Wizard civilization and prehistoric civilization are both serious mental problems for Yu Ziyu.

It would be great if we could handle it together.

But it's still a bit troublesome for them to bump into each other.

"I can only take action."

Yu Ziyu sighed.

He actually knew a way.

But this method would expose himself.

And that was him who took action. He built the teleportation array himself, and then guided the wizard civilization to find the ancient world.

This method is very feasible.

But the problem is that Yu Ziyu's existence will inevitably be exposed.

It will also expose some of his own power.

This is terrible.

It is unacceptable to Yu Ziyu.

Until now, in the entire starry sky, there are very few people who understand him.

"If I were exposed, people would definitely be afraid of me"

"Whether it is the"627" wizard civilization or the ancient world, they will always be afraid of me."

"At that time, they would most likely join forces to get rid of me."

This is very possible.

Just because Yu Ziyu is carrying time and space on his back, the threat is too great.

It is estimated that few eternities can allowTzuyu exists.

The rest of eternity, no matter how powerful it is, is just like that.

Like a transcendent, a terrifying life form that transcends limits.

But even such a life form is difficult to suppress when faced with Yu Ziyu who has not yet set foot in eternity.

And this was not long after Yu Ziyu set foot in eternity.

Now, including Yu Ziyu's accelerated time, he has already traveled through eternity for a million years.

What kind of growth there is, even those who transcend don't know.

However, one thing that transcends is certain is that Yu Ziyu may be more terrifying than he imagined.

Time passed slowly, and decades passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, in the depths of Chaos, one defense line after another was mostly completed.

Those are the eighteen lines of defense of the Divine Blood World.

However, the time was too short.

These eighteen lines of defense have not yet been truly built.

But even so, many strong men in the Divine Blood World have their confidence doubled.

"With these lines of defense, our winning rate has increased by at least 20%"

"As expected of the Lord of the Court, he has actually built such a strong line of defense."

"It's really scary"

"Every line of defense is shocking."

After repeated discussions, countless strong men were smiling.

They were extremely confident in the defense line.

Just because they built it with their own hands.

They knew how terrifying it was.

However, at this moment, far outside the world of divine blood In a chaotic place, an expedition team stood quietly.

This is the expedition team sent by the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth. A team of seven. They are all dominant-level existences.

The captain is a terrifying existence in the seventh level of Tianmen.

They are worshiped by Following the order of the Lord of the Life Tribunal, he went to Chaos, arranged formations, and detected the movements of Chaos.

However, at this moment, the leader's face suddenly changed slightly.

"This is?"

Amid some astonished voices, this figure with huge red horns and black scales spoke again:

"There seems to be some movement?"

"Are they here?"

A figure suddenly asked

"I'm not sure. We still need to investigate the specific situation."

"Then I'll take a trip."

Nodding, the fastest figure in their team raised his feet and rushed out.

He is the Windbreaker...

Carrying the law of wind on its back, its speed is like a gust of wind, and it can easily travel thousands of miles in an instant.

Although it is only the sixth level of Tianmen.

But the ultimate speed is probably no less than the average Tianmen Seventh Heaven, or even catching up with the Tianmen Eighth Heaven.

After a while, this wind rusher had arrived at a corner of the chaos.

There, the mist shrouded.

Wisps of spiritual light are outlined in the chaos.

That is the aura of the formation.

Only when the formation is touched can such aura emerge.

"Is it just a chaotic beast?"

There were some unexpected sounds, and the Swift Winder also breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be the best if they didn't encounter the wizard civilization.

Because if they did, their entire team might be destroyed.

But deep down in his heart, the Swift Wind Warrior was eager to meet the wizard civilization. Just because you have met the wizarding civilization, it is a great achievement.

And this great achievement is not an ordinary great achievement.

As ancillary rewards alone, meeting Eternity is an unimaginable honor. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels Net!)

Not only that, the Eternal Lord may also personally guide.....

This kind of treatment is absolutely beyond imagination.


Gale was both looking forward to it and fearful at the same time.

However, at this moment, Gale's body suddenly trembled

"what happened?"

Suddenly exclaimed, the hair on Swift Wind's body stood up, and his body couldn't stop trembling.

Just because, at this moment, a dark figure appeared behind Swift Wind without knowing when.

He was wearing a dark robe.

The face is hidden under the brim of the hat

"Is this a new civilization?"

The extremely hoarse voice revealed an unimaginable depth.

Visible to the naked eye, something like a wand was held high.


There was a sudden roar, and the Windrusher's whole body felt as if he had been hit hard.


With a loud noise, the whole body of the wind rusher flew out upside down.

Pain, unimaginable pain, instantly swallowed up everything in the Windrusher.

But this is not the end

"Witchcraft - the curse of ruin."

There was another low shout, and a gray energy enveloped the body of the Windrusher.

Looking carefully, the entire body of the Windrusher showed a deathly white color.

It was like plants withering and trees withering.


The wind rusher was shocked, and when the power surged, the violent wind burst out


The roaring 3.6 wind seemed to sweep everything away.

But at this moment,


There was a sudden roar, as if it came from ancient times, and an extremely ferocious beast head poked out from the formation and bit the wind rusher fiercely.

This is this wizard, a captive witch beast.

A fusion beast created through artificial transformation and witchcraft.

Extremely scary.

Just like this wizard, he is only at the eighth level of Tianmen.

But his witch beast turned out to be the eighth level of Tianmen.

As if it were an extension of his body

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Waves of low roars echoed continuously.

The ferocious wizard beast had completely rushed out of the formation.


The shrill screams echoed in the chaos.

That is the cry of the wind-rider..

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