After briefly understanding the situation from the Yuan Devouring Beast, Yu Ziyu also discussed it with the Transcendent and others for a while.

"Let’s proceed according to the current plan."

"The element-devouring beast, the court of life, the eternity of lightning, in the Ming Dynasty"

"I'm waiting in the dark"

"Once we take action, it will be a fatal blow, and we must not leave anyone alive."

Listening quietly, the Transcendent and others also nodded.

They agreed very much with this plan.

One is that it can involve the wizard civilization.

The second is to show weakness to the enemy.

If they show too much power, then they will It's dangerous.

Although they are powerful now, they certainly cannot withstand the all-out war of the wizard civilization.

Therefore, they must show themselves as weak as possible.

Let the five wizard civilizations lower their vigilance.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu's voice It sounded again:

"However, showing weakness to the enemy is not a long-term solution"

"We must develop civilization as soon as possible..."

Hearing this, everyone also looked solemn.


During the chorus of responses, several figures disappeared above the tree crown.

04Leave Yu Ziyu standing quietly alone

"The arrival of wizard civilization is somewhat unexpected"

"Sooner or later."

Amid the faint voice, the figure of Chaos Bell Zhenling also appeared next to Yu Ziyu

"The wizarding civilization, as a civilization that can compete with the prehistoric civilization, is beyond imagination. It is a pity that they have not yet stepped out of the existence of a transcendent level. If there is...The horror of the wizard civilization may have to be raised to a higher level"

"Are you so sure that the wizarding civilization has not transcended even half a step?"

Yu Ziyu was a little surprised.

"Hum hum, I've heard of wizard civilization...You know what? Such a terrifying civilization was extremely miserable before. They were a defeated civilization wandering in chaos."

"If they have even half a step to transcend, what they should do now is revenge instead of invading everywhere."

Chaos Zhong Zhenling had a smile on his face.

"Is that so?"

Yu Ziyu had a look of amusement on his face.

Such a powerful civilization turned out to be a defeated civilization.


And at this moment, somewhere in the chaos.

Deep in a white holy tower towering into the clouds, four The Tao figures have gathered.

Two of them are known to the Yuan Devouring Beast.

One is the star singer.

The other is the alien Eternity who carries the law of water.

The other two are somewhat unfamiliar.

One is hidden in the dark mist. In the middle, his face cannot be seen clearly.

It can be faintly seen that he is wearing a wizard's unique wizard robe.

The other one is a woman with green hair.

She looks extremely beautiful.

One after another green leaves are fluttering around her body.

Give A natural and peaceful feeling

"The hostile civilization noticed our existence and took action."

The star singer's eyes were complicated.

There was also a look of helplessness on her face.

There is going to be another war.

"I captured a lot of the legions they sent, but they seemed to have been prepared for it. Once the souls were searched, their souls would be broken until all memories disappeared."

The person who spoke is the Endless Lord hidden in the thick fog.

He comes from the wizard clan.

To the world, he is called:"Black Moon". It is extremely mysterious.

Not even a few people in the wizard clan understand its existence.

But it is such a person Existence is actually the commander-in-chief of the advance army this time

"It seems that they have some experience."

Smiling, the eternal aliens who carry the law of water don't care.

No matter how civilized they are, they will annihilate them.

This is their wizard civilization. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Terrible and terrifying.

It was the height of chaos.

At this time, Yu Ziyu and others did not know what the advance troops of the wizard civilization were already discussing.

Now, the entire Starry Sky World and even the Divine Blood World, under Yu Ziyu's order, began to build crazily.

Yes, Construction.

Military factories were built one after another.

Even those sect forces began to build military factories.

Modern assembly line production is extremely suitable for such large-scale wars.

Therefore, under Yu Ziyu’s orders, Yaoting also Forces and even races have popularized assembly line production.

Until now, it can be said that flying swords are mass-produced, elixirs are mass-refined.

There are also battleships and spaceships....

Everything starts in batches.

It's scary.

However, this is not terrible.

What is really scary is that Yu Ziyu also ordered various major races, major sects and countless other forces to start forming legions.

All the forces in the entire world are built into forces with legions.

Competition between various forces is mostly carried out in the form of legions. what does that mean?

This means that a sect like the Sword Sect can see thousands of sword immortals breaking through the sky and falling like a meteor shower.

This means that a sect like the Zombie Sect can see countless zombies jumping uniformly...

It also means that we can see the two clans of dragon and phoenix singing together in the world, forming the most terrifying army of dragon clan and the army of phoenix clan....

The legion is the only one in the world

"Legion..597 is the progress of war"

"It's not the so-called skirmishing courage."

"All that is left is the power of unity."

Yu Ziyu looked down at the entire starry sky and could clearly see countless figures gathering together.

They were legions of various forces.

Military and unified.

They looked extremely scary.

However, Yu Ziyu knew that the legions established by these forces , is still very fragile.

You must reach at least the second level legion to be qualified to participate in civilized wars.

Only the forbidden legion is qualified to influence the battle situation.

It is worth mentioning here that General Yu Ziyu’s legion is divided into nine levels.

Respectively. Yes, level nine, level eight, level seven...

Finally, it’s level three, level two, level one.

The higher the level, the more terrifying it is.

Like the ninth-level legion, it is enough to influence the rise and fall of mortal dynasties, and it can be said to be invincible.

The fifth-level legion is a legion that can only be owned by some powerful forces, and can influence the ownership of a world.

As for the second-level legion, let’s take the first-level legion.

How should I put it, most of the legions formed by the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan are second-level legions.

Typical first-level legions are the Arhats from the Buddhist sect and the Taoist soldiers from the Taoist sect.

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