"you should ask them..."

Yu Ziyu smiled, with a complicated look on his face.

Emotional indifference, personality influence.

What do these compare to the sacrifices of the Golden Ant and the Purple Scythe?

Moreover, the so-called feelings, character,

Bingfeng, and Kuizhou really don't care.

They have already fallen into the devil's path, and now they are honored in the devil's path. and some little guys, and are called"Seven Demon Lords".

However, Yu Ziyu didn't pay much attention to these.

He only pays attention to acquaintances

"Whatever you want."

The corner of Soul Mother's lips slightly raised, and she said bluntly:

"I will listen to your arrangements and set up soul barriers for them."

Soul barrier is a barrier that protects the soul.

Many people can do it.

But no one can compare to the Soul Mother.

She carries the law of soul on her back and is stepping into the realm of eternity.

If she sets up a soul barrier, it is estimated that Eternal soul attacks can withstand one or two attacks, let alone others.

And this is Yu Ziyu's greatest protection for Bingchuan and Kui Zhou.

Just because 28, no matter how strong the body is.

No matter how terrifying the strength is.

They are still the Tianmen after all. The eighth heaven.

Compared with the real half-step eternal venerables and eternal lords, there is a big gap.

Therefore, if you encounter some guys who are good at soul attacks, it is estimated that the existence of the eighth and ninth heavens of Tianmen alone is enough to threaten them.

And this is what Yu Ziyu doesn’t want to see.

For this reason, Yu Ziyu specifically asked Soul Mother to help

"The Soul Mother's Soul Law is really too important."

Yu Ziyu sighed in his heart.

Even the way he looked at the Soul Mother was different.

With this person, coupled with Xingkong's various methods of strengthening the body, it is equivalent to being able to easily build various war weapons.

For example, Kui Zhou.

For example, glaciers.

They need it very much...A means of soul protection.

Although Yu Ziyu has been in eternity for many years.

But I'm really not good at this aspect.

At this time, looking at the glacier and Kuizhou who walked into the void empire and the depths of the demon court...Yu Ziyu also narrowed her eyes slightly

"I hope you are all well."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also looked at Soul Mother

"How is Soul Legion doing lately?"


Soul Mother responded.

Then, she briefly introduced the current situation of the Soul Legion.

According to her, the current Soul Legion....Already started to set up...

The number of personnel is also increasing.

However, it will take time to put it into actual combat.

Yu Ziyu is not in a hurry about this either.

"Soul Legion, just take your time."

With that said, Yu Ziyu also stood up.

He was going to find a little guy.

Soon after, above the starry sky, Yu Ziyu stood quietly.

He looked down at the starry sky. His eyes fell on a star field.

In this star field, countless stars shine.

Like a furnace, scorching the entire starry sky.

And this is the extremely flaming star field in the starry sky. It is the hottest star field in the starry sky.

And the owner of this star field is the elder among the ten mythical beasts under Yu Ziyu's throne. Nine - Iron-eating beast.

Although Yu Ziyu has long erased all traces of him in the starry sky and earth.

But his subordinates will return to the starry sky from time to time to visit.

The reason is simple.

They still have concerns in the starry sky.

Just like the iron-eating beast. Iron Beast, the entire Extreme Flame Star Territory is the best place for refining weapons.

Here, he uses stars as furnaces and forges iron with sky fire....

Thanks to his efforts, one artifact after another was born.

There are also several imperial weapon embryos...Get out.

But now,

Yu Ziyu's figure has quietly appeared in the deepest part of the Extreme Flame Star Territory.

"Subordinate, pay homage to your master."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A figure wearing a bamboo hat suddenly knelt down on one knee.


While slightly nodding, Yu Ziyu also looked at the iron-eating beast.

With its black and white hair, chubby body, and that naive appearance, it is hard to imagine that this is the legendary god of weapon refining.

In the starry sky, the iron-eating beast Everyone knows his name.

I don’t know how many strong men are willing to risk everything just to ask him to make a weapon.

And this is the iron-eating beast.

It is the legendary god of weapon refining.

"Master, why are you here?"

The iron-eating beast was puzzled.

"I'll bring you some wine."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu also took out some fine wine.

Iron-eating beasts like drinking.

Only wine and weapon refining are their favorites.

"Thank you master."

Hehehe smiled, and the corners of the iron-eating beast's mouth were completely grinned.

Then, he quickly accepted the wine.

He also had a lot of wine.

But these wines, compared with the master's wine, are not at the same level.

Not to mention other things,

Just one pot of wine from heaven and earth is worth more than all his collection.

But now, after accepting many fine wines, the iron-eating beast spoke again:

"Master, if you have any questions, just tell me. We have been together for so many years...It’s not like I don’t know you."

The iron-eating beast took out a bottle of wine and drank it directly

"Bingglai, as well as Kuizhou, began to evolve into war weapons."

Yu Ziyu said softly

"Forehead..."973 paused for a moment, and the iron-eating beast also showed a complex look on his face.

"Not long ago, the golden ants and purple sickles also completed the fusion and transformed into primitive beasts."

Yu Ziyu continued.

Silence, complete silence.

But at this time, Yu Ziyu changed the subject and continued:

"The Bull Demon is still guarding the Eternal City, and the Thorns are sitting deep in the blood sea...."

Hearing this, the complicated look on the iron-eating beast's face became even more intense.

Once upon a time, their top ten mythical beasts...


Now, but...

Not to mention decline.

It’s out of the question...

It's just a bit sad

"Master, what can I do?"

Suddenly, the iron-eating beast said, with a look of anticipation on his face.


Yu Ziyu suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and patted the iron-eating beast on the shoulder.

"Forge some magic weapons for your brothers and sisters."

That kind of exclusive...

"I know, you have built them before, but those are probably not suitable for them now...."


Hearing this, the iron-eating beast also nodded, his eyes firm:

"I see...I will never let them fight alone"

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