Regarding the arrival of wizard civilization, the Life Tribunal and others were confused.

However, they are no better than before.

In the past, they had the strongest spear - the Transcendent.

The combat power of a single entity cannot be called invincible.

But it can also be considered extremely terrifying.

To be honest, the Transcendent alone is enough to fight against the three eternities of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

It's just that it can't be taken down quickly.

And now, they have the strongest shield.

That is Yu Ziyu, the legendary Lord of Time and Space!!

Yu Ziyu is not only the strongest shield in terms of strength, but also the strongest shield in strategy.

He is good at planning.

Good at defense.

In silence, all arrangements can be made. like now...If it were the mutant civilization of the past, I am afraid it would directly compete with the wizard civilization.

But now, with Yu Ziyu here, toughness does not exist.

Instead, they have to use wizard civilization to hone themselves.

In the battle of civilizations, continue to grow and make progress

"Our starry sky and earth have successively experienced the mutant civilization and the divine blood civilization.....The growth rate of 23 has exceeded expectations."

"Today, although our starry sky and earth are only at the beginning of the era, the development of civilization has not reached the middle or late stage."

"But this is not enough, far enough"

"This time, we may be able to go further with the help of wizard civilization to hone ourselves."

Yu Ziyu said softly.

People can't help but be shocked.

"this is indeed..."

"War is the fastest way to progress"

"If we can defeat the wizard civilization, we may be able to compete with the prehistoric world."

The words were spoken one after another, and everyone looked forward to it.

"The wizard civilization is not that easy to defeat."

Suddenly, Yu Ziyu poured cold water on him.

He had fought against the wizard civilization.

Naturally, he knew how terrifying this civilization was.

They might not be able to defeat just one black wizard king.

But, forget it.

There is no way.

The wizard civilization is already gone. The army was approaching the city.

All they could do was resist, and resist again, until one day they accumulated enough strength to counterattack.

At this time, in the deepest part of wizard civilization, in a big dark world,

"This feeling..."

Suddenly, an extremely hoarse sound, like the sound of countless glasses rubbing together, resounded between heaven and earth.

This is the voice of the Dark Witch King.

He seemed to have been silent for too long.

But now, he raised his eyes and looked into the vast depths of chaos...

For some reason, an extremely subtle feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

This feeling is indescribable and unclear.

But it makes people feel heartbroken

"What's wrong, Dark Witch King?"

A voice came from the end of the world.

It was the legendary wizard king who holds the truth.

He noticed the awakening of the black wizard king and came to ask specifically.

Although he is the number one in the wizard world.

But the black wizard king It cannot be underestimated.

This can be regarded as his old enemy. Before he set foot in eternity, the Dark Witch King was already famous in the wizarding world, the wizarding civilization, and the most terrifying boss.

He was even once the dark power of the wizarding civilization. Source.

Later, for the advancement of wizard civilization, the two of them joined hands. They also created the world of wizards, the most terrifying legend. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even legends.

They are bright and dark. , reigning over all the chaos

"I don't know why, I feel a palpitation in my heart"

"What happened recently?"

The Black Witch King asked

"what happened?"

The Wizard King thought for a while and then said frankly:

"During this period of time, we, the endless master of the sixteenth ring of the Wizarding World...Finally get out!"

Endless Lord...This is how the wizard civilization describes the Eternal Lord.

He is the absolute master who stands above infinity.

The sixteenth ring means that this is the sixteenth endless master of the wizard civilization.

So you can imagine how terrifying this civilization is.

There were only seven people in the prehistoric era.

There are only six or seven people in the starry sky and the earth.

But the wizard civilization actually has sixteen endless masters.

Moreover, this is not all of wizard civilization.

Because, these sixteen endless masters are all from the lineage of wizards.

Not counting the endless foreign masters.

If we add foreigners...

Then this civilization probably has twenty or thirty endless masters. this number...It can be said that it is suffocating.

Will the Eternal Lords even be able to leave in batches?

"Only sixteen rings of endless domination...Not worth giving me the heart palpitations."

With a sigh, the Black Witch King also continued:

"At our level, we have a certain degree of certainty about the future.....Can give me heart palpitations, most likely..."

Listening quietly, the Wizard King also fell silent.

This is true!!

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, the Wizard King suddenly said:

"Do you still remember the guy you met in the long river of time?"

"I remember, that guy was very scary. He fought with me in the lower reaches of the river of time, and even caused me some injuries."563

Hearing this, the Wizard King also smiled.

"Counting the time, we may be about to meet him. After all, you are downstream in the long river of time, which means you are destined to meet in the future."

"It makes sense. If you are really going to meet this guy, it is not difficult to understand why you feel heart palpitations."

While speaking softly, the Black Witch King also smiled.

He was actually looking forward to meeting such a strong man.

At his level, he has absolute confidence!!!

Even if he is a powerful guy, he will never I will be afraid even a little bit.

Some only have two words.

That is expectation!!

"To be honest, I'm also looking forward to seeing how terrifying a guy who can wander through time will be."

"Moreover, when I was practicing recently, I also noticed that..."

"On the long river of time, I don’t know when a vague figure stood up"

"mysterious and scary..."

"Presumably, it's the guy you met..."

The Wizard King smiled, but there was a rare look of solemnity on his face.

Standing in the long river of time...

It's scary.

It means that this guy is burdened with time!!!

He is the legendary Lord of Time!!!.

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