not only that.

Looking carefully, all the objects in the palace seem to be alive.

Table, cups and stone pillars...

They were chattering and seemed to be talking non-stop

"Master, master, someone is coming"

"Master, master, it seems that the Lord of Time and Space has arrived"

"Wow wow, it's really him, it's really him."

There were constant discussions, and the whole palace was like a vegetable market.

"What are you doing?"

A faint voice sounded deep in the palace, and Yu Ziyu was also surprised.

"These are soul toys, infusing souls into objects and giving them life."

As she said that, Soul Mother stood up lazily, opened her arms and stretched.

Then, two clouds floating in the sky suddenly fell and appeared under Soul Mother's arms.

They seemed to be held up her arms

"This is Red Flame and Extreme Cold."One-One-Zero" and they are all high-level masters who are dying....Then I extracted their souls"

"It also baptizes their souls and makes them pure..."

Quietly listening to Soul Mother's narration, Yu Ziyu frowned.

"Then you gave them to the clouds, gave them life, and even gave them their power."


He snapped his fingers, and a smile appeared on Hun's face.

"Is this your new understanding of the soul?"

Yu Ziyu praised


Nodding, Soul Mother said bluntly:

"I found that the soul can withstand the baptism of time better than the body"

"In other words, your body may be destroyed, but your soul may still survive."

"So I extracted the souls of the dying masters and extended their lives."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also expressed admiration.

Soul, how can you still play like this?

It's really interesting.

"If you follow your approach, many strong people who have reached the end of their lifespan will seem to have a new way of survival."

Yu Ziyu sighed


Shaking her head, Soul Mother said frankly:

"This is very laborious...To be honest, I don't want to use this to help others extend their lives."

"Unless she is willing to let me play with her soul and control her life at will"

"like now..."

Soul Mother raised her hand, and all the clouds floating in the sky flew down and landed on Soul Mother's fingertips.

Spin, fly.

Rich flames and biting cold continued to spurt out.

In terms of aura alone, these two Yunduo have the combat power of the sixth level of Tianmen.

This is Soul Mother’s first attempt.

Not familiar with.

If she waits for her to become familiar with such methods, then a soul army that is much more terrifying than Yu Ziyu imagined will truly come out.

"You are truly a genius."

Yu Ziyu praised and sat down immediately.

He wanted to have a good chat with this person....

His discovery of the Soul Mother really brought him a lot of surprises.

Give life to objects.

It can also change directions and extend the life of the strong.

With this method, Soul Mother should be able to quickly create an unimaginably terrifying legion. the reason is simple.

As long as Yu Ziyu announces to the outside world:"Any strong person who can follow the Soul Mother will have his lifespan doubled, or even several times longer."

Countless strong people will inevitably come.

Immediately, he became loyal to the Soul Mother.

At that time, the Soul Mother extracted these masters who had reached the end of their lifespan one by one....

The picture is unimaginable

"You are just giving life to ordinary objects. Even these two clouds are just acquired clouds."

"If I can find some innate things for you, and then you give them souls, my combat power will be greatly improved."

Yu Ziyu analyzed

"This should be."

The Soul Mother nodded, and then added:

"However, there is a so-called degree of compatibility between the soul and the object. The higher the degree of compatibility, the more in tune they will be."

"If the compatibility is not high enough, if the two are forcibly fused, it will probably backfire on him."

Listening to the words of the Soul Mother, Yu Ziyu can also understand.

This is the same as seizing the body.

Seizing the body also depends on whether the body is suitable.

After all, the body and the soul also have the so-called compatibility.

If it is not suitable, the body is taken by force.

It will make it difficult for her to exert her own strength.

Time passed slowly, and after just a while, half a day passed.

Yu Ziyu chatted a lot with Soul Mother. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) I also saw a lot of novelties about her creation.

Everything is alive.

Even the so-called cakes have life.

Just like now...

"Come, come, eat me, eat me quickly"

"Come, come, eat me, eat me quickly0.."

After shouting repeatedly, a green pastry sprouted slender legs and jumped up to Yu Ziyu. no respond.

Some of them just opened Yu Ziyu's mouth slightly.

The next moment, this pastry jumped directly into Yu Ziyu's mouth.

Melts in your mouth.

This pastry life is not a complete fusion of soul and pastry.

It's just part of the soul power that the soul mother accidentally leaked, giving birth to life.

After Soul Mother realized this path, she was like a walking God of Creation.

Wherever it passes, life is born.

It's just that what she created wasn't race.

Instead, each object is given life. boulders, flowers, trees, food, earth...

Everything, under the erosion of her soul power, gave birth to extremely simple wisdom.

"This should be the correct way to open the soul law."

Playing with the soul, manipulating life...

Yu Ziyu sighed


The soul mother smiled and didn't say much.

She just opened her lips slightly, and various foods jumped into her mouth.

For these foods, being able to be eaten is a kind of happiness.

Let alone being eaten. Soul Mother, a being like Yu Ziyu, was eaten.

However, at this moment, looking at Soul Mother's current posture, Yu Ziyu couldn't laugh or cry.

He finally knew why Soul Mother was so lazy.

The reason was simple.

Rice is here Opening her mouth,

Yi 4.4 stretched out her hand.

Soul Mother didn’t need to do anything.

Just wait.

Even Soul Mother might not even need to take action personally in the fight.

Just because...

Slowly raising his eyes, Yu Ziyu noticed the two clouds floating on Soul Mother's shoulders.

They have human faces and look extremely cute.

But they possess extremely terrifying fighting power.

If the Soul Mother is willing to grant them more soul power, they can even exert their strength far beyond what they were during their lifetimes.

Simply put, they are another extension of the Soul Mother's combat power.

Through this, the Soul Mother can control various laws and control various powers.

Soul power is the basis, and each high-level master is the medium.

The master who carries the law of water, with the blessing of the soul mother, can even set off immeasurable giant waves.

The master who carries the Law of Fire, with the blessing of the Soul Mother, can also burn out the Eternal Lord..

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