Listening to Yu Ziyu's voice quietly, everyone was startled.

Surprise, astonishment, but more importantly, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

They finally had a new understanding of the legendary Lord of Time and Space

"This is the Lord of Time and Space, hahaha"

"He actually did everything he could, tsk tsk"

"Not bad, not bad, I like it..."

After repeated discussions, most of the powerful people understood what Yu Ziyu meant.

That is to win at all costs.

Don't care about the means.

Don't care about the process.

Only care about the results.

At this time, the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, under the orders of the Life Tribunal and others, began to build in an orderly manner.

Organize a legion and establish a formation.

There is also crazy alchemy.

The entire divine blood world is like a"two and a half" huge war machine, starting to operate.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roar, countless strong men were gathering.

That is the strong man left behind by the divine blood clan.

There are also strong men from the mutant civilization.

Under the call of the Life Tribunal, a legion mixed with the divine blood clan and mutant civilization is being formed.

This legion also has a name.

The name is:"The Alien Blood Legion!"

The name is mixed with the word"blood", which is a sign of respect for the divine blood clan.

After all, they will fight to the death for the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

And, it's more than that.

The Life Tribunal also allowed half of the senior members of the alien blood army to be from the divine blood clan.

This can be regarded as a favor to the divine blood clan.

"I hope that the Alien Blood Legion can achieve its first big victory."

The Court of Life, sitting quietly in the clouds of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, looking down at all living beings, looking forward to

"I also hope that."

Besides, Dian Guang Yongyong grinned.

At this time, as if he thought of something, he also said:

"I have already begun recruiting troops in the Divine Blood World, planning to form my first legion...."

"Have you thought of a name?"

The Life Court is a little curious.

"Just call it divine speed....In the name of divine speed, he looks down upon the world"

"When the time comes, I will pass it on to them with the speed of...If someone performs well, I can even accept him as a direct disciple."

Listening quietly, the Life Tribunal also smiled.

"Quickly...The road you are carrying now is about to ruin the streets....Many people are burdened"

"Cough cough cough..."

After coughing, Lightning Eternal remained silent.

The reason why the Speedy Road he carried on his back was in ruins was not because of the Lord of Time and Space.

He actually killed him and then taught the Tao that he carried to all living beings.

However, whether it was an illusion or not, he actually felt that the Law of Speed ​​was much more powerful.

Is it an illusion?

Probably not.

The more people are burdened with the Speed ​​Law, the more powerful the Speed ​​Law becomes.

And he is the Lord of Speed...

As the Law of Speed ​​becomes stronger, he will naturally become stronger.

This goes hand in hand.

This is also the reason why Lightning Eternal wants to teach the world the law of speed.

"The Law of Speed ​​is no better than the Law of Time and the Law of Space. It is everywhere. This is the path....Not many people practice it, so it’s a small path..."

"But I want to make the Law of Speed ​​stronger, and the most direct way is to let more people practice it and enter my own world of Speed."

"In this way, the small path becomes the big road, and I will gradually become stronger."

While speaking softly, the eyes of Lightning Eternal also showed expectation.

"Not a bad idea."

The Tribunal of Life nodded, showing appreciation.

After Lightning returned from eternal resurrection, he seemed to have grown a lot.

People couldn't help but be shocked. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But, at this moment, it seemed like Thinking of something, Electric Light Eternal also raised his eyebrows.

"I remember that the Lord of Time and Space had a Purple Scythe under his command, right?"


Nodding, the Life Tribunal also has an impression of this person.

This is one of the few who dares to rush towards eternity in half a step of eternity.

He is a ruthless person who truly dares to transcend eternity.

"He now also bears my law of speed...I can feel it getting stronger steadily..."

"Although I dare not say that he can carry my law of speed and eternity in one step, this guy should not be underestimated."

While speaking softly, Dianguang Yongye also showed complicated expressions......

He considers himself to be the fastest person.

But this time, he felt a slight threat.

It's scary.

It is enough to show how fast Zi Lian has grown. intimidating

"After all, he is a proud subordinate trained by the Lord of Time and Space."

"Perhaps, he will become the second person in the starry sky who truly realizes eternity."

The Tribunal of Life sighed, with a complex look on his face.

This is the Lord of Time and Space.

The subordinates he cultivated have eternal looks.

It is really terrifying.

However, at this moment, no one knew What's more, in a corner of the starry sky, an extremely pale figure stood quietly.


With the snake letter spitting out of his mouth, this figure had a touch of complexity on his face.

This is the Great Serpent,

Lord of the Starry Sky Throne.

They are among the top three terrifying existences among Yu Ziyu's subordinates.

Now, he sets foot on the road of eternity, just to reach the end and set foot on eternity.

But now, he looked at a figure not far away.

That's a woman.

Very beautiful.

She also has extremely beautiful long black hair.

This is a snake demon.

Thousand-year-old snake demon.

But she also has another identity, that is, she is the inheritor of the inheritance of the beast of disaster....

"Are you here for 1.7?"

The thousand-year-old snake demon said with a chuckle.

It seemed that he had expected it.

"How did you know I was coming?"

Orochi asked curiously

"My inheritance spirit told me, she said, you have swallowed three inheritors...Today, I am number four."

Listening quietly, the big snake also stared slightly.

Immediately, he looked behind the ten thousand year snake demon.

There, an extremely petite illusory white snake was swaying in the wind.

"Hiss, hiss..."

Amidst the continuous neighing, a terrible breath also came out.

That is the spirit of inheritance.

It is a beast of disaster and one of the eight great inheritances.

The inherited spirit of the serpent is fear.

Therefore, the big snake carries fear on its back.

And this one, the spirit of inheritance, is burdened with lust and desire..

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