The war continues.

The bloody ocean and the endless waves of darkness are constantly colliding in the chaos.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Dark Wave has fallen into decline.

They were really like a black river, pouring into the bloody ocean until they disappeared.

Looking from a distance, the bloody ocean seems to have swallowed up everything. this...

In a daze, countless people lost their voices

"Who is this?"

"Could this be the legendary Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood?"

"Who is that?"

"He was an indescribably powerful man, the overlord who once stood at the top of heaven and earth."

After a series of discussions, countless people exclaimed.

However, they did not say the words"Starry Sky, Heaven and Earth".

The strong men who came here to participate in the battle set a seal: to erase the four words"Starry Sky, Heaven and Earth" from their minds.

Therefore, they knew that blood Lord of the sea.

But I don’t know which world he comes from.

"My 26 darling, it’s really scary to fight against a top-level army with one person’s strength."

"This is no longer scary"

"But suffocated"

"It's really horrifying."

Exclaimed again and again, everyone's expressions changed again and again.

However, they were not the only ones.

The advance troops of the wizard civilization also noticed the existence of this person.

"The real body is a boundless ocean, which is really strange"

"Tsk tsk, is this half a step into eternity in the divine blood world?"

"No wonder the world called Divine Blood can still breed such a being"

"Interesting, really interesting."

Sighing one after another, there were several strong men deep in the vanguard of the wizard civilization, and they slowly opened their eyes.

To be precise, he was a strong man under the wave of darkness.

He was from the wizard civilization, An extremely ancient wizard.

Name: Tigana.

He is the originator of the line of elemental wizards. He has already stepped into the half-step of eternity for many years.

But now, he is aware of the power of the body of the sea of ​​blood.

So, with a grin on his lips, he raised his steps.

In an instant, nine colors of dazzling light burst out from his dim eyes.

Countless magic circles were constantly intertwined behind him.

One after another....

Until less than half of the dark wave turned into nine colors.

Looking carefully, those magic formations are constantly intertwined, forming a larger magic formation. suffocating

"Witchcraft - Elemental Cannon."

Said softly.

It seemed ordinary.

But the countless magic circles behind him began to rotate at a very fast speed.

Until they turned into huge muzzles one after another.

That was the muzzle of the magic circle.

Then, an earth-shattering element The power gathers in the chaos

"This is?"

Yu Ziyu was a little stunned.

He raised his brows and noticed the nine-color dazzling light under the dark wave. He also noticed that the countless law muzzles were gathering the power of the elements.

Before he could react more, countless elemental giants The cannon has already started roaring

"Boom, boom, boom..."


Continuous roars resounded throughout the chaos.

Under the horrified gazes of countless people, countless nine-color meteors shot out from the dark wave.

They all came together.

It seems to be drowning the entire sea of ​​blood

"This is..."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Oh shit...Half a step to eternity."

Many strong men from the Asura clan changed their expressions.

However, at this moment, behind Yu Ziyu, a beautiful figure slowly walked out.

She was the Valkyrie of the Asura clan.

To be more precise, she was a Rakshasa girl..

She has already set foot in the ninth level of Tianmen.

In terms of strength alone, she is definitely not as good as this half-step eternity level wizard.

But the problem is that she has the armor of the Imperial Weapon Shura.

Wearing the armor, she is like a god of war.

Stepping out of the world with one step, Her long bloody hair flew upside down.

Once she stepped out of the room, a piece of armor condensed on her body.

"Step, step..."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Stepping out again and again, countless armors wrapped her body.

Until, a beautiful figure wearing blood-red armor walked out of the sea of ​​blood.

With his right hand tightened, the power of countless blood seas gathered together and turned into a blood-colored spear.

Immediately, the Rakshasa girl's eyes narrowed slightly.


With a cold snort, she fiercely threw out the bloody spear in her hand.

The spear streaked across the sky, bringing out a perfect parabola, like a bloody meteor.

However, what is even more shocking is that under the bloody meteor Under the tug, the entire bloody ocean trembled.

Immediately afterwards, more bloody water columns rose up and turned into spears, constantly piercing the chaos.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The continuous roar shook the ages.

It was a clash between the bloody spear and the elemental cannon.

Just like fireworks, they are extremely bright. but everyone knows...Every blooming firework is enough to destroy a world.

But this is just the beginning.

More terrifying roars continued to sound.

Until half of the battlefield was submerged.

It also made countless people lose their minds.

What is the origin of this Lord of the Blood Sea?

It seems like just a vast ocean.

640 But there is such a powerful clan down there.

Not only that, his men are also so terrifying

"Damn it, this Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, one person is the world, right?"

"It looks like this"

"Good guy, why is it so scary?"

"What's even more terrifying is...The Lord of the Blood Sea has not taken action yet"

"It is said that the Lord of the Blood Sea has extremely amazing fighting power, and cannot even endure eternity."

"How can this be?"

Exclaimed again and again, countless people were shocked.

But, at this moment,


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also had a look of helplessness on his face.

He originally wanted to take action for fun.

But he didn't expect that Rakshasa Girl would actually take action.

Not only her, but also the master of Shura Hall also planned to take action.

This is also a half-step eternity.

Therefore, it makes sense for some people to say that Yu Ziyu's body of the sea of ​​blood is just a small world.

Because, the fact is, it is like this.

If it weren't for this world, it would be too monotonous.

There is only the Asura clan. ,


Suddenly, Yu Ziyu felt something in her heart

"What would happen if I let the body of the sea of ​​blood be promoted to a complete world?"

"Will I have eternal fighting power in one leap?".

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