After a long time, the Transcendent and others left.

But before leaving, the Transcendent left a giant stone of chaos to Yu Ziyu.

According to the Transcendent, this is the treasure that Yu Ziyu obtained in exchange for his clone.

It can be regarded as clear cause and effect.

In other words, there is no grudge between the Soul Mother and the Lord of Time and Space.

Yu Ziyu didn't mind this.

He didn't want to be the enemy of Soul Mother.

If such a terrifying existence were to be his enemy, even he would not be able to gain favor from him. only

"soul law..."

Smashed his mouth. Yu Ziyu also fell silent.

He was wondering whether this soul law could restrain his clone style very well.

More than just a clone...

It goes down to the root.

Hard to guard against.

Any Eternal Venerable would have a headache when meeting the Soul Mother.

This"817" is on the same level as the law of time and space that Yu Ziyu carries.

However, I wonder to what extent the Soul Mother’s understanding of the laws of the soul has reached?

If it is just a small success, then it is not worth worrying about.

If it is already close to Dacheng...That would be a bit scary.

One of my thoughtsDuring this time, Yu Ziyu continued to study his own laws of time and space.

It also has to be the law of time and space that one carries, which is reliable.

Not much to say.

At least, Yu Ziyu was confident that even without the Chaos Bell, he would be able to protect himself in front of the Soul Mother, even with ease.

This is Yu Ziyu's confidence and confidence.

At this time, what Yu Ziyu didn't know was that the Soul Mother was already accompanying a figure in the chaos.

This figure is very similar to Yu Ziyu.

Looks younger.

However, his constantly flashing eyes revealed an indescribable shrewdness.

This is one of Yu Ziyu's five divine forms - the evolutionary divine tree.

However, he has now been cut off from Yu Ziyu by the Soul Mother.

So, to a certain extent, he is an independent individual.

Of course, such an individual is also incomplete.

After all, it is a clone, and it is impossible to set foot in eternity.

But now, the Evolution God Tree seems to be thinking, with a complex look on his face.

"Can you talk to me about the Lord of Time and Space?"

The soul mother asked with a smile.

After cutting off the connection with the main body, the clone becomes independent.

This also means that the clone can betray the main body to a certain extent.

Therefore, the clone will not hide some secrets.

But, just At this moment, the footsteps paused slightly, and the Evolution God Tree suddenly spoke:

"I advise you not to understand the body"


Soul Mother smiled, with a playful look on her face.

"he is scary..."

Evolution God Tree said frankly.

Then, he added:

"Although I am his clone, even I don’t know how many trump cards he has hidden"

"However, it is worth mentioning that he has four clones like me, all of which are high-level masters...."

"A clone who is stronger than me and has achieved half-step eternity. He also has three...All of them are extremely terrifying."

Hearing this, Soul Mother was startled.


A clone, reaching half a step of eternity?

And, there are more than one.

There are three.

Are you kidding?

"Are you serious?"

There was a solemn look on Mother Soul's face. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Look at me, do I look like I'm lying to you?"

"Moreover, you carry the law of the soul and can check the fluctuations of my soul and know at a glance whether I am lying to you?"

Listening to the voice of the Evolution God Tree, the Soul Mother was slightly startled.

Immediately, she took a deep look at the Evolution God Tree.

"It's really scary."

She checked the soul of the Evolution Sacred Tree to make sure that he was not lying.

But in this way, the Lord of Time and Space's evaluation in her heart increased a level.

"Fortunately I didn't make an enemy of him."

Soul Mother sighed from the bottom of her heart

"However, he may be targeting you."

Suddenly, the Evolution God Tree spoke.


With a look of astonishment on her face, Soul Mother was also stunned.

"Target me?"

"That is."

The Evolution God Tree nodded and said frankly:

"I believe in a principle, either a friend or an enemy"

"If you are not his friend, you must be his enemy"

"Therefore, I advise you to meet me in person and become friends."

Hearing this, Soul Mother couldn't help but rub her eyebrows, as if she had a headache...

"It's strange. After I cut off the connection with the original body, the other clones wanted to devour the original body and replace it. But you, you always spoke for your true self, and then you encouraged me to become friends with your true self. You are so..."

"That's because I know how terrifying I am."

With a helpless sigh, the Evolution God Tree couldn't help but shook his head.

If he could, he wouldn't want to replace him.

But, that's impossible.

The original body is cautious and terrifying beyond imagination.

If he had this idea, Even the Soul Mother in front of him could not save him.

Regarding this, the Evolution God Tree was very clear.

At this time, Yu Ziyu did not know about the chat between the Evolution God Tree and the Soul Mother.

If he had known about it, he would have raised eyebrows at the Evolution God Tree. Thumbs up.

It is worthy of the godly form he cultivated.

It is really awesome.

He is always considered for him.

If every avatar works so hard for him, then he doesn’t need to work so hard.

And now...

"All the clones have their places to go...."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also thought of the clone of Donghuang's body.

He is now over there in Houtu.

It was just a stump, and Yu Ziyu was about to give up.

But now that Empress Houtu is here, she may be reborn from the ashes.

As for the Evolution God 0.4 tree, even though the connection with him has been severed, I think he will live well with the Soul Mother.

The other major divine forms all exist in Yu Ziyu's tenth realm, waiting to be summoned.

There are also the two corpses of good and evil.

These two have long returned to Yu Ziyu's true identity.

However, they are not even as good as gods.

The seventh level of Tianmen is already the limit.

And this is understandable.

The two corpses of good and evil look like clones, but are actually some of Yu Ziyu's extreme emotions.

In terms of completeness alone, it is not as good as Yu Ziyu’s five divine forms.

This also made Yu Ziyu realize again...The prehistoric practice of killing three corpses to become a saint is just a sinkhole!!

Whoever touches it will die!!

After killing all three corpses, wouldn't it be like the Taoist ancestor in the end, with no desire or pursuit, no good and no evil, just like the way of heaven?

This is not becoming a saint, this is becoming a puppet of heaven..

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