Regarding the ability of Yu Ziyu, the Lord of Time and Space, to retain people, Lightning Eternal is not a general approval.

You know, he is burdened with the existence of divine speed.

When opened at a divine speed, it represents the extreme speed of heaven and earth.

Even though it was piles of eternity, he still felt able to come and go with ease.

But in this regard, after meeting the Lord of Time and Space, he completely lost his confidence.

The Lord of Time and Space only uses one move to block time and space.

Even though his speed is terrifying to the extreme, there is no use for it.

That despair and powerlessness.

Until now, it still permeates the heart of Dianguang Eternal.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu's recognition is not generally high.

If not, he would still want to maintain an eternal final pride and reserve.

He went straight to hug Yu Ziyu's thigh and called out"big brother" one after another.

But at this time, listening to the eternal voice of lightning and looking at Yu Ziyu again, the Revenge Valkyrie also chose to believe

"Then you need to do your best."

Speaking of this, the Vengeful Valkyrie also began to formulate a more detailed battle plan.

As for the specific details, Yu Ziyu did not intend to participate.

He only needed to keep the soul mother.

Time passed slowly, and several years had passed in the blink of an eye..Yu

Ziyu and others shuttled through the chaos.

And on this day,

"Meow meow..."

"Meow meow...Meow meow..."

Amidst the continuous neighing, a black cat appeared in front of a willow leaf.

"You are finally here.

As the words fell, the black cat lying on the shoulder of the Vengeful Valkyrie also slowly disappeared, turning into black smoke and getting into the body of the black cat.

This is the original form of the element-devouring beast

"How's it going?"

The Vengeful Valkyrie asked.

"They were still lingering in this area, looking like they were looking for something."

"Is that so?"

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu also guessed.

He could stay here for eternity regardless of life and death.

And then he was still looking for it....

"Could these guys have discovered the Chaos Arcana?"

Chaos treasures, treasures that can only be conceived by chaos.

Such as the Jade Butterfly, Chaos Bell, Pangu Ax, Green Lotus, and the Three Lives Divine Stone. These are all considered Chaos Treasures.

And how terrifying are these Chaos Bell Treasures?

Others may not know.

Doesn’t Yu Ziyu know it yet?

Until now, the fragments of the jade butterfly are Yu Ziyu’s impossible treasures.

As for the Chaos Clock, needless to say, it is considered Yu Ziyu’s most precious treasure.

Offense and Defense In one body.

Relying on this treasure, Yu Ziyu, who had just entered eternity for the first time, was actually able to compete with the top eternity transcendent....

As for the green lotus of creation, it was divided into three parts and turned into the golden lotus of merit, the red lotus of karma, and the black lotus....

They are all top-notch imperial soldiers...

This is...The Arcana of Chaos.

The power of every Chaos Treasure is beyond imagination.

Of course, it goes without saying much about the Three Lives Divine Stone.

This is a treasure that projects a whole world

"Every Chaos Treasure is suffocating."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu's eyes flashed.

If there is really a Chaos Treasure, then even he will have to stay here.

After all, the Chaos Treasure...He was also very moved.

However, the key now is...hunting.

Chaos has no concept of time.

Some are just hazy white mist.

Even the Eternal Venerable's perception is extremely limited.

At this time, the two eternal true red bloods of the Divine Blood World and the Soul Mother...The troops were divided into two groups, each searching in one direction.

"Is there really the rare treasure that the boss said?"

The soul mother was a little puzzled. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, she still bit the bullet and searched here.

This was her boss's order.

Now, the world of divine blood has been shattered, and only The two of them were struggling to survive.

They had to hug each other tightly.

However, at this moment, as if she had noticed something, the soul mother's face suddenly changed slightly.

"This is?"

With an exclamation, Soul Mother subconsciously took action.


With a terrifying roar, she actually slapped her hand in a certain direction of chaos.

And there...Astonishingly, a willow leaf slowly floated towards me

"We just met, why are you so violent?"

A faint voice sounded in the chaos.

Along with it, golden divine chains emerged one after another from the chaos.

They were intertwined and entwined....

But in a moment, he blocked the attack of the Soul Mother.

"Who are you?"

The soul mother's face changed slightly, but she still asked.

"Hum hum..."

Yu Ziyu smiled and said bluntly:

"I am the starry sky, heaven and earth, the lord of time and space...The existence that controls time and space..."

As the words fell, a river appeared in the chaos.

"not good..."

Subconsciously exclaiming, Soul Mother wanted to pull away and fly away.

But what was waiting for her was like falling into a quagmire...

Obviously she felt like she had moved hundreds of millions of miles away, but the actual distance was not even thousands of miles away. this...

"space...It's space."

The soul mother realized this immediately.

Immediately, it accelerated again.

However, what she didn't know was that the long river of time was already surrounding this area.

One month outside, one breath inside....

This is Yu Ziyu’s time and space formation.

Arranged in silence.

It even shrouded the Soul Mother.

Now, this person is already a turtle in the urn. certainly...Yu Ziyu had no means to capture her.

After all, it is just a clone, and it is the limit that can be trapped.

Just leave the rest to the Transcendents and others.

But now, Yu Ziyu is quietly looking at this figure.

【Race: Heroic Spirit Clan (Soul Mother)...

Level: eighth level life form... origin:....】

One message after another kept appearing in front of Yu Ziyu.

However, a lot of the information is a series of question marks.

The reason is very simple.

This is not a life form from the starry sky and the earth, and Yu Ziyu has no knowledge of it.

Therefore, it is difficult to parse at a glance.

Just give Yu Ziyu a certain amount of time, analysis is inevitable

"interesting...It turned out to be an extremely rare soul-like eternity?".

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