The existence of the blood sea is a threat to the dark wave.

A big threat.

According to the understanding of some strong people, no matter how terrifying the dark wave is, it is just a river.

The sea of ​​blood is a vast ocean.

The river eventually leads to the sea.

So, the dark tide is doomed.

Although this understanding is a bit shallow.

But this is indeed the current trend.

Just because thousands of giant beasts are buried in the endless sea of ​​blood.

In the end, it became the nourishment for Yu Ziyu’s body in the sea of ​​blood.

Visible to the naked eye, Yu Ziyu's body of sea of ​​blood continues to expand.

In just half a day, Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood actually expanded by one thousandth.

This expansion rate is ridiculous.

You must know that Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood is extremely huge. beyond imagination.

Now the huge body can actually grow again.

Still an increase of one thousandth. The Eternal Lord of the Wizarding Civilization saw this, and then ordered the dark wave to retreat.

"He actually feeds on my clan, hum."

With a cold snort, the Eternal Venerable of the Wizarding Civilization's expression changed.It's livid.

023 He also wanted to take action and directly break this boundless sea of ​​blood.

But looking at the speed and eternity staring at him from afar, he gave up.

He can take action.

But it's uncertain, God will give him a hand.

Moreover, the key point is that this Eternal Lord is not sure that he can defeat the endless sea of ​​blood in one blow.

This is an exaggeration.

After all, no matter how terrifying the endless sea of ​​blood is, it is only half a step into eternity.

But for some reason, this Eternal Venerable is not sure.

This is a feeling in the dark.

Taking a deep look at the endless sea of ​​blood in the distance, the eternal wizard also chose to retreat without looking back.

"This endless sea of ​​blood must be dealt with."

With a sigh, this eternal wizard is already thinking about the next countermeasures.

And this is the war of civilizations in the true sense.

Don't rush it.

It's long and difficult.

Even a weak civilization needs to Take it slowly.

Resolutely use the least loss in exchange for the greatest victory.

However, at this time, looking at the dark wave (cgee) fading away like a tide, Yu Ziyu also smiled

"So decisive?"

With a chuckle, he waved his hand.

The boundless waves of blood rolled up and once again took away many fusion beasts.

For Yu Ziyu, these are blood food.

They taste good.

They also have plenty of energy..

If it is swallowed for a long time, it will be of great benefit to him.

And, more importantly, there is no so-called backlash.

If this is in the starry sky and earth, devouring flesh and blood like this, it may mean that divine punishment will come.

The starry sky is a complete world.

There is Life and death, reincarnation.

All things need to move according to the mysterious trajectory.

This is the so-called movement of heaven.

If Yu Ziyu kills people and devours flesh and blood, destroying the balance of this movement, what awaits him must be divine punishment.

But in the chaos Among them, no.

To be more precise, there will be no killing of creatures outside of heaven and earth.

Because this is not within the scope of the interference of the Starry Sky and Heavenly Dao.

Even the Starry Sky and Heavenly Dao will acquiesce and even encourage this behavior.

Heaven and Earth The battle between them is more cruel than living creatures

"plunder each other, devour each other"

"We creatures are the army of heaven and earth, conquering everything for them."

The corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly, setting off a subtle arc.

He understood. He also understood many of the principles of heaven and earth.

But, at this moment,

"Come up and have a drink."

A sudden voice rang in Yu Ziyu's ears.

Looking for the voice, he saw a figure surrounded by electric light, like a god, standing quietly above the chaos, overlooking everything.


In response, Yu Ziyu stepped forward.

His body was actually Turned into a river of blood, rising violently from bottom to top

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

Amidst the continuous roars, Yu Ziyu controlled the body of the sea of ​​​​blood and came to the front of the speed of eternity.

The speed and eternity of this moment are majestic and solemn. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There is no sign of weakness in front of Yu Ziyu's true form.

Instead, he is like an overlord, dominating all directions.

His eyes were slightly focused, and he took a deep look at the direction in which the dark wave was retreating.

"The tip of the iceberg of wizard civilization is very scary"


Yu Ziyu also agreed.

Immediately, he took out the wine of heaven and earth.

It is worth mentioning that the wine of heaven and earth is now controlled by the body of the sea of ​​blood.

He has a lot of wine of heaven and earth.

The reason is very simple.

The raw material of the wine of heaven and earth is heaven and earth. The blood of heaven and earth is of great benefit to the body of the sea of ​​blood.

This is the blood of heaven and earth.

Yu Ziyu’s body of the sea of ​​blood now also longs to become a complete world.

If he drinks the blood of heaven and earth for a long time, he may not be able to Understand the meaning of the movement of heaven and earth.

Know the secret of opening the sky.

But at this time, God Speed ​​Eternal suddenly asked:

"Are you the Lord of Time and Space, or the Sea of ​​Blood?"

"you guess?"

Yu Ziyu smiled, but his eyes were filled with nine colors.

Faintly, you could see towering ancient trees rising from the ground.


After a moment of silence, God Speed ​​Eternal's expression changed again and again.

Good guys, the Lord of Time and Space has personally rushed to the front line.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu's voice sounded in the ears of Shenshu Eternal:

"What do you think of the war today?"

"It can only be said that it is indeed the most powerful civilization, and it is beyond imagination."

God Speed ​​Eternal sighed.

He had also fought against the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

But now, he was shocked to find that the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth were actually an advance force inferior to the wizard's civilization.

This was really unbearable.

In other words, an advance wizard The troops may be able to take over the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

It’s just a matter of how long it will take.


"If the wizarding civilization was not terrifying, there would be no more terrifying civilization."

Yu Ziyu said frankly.

As far as he knows, Chaos is infinite, but there are not many that can fight against the wizard civilization.

However, from this point of view, the civilization that defeated the wizard civilization seems to be more terrifying.

Even such a wizard civilization, I can figure it out.

I really don’t know what a terrible civilization it is.

"Humph," he snorted coldly, and Godspeed Eternal also said bluntly:

"What about the terrible civilization?"

"In my opinion, Lihui belongs to us"

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