In a simple chat, Yu Ziyu and others introduced a lot to Soul Mother.

However, most of it is less important information.

The real core information is impossible for them to say.

The current Soul Mother is still half an outsider.

Can't trust too much.

Trusting something like this takes time.

In this regard, Yu Ziyu does not have 100% trust in the transcendent.

I estimate that I only trust about 70% of the Transcendents.

This is still a transcendent person, a human character.

He followed a path similar to that of Taozu.

It is the path of harmony.

The stronger he is, the closer he is to the way of heaven, and his character will become more indifferent.

This is why Yu Ziyu feels more relieved.

He does not believe in the transcendent, but he believes in the way of heaven and even the great road.

Heaven is ruthless.

The road to inaction. The"540" will not allow the puppets they favor to have thoughts and emotions that are beyond ordinary people.

At this time, Yu Ziyu and Soul Mother talked about the Soul Legion

"You actually plan to let your soul walk in the world?"

The soul mother was a little stunned.

"The soul is like a rootless tree. Although it is strange, without the protection of the physical body, it is also extremely fragile and cannot walk in the chaos."

"It doesn't matter, what I want is soul invasion and taking over others..."

As he spoke, Yu Ziyu introduced a unique race in their starry sky.

This race is called the Ghost Clan.

It is a branch of the ghost clan.

It can be like wisps of ghosts, galloping between heaven and earth.

They are endlessly weird.

Moreover, he is best at stealing pearls and jade.

It is also called seizing the body.

However, this race is only a median race.

Not even a superior race.

Because they have congenital defects.

For example, photophobia.

Also, afraid of fire.


"What do you mean, do you want me to lead them further on the basis of the Ghost Clan and develop them into a Soul Legion?"

The soul mother heard what Yu Ziyu meant.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also continued:

"If the ghost clan takes a further step, they will usher in a qualitative change"

"That's great, don't you think?"

Listening to Yu Ziyu's inquiry, Soul Mother also nodded:

"It's a good idea, you can try it."

Soul Mother doesn't mind this.

Since we have formed an alliance with Xingkong,...Then something should be done for the stars.

Now, Yu Ziyu has a request.

Then give it a try

"Is there anything else you need me to do?"

Soul Mother asked curiously

"let me see."

After pondering for a while, Yu Ziyu also began to think about it.

The soul mother is responsible for the laws of the soul.

The soul is the root of all things.

It is the most mysterious and mysterious.

Everything involving the soul is very interesting.

So, what is the soul mother suitable for?

"Let Soul Mother help me."

Suddenly speaking, the Vengeful Valkyrie looked expectant.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also agreed.

Now only the soul of the Vengeful Valkyrie is left, and her strength is greatly reduced. She really needs the help of the soul mother.

Time passed slowly, and more than half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Yu Ziyu and the soul The discussion between Mother and others has come to an end. The current Soul Mother has two tasks.

One is to build the Soul Legion.

The other is to help the Vengeful Valkyrie.

As for the others, I can only say that there is no rush.

Waiting for Yu Ziyu's follow-up arrangements.

Moreover, Soul Mother has just formed an alliance with Xingkong and needs time to adapt.

Giving too many tasks is not good either.

"Come on, I will give you the world of the ghost clan."

Yu Ziyu smiled and looked at Soul Mother. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Nodding, Soul Mother also accepted.

The world of the Ghost Clan is called Ghost World.

It is a medium-sized world.

It belongs to the Soul World.

It is very good and suitable for Soul Mother.

Because there, you can do various soul experiments.

How much materials are needed? How many.

As for how to improve the ghost clan.

To be honest, it also relies on experiments.

Keep trying and groping until more advanced ghosts come out.

Experimentation is the only way to accelerate evolution.

Think about the reason why the awakening of the golden ants was so terrifying in the first place. His talent is also due to billions of human experiments..0

Only then did he awaken his terrifying power talent.

"I hope you don't live up to my expectations."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also stood up and chose to leave.

Left alone, Soul Mother, Vengeful Valkyrie and others looked at each other in confusion.

"Lord of time and space, why are you so busy?"

The soul mother was a little confused.

"he has been busy"

"No, he's not busy, he just wants to do too many things"

"Alas, it felt like he never had a good rest."

The girls discussed again and again, with a hint of complexity on their faces.

Even the Chaos Bell Zhenling helplessly glanced at Yu Ziyu's leaving back.

This little guy is good at everything.

He is just too deep-minded.

He is always planning. , although his plans are all for the starry sky and heaven and earth.

To crush the prehistoric world.


"This is ultimately not a good thing if it remains like this for a long time."

With a faint sigh, Chaos Bell Zhenling felt that she needed to do something for Yu Ziyu.

At this time, after bidding farewell to the girls, Yu Ziyu also paid attention to the battlefield near the Divine Blood World.

Now, the battlefield situation looks pretty good.

Divine Blood Heaven and Earth have already begun to fight a counterattack. They not only broke through the blockade of the Fusion Legion, but also went straight to Huanglong.

But it's a pity.

They haven't found those wizards yet.

Those wizards are the source of the Fusion Legion.

If they don't solve these 1.6.

It's hard to really deal with the Fusion Legion

"The tricky thing about fused legions is that they get stronger with each war."

"But the problem is that their transformation is to absorb the same kind of people"

"In fact, you only need to use voodoo or curse-type methods to solve the source."

With a chuckle, Yu Yu understood the weaknesses of these fusion legions.

However, it is not easy to find strong men like this.

Moreover, many more are needed.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also knew that the Divine Blood World wanted to defeat the fusion legion. , you still need to turn to the starry sky and heaven and earth.

The reason is simple...

There is no shortage of such strong people in the starry sky and the earth.

Although I dare not say, I can have as many as I want.

But it is still possible to find tens of thousands of people and form an army..

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