Is Chaos' first auxiliary eternal?

After smiling, Yu Ziyu also had an inexplicable look on his face.

He should be considered.

A time and space teleportation can realize teleportation between two worlds.

Ignore distance, ignore time.

The most terrifying.

In such a civilized battlefield, he almost has the power to influence several battlefields.

Everyone who understands understands.

On the battlefield, rapid support is so terrifying.

And this doesn't just apply to clan battles.

It is even more suitable for the eternal battlefield.

Whether he was helping his teammates retreat or supporting, Yu Ziyu was terrifying.

It can be said that Yu Ziyu alone is enough to rival several eternities.

And this is just one ability that Yu Ziyu has mastered.

His time reversal can heal all injuries.

His time is suspended, and"Two Nine Seven" can freeze the entire battlefield.

This is Yu Ziyu.

A terrifying existence carrying time and space on its back.

Any ability is enough to turn the tide of the battle.

Although, Yu Ziyu's attack was insufficient.

But others can be described as lame.

It might as well be called the first auxiliary eternity of chaos.

But what Yu Ziyu wants to be the most is the number one eternity in chaos.

This is a bit difficult.

But Yu Ziyu must try


Amid the sudden roar, Yu Ziyu grabbed a branch of his tree.


With a crisp sound, the branch was cut off and fell into Yu Ziyu's hand.

It looks like just an ordinary branch.

But only Yu Ziyu knew that just such a branch falling into the starry sky was enough to make countless people excited.

It is not difficult to start a bloody storm.

In terms of material alone, it is comparable to the legendary artifact.

Even with the imperial soldiers, they can compete with each other.

Not only that, it also has infinite vitality, and it is also burdened with inexplicable laws.

This is a branch of Yu Ziyu.

After he set foot in eternity, his body continued to transform.

Until now, every leaf and branch is incalculable.

Now, Yu Ziyu is refining weapons.

Yes, weapons.

Imperial soldiers need precipitation and accumulation, and they also need the true spirit of the Chaos Bell to awaken their wisdom.

But the weapons are different.

Yu Ziyu plans to refine ten spears that are comparable to the legendary Spear of Destiny.

The Spear of Destiny, the legendary spear that penetrated Jesus, has the potential to create miracles.

Able to interfere with fate and penetrate everything.

And Yu Ziyu actually wanted to refine ten of these magical spears.

Of course, it's worth mentioning that this is definitely a one-off.

Just to meet the needs of the battlefield

"When I can't go to the battlefield in person, these ten divine guns can be used as the foundation of the divine blood world...."

The Divine Blood Heaven and Earth has a foundation.

But most of those foundations were consumed in the battle with the Starry Sky Civilization.

Now, without any background, they might not be able to support the attack of the advance troops of wizard civilization.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu is refining the foundation for them.

He cut off the branches of the real body and gave them laws...

And the first law is the so-called time

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

With the sound of the river flowing back, a long river appeared next to Yu Ziyu's arm.

And then winding around the branches

"You are called the"Spear of Time", you are hidden in the long river of time, and you are undergoing the baptism of the long river of time....Able to strand time and penetrate everything in an instant."

While narrating softly, the branches on Yu Ziyu's hands and feet were constantly changing.

Until they turned into a gray spear.

Looking carefully, the long river of time had already wrapped around its entire body....

This is the time gun.

And this is just the beginning.

The preliminary stage of refining.

Later, it will be processed by Lao Shi, a master refiner.

He just did the two most important steps, intercepting the ontology and assigning laws.

There are few things in this chaos that can carry laws.

And his branch is one of them.

As for the rules...

He sits high on the throne of laws and controls thousands of laws.

It would not be a bad idea to select a few of the most powerful laws and give these magic guns.

Time passed slowly, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yu Ziyu finally refined ten magic guns.

They hang high above Yu Ziyu, with different colors0.......

Needless to say about the gray magic gun, this is naturally the time spear.

The other magic guns are purple, colorful, black, and blood red....

Different colors have different visions.

Like a purple spear, the tip of the spear is in the shape of a whirlpool, like a black hole.

This is the Void Spear.

Extremely scary.

Ability to ignore defenses.

Even the Eternal Lord would find it difficult to withstand the attack of this spear.

As for the colorful spear, it is an elemental spear.

It carries the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

As the elements intertwine, the majestic energy distorts the space. enough to crush everything

"After the refining of these ten divine spears was completed, they were handed over to the Divine Blood World."

As he spoke softly, a pale color appeared on Yu Ziyu's face.

It seemed like it was just an ordinary refining.

But in fact, he was consuming the power of the law again and again.

In a short period of time, he lost so many laws. , it is also a kind of harm to him.

However, it doesn't matter.

He only needs to recover for a period of time.

But the key is that these ten magic guns are enough to turn the tide of the battle.

If it is in the vast civilized battlefield, ten long spears hanging high In the world.

Every spear has the power to shake eternity. I can't imagine that picture.

Even the enemy will be afraid of one or two.

However, only Yu Ziyu can do this kind of thing 0.4.

Others want to do it, First of all, he needs an ontology like this...

With a tree as its body, it is born with natural resources and earthly treasures

"I never thought that I could be of such use"

"It seems that the treasures of heaven and earth are not all bad."

Listening quietly to Yu Ziyu's sigh, Chaos Zhong Zhenling said bluntly from the side:

"If you break up the army, you will be able to create all living beings, and even push the entire starry sky to its peak."

"Is that so?"

Yu Ziyu was a little surprised.

"Don’t underestimate your value. Your branches and leaves are all desired by the Eternal Master."

"As for your tree body, tree heart, and origin, even those who are at the peak of eternity, such as the transcendent, will go crazy...."

Chaos Bell Zhenling had a look of amusement on his face..

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