Ancestral Fusion Earrings.

In a daze, Zi Si and Jin Hou couldn't help but look at each other.

Is there such a treasure?

Just wearing earrings can fuse?

However, at this moment, Chaos Bell Zhenling seemed to be aware of their two minds and reminded:

"Although this earring is terrible, its fusion is irreversible and permanent."

"This also means that once you merge, you will both lose yourself and become a completely new existence."

"We have your mutual strength and memories, but they are not you...."

Hearing this, not only Zi Si, but also Golden Monkey fell silent.

What is the difference between this and death?

Sacrifice yourself and give birth to a new existence?

It has a bit of a heritage feel. but

"So where is this pair of earrings?"

Yu Ziyu asked curiously

"I don’t know, I didn’t pay attention at first, but this pair of earrings are at the level of imperial soldiers and will not be worn away by time."

"Should exist in the starry sky"

"It’s just that the divine object is covered in dust and I don’t know where it is."

Chaos Bell Zhenling said simply.


While nodding slightly, Zi Si and Jin Hou also looked at each other.

"Master, let me return to the starry sky."

"We want to look for this pair of earrings. If nothing else, at least they are a treasure and a trump card...."

Zi Lian spoke softly.


For this, Yu Ziyu did not refuse.

Immediately, he looked at the Chaos Bell Zhenling

"Give them a spirit guide."

Xunling Yin, a kind of treasure to find divine objects.

As the master of all weapons, the Chaos Bell True Spirit will have induction for all spiritual weapons and weapons.

And Xunling Yin, the Chaos Bell True Spirit has her power. materialize

"no problem."

With a chuckle, Chaos Bell Zhenling also raised his fingertips


Amid the sudden roar, a ray of golden light bloomed at the fingertips of the Chaos Bell True Spirit....

This is the soul-seeking guide of the Chaos Bell True Spirit.

It looks extremely bright.

After receiving the soul-seeking guide given by the Chaos Bell True Spirit, Zisi and Golden Monkey also looked at each other, and then rushed towards the starry sky and earth.

"Hope they go well."

Yu Ziyu smiled with a touch of blessing.

"I also hope that."

The Chaos Bell True Spirit is also a blessing.

However, at this moment, the Chaos Bell True Spirit suddenly spoke:

"If they really found the ancestral fusion earrings...Will you allow them to merge?"


Yu Ziyu said decisively.

"Fusion together, life or death..."

"If they fail, they will die, if they succeed in fusion, they will die...."

"No matter which outcome, I can't accept it."

Hearing this, Chaos Bell Zhenling was also curious:

"Then why did you agree with them to find this ancestral fusion earring?"

"Zi Lian said, this is the trump card...When they encounter a desperate situation, the ancestral fusion earrings may not be a terrible trump card."

Yu Ziyu explained simply.

But his eyes couldn't stop flashing.

He was thinking about one thing.

That is, can his way of time and space be a help to the two of them?

As for how to be a help to them. ?

"If their fusion fails, can I go back to the beginning by reversing time and space?"

"If they merge successfully, can I reverse time and space and let them be themselves again?"

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu was also curious.

But he didn't dare to bet. If the bet succeeded, luckily. But if the bet failed, then I'm sorry, he would lose the two generals forever.

Moreover, they were still the top generals.

This result , which Yu Ziyu could never accept.

Therefore, he did not speak.

He did not want to give Zi Sickle and Golden Ant hope.

A hope that dared to bet everything.

Zi Si and Golden Ant went to the starry sky and earth.

There is no danger in this trip.

But For some reason, Yu Ziyu was a little worried

"you are worried..."

Chaos Bell Zhenling asked curiously

"Um."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also took a deep look at the starry sky and heaven and earth.

But he didn't say much.

And now...

The time for practice has come.

However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu suddenly said:

"Why don't you and I discuss it?"

"I recently developed a move that feels really good."

Listen quietly, Chaos Clock also nodded.


In the sudden roar, the two figures disappeared into the chaos.

They opened a battlefield in the depths of chaos and began to fight.

Time passed slowly, the starry sky and the earth remained the same as before, and the divine blood world gradually stabilized.

The throne of the court, the element-devouring beast, and the eternal lightning are the three sacred bloods.

The Divine Blood World is also considering changing its name.

However, this is still under discussion.

In addition to the first time, the Vengeful Valkyrie and the Beyonder came to the starry sky and the earth.

Just as Yu Ziyu said, he will retreat behind the scenes.

The one who transcends will be the Lord of the Starry Sky on the bright side.

As for whether the transcendent would agree?

To be honest, Yu Ziyu had no intention of asking about the transcendent.

He is already taking action and making arrangements.

But now, deep in the starry sky, heaven and earth, there is a world high in the Nine Heavens.

Named:"God Realm".

This is the dream world that Yu Ziyu prepared for those who transcend.

He will be the absolute master of this world.


Of course, what he likes is silence.

Whether or not this world exists, it may not have any impact on him.

"The controller of the divine world is actually the Valkyrie of Vengeance."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to this one's performance.

In terms of combat power alone, the Valkyrie of Revenge may not be very strong.

But her control of power is really good.

But it is worth mentioning that the transcendent, Revenge Valkyrie and others are all eternal supremes.

They are too terrifying, and their true bodies cannot come to the starry sky.

It is more their will that comes.

As for their true bodies, they are all in chaos.

They are horns with Yu Ziyu, in three directions. , guarding the entire starry sky and heaven and earth.

However, Yu Ziyu clearly understands the meaning of time and space.

It seems to exist in eternity.

But in fact, it is hidden in the deepest part of time and space.

Space is superimposed.

Time surrounds...

Even for eternity, it will be difficult to find the spoon..

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