, boom..."

There was a sudden roar, and in the world inside the Court of Life, an extremely large teleportation array suddenly shone brightly.

Immediately afterwards, countless strange figures appeared one by one.

These things are weird.

There is a super fort as huge as a planet.

It has a weapon that looks like a pistol.

There are floating clouds

"these are?"

The Life Tribunal was a little stunned.

But the next moment, his expression changed slightly.

I saw that each weapon had a human face on it.

Those eyes.

That nose.

And each mouth.

"Is this the soul creation of the eternal theory of time and space?"

The Tribunal of Life recognized these things.

They seemed to be the soul creations they mentioned.

They were the combination of soul and objects.

I didn't expect that they had actually fiddled with them.

Even more so....

Grinning, the Life Court also heard many soul creations, and they all paid homage:

"I have met the Lord of the Life Tribunal"

"I have met the Lord of the Living Tribunal."

Watching quietly, the Life Tribunal also noticed the strangeness of these soul creations.

"What a wonderful life."

With a chuckle, the Court of Life has arranged for these soul creations to be sent to the front line.

There, the bloody city wall stands tall.

There, countless strong men are constantly fighting.

They don't know their coming. , will it change the short-term situation!

Or maybe.

As for these, Yu Ziyu doesn’t know.

He is still thinking about what Soul Mother said

"reincarnation, reincarnation..."

"give up everything..."

Yu Ziyu still couldn't make up her mind.

If we really want to do this.

So what is the significance of his pursuit?

An eternal clone that doesn't belong to him?

"well."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

While sighing in his heart, Yu Ziyu also chose to continue practicing.

Don't think too much about this kind of thing.

It's better to practice.


The sudden roar shook Yu Ziyu's entire body.

Along with it, a mysterious and mysterious feeling poured into my heart.

At this moment, Yu Ziyu seemed to have enlightened himself.

Extremely scary.

Recently, he was deducing formations.

Deducing that one, he thought he was very powerful in the Heaven Refining Formation.

If it succeeds, when the time comes, you can try to refine a world.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu has already thought about it

"If the Heaven Refining Formation is really as good as I thought, then I can completely try to refine a piece of heaven and earth into my body, thereby increasing the strength of my body."

Grinning, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it.

It's just a pity.

Now, there is no suitable world for him to refine.

The starry sky world and the divine blood world are definitely not possible.

Because these two worlds are too terrifying and too huge..Forcibly refining it is too much for him.

He plans to find a small world to refine it first.

"There is a tenth realm inside me"

"When the time comes, it will be great to turn the imaginary into reality and usher in a new world."

Yu Ziyu thought about it and felt that it was feasible.

After all, his tenth realm was already evolving towards the real world.

And Yu Ziyu's refining of the world was actually accelerating this evolution.

And not long after that, the bloody On the city wall, there are some strange figures.

All of them are weapons.

They have human faces.

Standing on the city wall

"Is this a war of civilizations?"

"It's really scary"

"How many people died?"

"Oh My God."

Exclaimed again and again, each of the soul creations looked at the city wall with horrified expressions.

Everywhere they looked, flesh and blood were separated.

Countless corpses were suspended in the chaos in the cold.

The rich smell of blood filled the air. between chaos

"The war of civilizations is more tragic than you imagine."

With a sigh, a commander standing on the city wall also had a complicated expression on his face.


Nodded, the spirit creations all agreed.

However, at this time, some soul creations also noticed the gazes of countless garrison troops on the city wall.

Their gazes were very complicated. They seemed puzzled. They seemed confused.

Is n't this right? It’s hard to understand.

After all, their current bodies are really weird.

However, with a grin, many soul creations looked at each other and said:

"It's our turn."

While speaking softly, the Destroyer Cannon took the lead in revealing its true form.


Amidst the sudden roar, a super cannon comparable to the size of a planet appeared on the city wall.

Immediately afterwards,


In another roar, endless energy gathered at the muzzle.

Even the distant battlefield was shaken violently.

Just because, at this moment, countless people felt an extremely terrifying energy fluctuation..

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