Losing the sense of the evolutionary sacred tree was a bit incredible for Yu Ziyu.

You know, these are his five divine forms.

Although it is not as good as the three clones created by transforming the three pure beings into one qi with great supernatural power, the relationship with him is still close.

But now

"Is this how terrifying the law of the soul is?"

"Directly sever the connection between souls."

While narrating softly, Yu Ziyu, who was far away near the starry sky and heaven and earth, looked thoughtful.

He once again realized...The terrifying laws of the soul.

In other words, I realized the horror of the same supreme law.

The soul is the spirit of all things.

Everything has spirit.

To be more precise, only the existence of a soul can be called life.

And this soul mother is the master of the soul...

Control all souls.

The soul has no secrets before her.

This is true even for Yu Ziyu.

No one who transcends can see Yu Ziyu's reality.

But this guy could see the true terror of Yu Ziyu at a glance.

And that is the clone.

Yu Ziyu plays the clone style.

He has so many clones that he can't distinguish reality from reality.

Just like this evolutionary tree, it simulates the tree of time and space of Yu Ziyu's body. Even the transcendent, the Vengeful Valkyrie, did not see the mystery of this clone.

But the soul mother actually... interesting...I actually left my tree of evolution with me.

He sighed, but Yu Ziyu didn't care much.

He did it on purpose.

The Soul Mother is a terrifying existence that bears the soul of the Supreme Law.

Such beings, even if they cannot form an alliance, still need to be monitored at all times.

It would be nice to keep the Evolved God Tree with her.

With the Evolution God Tree, Yu Ziyu can at least grasp some of this person's movements.

Moreover, not only that, the Evolution God Tree can also work hard to invite her to join.

If it can succeed, it will definitely be a bloody profit

"The first to get the moon is near the water, I wonder if you can surprise me~~."

Yu Ziyu smiled, with a look of expectation on his face.

At this time, a certain place in the chaos has turned into a battlefield.

Although the true red blood is terrifying, it will eventually lose to the Transcendent, the Vengeful Valkyrie, etc. people

"Die to me."

With a loud shout, like thunder, the Vengeful Valkyrie held the Spear of Vengeance and threw it fiercely.


With a sonic boom that tore through everything, a blood-red meteor headed straight for the end of the chaos.

Until it landed on the body of the Vengeful Valkyrie


Accompanied by an extremely terrifying roar, blood as powerful as true red was shocked.


As if he wanted to remember the appearance of the Beyonder and others forever, the True Red Blood's eyes widened.

But in the end...


With his body stumbling, he finally fell completely.

True Red Blood, a generation of eternal venerables, was finally executed!!

At this moment, the Eternal Lightning, the Vengeful Valkyrie, and the Yuan Devouring Beast could not help but feel a lot of emotions.

They actually hunted an eternity. this...

Staring at the corpse of True Red Blood in a daze, their expressions were extremely complicated.

But, just at this moment,

"What about the Lord of Time and Space?"

Suddenly exclaimed, Lightning Eternal was the first to notice.

The space-time formation originally arranged in the chaos had disappeared without knowing when. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"Lord of time and space, where have you gone?"

After asking again, everyone was silent.

In an instant, they released their spirits and searched hundreds of millions of miles around, but found nothing. How is this possible?

With their hearts shaking, they all looked at the unknown place. The Transcendent in the distance.

However, the Transcendent at this time also had a solemn expression on his face.

"It’s really incredible."

With a sigh, the transcendent person also raised his hand


A piece of extremely green willow leaf actually fell from the chaos and landed on his hand.

These are the leaves left by Yu Ziyu’s clone from the divine tree.

To be more precise, it is information.

And the transcendent one only knows everything after reading the information of this willow leaf.

"We fall into someone else’s scheme."

Somewhat helpless, the Transcendent couldn't help but shook his head.

"Others plot?"

The Vengeful Valkyrie was a little confused.

"The most terrifying thing in the Divine Blood World is not the Eternal Erosion nor the True Red Eternity, but the seemingly weak Soul Mother...."

"'That guy actually carries the terrifying existence of the legendary supreme law - the law of the soul."

"With our hands, she removed the two eternities of the Divine Blood Clan, and also lifted her own shackles of heaven and earth."

"Now that she saw True Red Blood dying in battle, she felt no worries and chose to leave."

Listening quietly to the voice of the Transcendent, everyone was stunned.

What, how is this possible?

However, after looking at the Transcendent several times, they finally confirmed this fact.

That is, they seemed to have really fallen into Others have plotted

"Good means, really good means"

"I really thought that the Divine Blood World was so weak, but I didn’t expect that there was a hidden big boss."

"Tsk tsk, that’s really awesome"

"It's really amazing..."

Amidst the continuous sighs, the Yuan Devouring Beast and the Lightning Eternal also looked at each other.

Just, at this moment

"What about the Lord of Space then (Li Hao?)?"

With a hint of worry, the Vengeful Valkyrie asked.


The Transcendent said bluntly

"Let’s not talk about it for now. This is just his figure. As long as the Chaos Bell is guarding him, nothing will happen to him."

"Let's put it this way, we will all die in the battle and he will not be hurt."

Listening to the voice of the Transcendent, everyone couldn't help but fell silent.

This seemed to be a fact.

An iron-clad fact.

It was suffocating.

It was even more shocking....

However, it will be fine if the Lord of Time and Space has nothing to do

"Then we should now..."Trouble" the Yuan Devouring Beast asked tentatively.

"Go back first, report the current situation to the Lord of Time and Space, and hand over to him some of the treasures in the Divine Blood World."

"Can." responded in unison, and many eternities also set off...

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