How miserable is the defeated world?

You can know it just by looking at the current divine blood world.

Like livestock, ready to be slaughtered. carve up.

No status or dignity.

Even the so-called creatures have become slaves by default.

Start preparing for slavery.

This is the war of civilization, the outcome of defeat.

And at this moment, a picture appeared in the sky among the stars.

In the picture, there are thrones one after another.

These thrones are all extremely tall.

It's a thousand feet high.

At a glance, all living beings were trembling.

It's hard to imagine that a living being can sit in such a high position.

And now,

"Boom, boom..."

There were roars one after another, and hazy figures appeared on the throne one after another.

They are ancient and terrible.

It's like carrying the heaven and earth on its back, with unfathomable divine power.

Just by looking at it, countless creatures feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

That's suffocation.

Even more desperate.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded:

"How to deal with the creatures in the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth"

"Slavery after enslavement, they are all sent to the edge of the land, mined for ores, or kept in captivity."



The responses one after another shocked all the beings in the starry sky.

Wait, what did they say?

Divine blood of heaven and earth creatures?

Slavery, enslavement? this...

And at this moment, a faint voice suddenly sounded across the starry sky:

"Did you hear that? This is the result of losing the war of civilization"

"We are the winners, so we can dominate the weak"

"But we are merciful, just servile"

"If you are more ruthless, you will be exterminated."

"Do you hope that this day will come?"

"Can you watch your relatives, daughters, and everything else become slaves of others?"

This voice has a deceptive flavor.

But it makes countless creatures in the starry sky fall into silence.


Exterminate the race?


Be enslaved.


In the silence, countless people looked at each other.

Until a certain moment,

"I won't lose, absolutely not"

"I won't lose, absolutely not."

The violent shouts were like waves.

Suddenly, they swept across the starry sky and all realms.

"To deceive people, it depends on you."

Yu Ziyu smiled and looked at the pure white girl not far away.

This is pure white.

The first demon in the abyss.

She is best at bewitching and playing with people's hearts.

She can even weave other people's memories and tamper with everything.

Weird, that is her sign

"Isn’t this what Master taught well?"

Pure Bai smiled, his face full of amusement.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also continued:

"People's hearts still need to be enthralled, so as to mobilize the vitality and vitality of the stars, heaven and earth"

"Let all living beings work hard and make progress,"

"Despite ushering in a golden age."

Listening to Yu Ziyu's narration, Chunbai also said bluntly:

"Master has really worked hard to create a golden age of starry sky"

"Only the golden age can gather immeasurable luck, and only the golden age can make it more possible to have eternity. The current starry sky and heaven and earth need a second eternity."

Yu Ziyu's expression is complicated.

The starry sky cannot hold up alone.

Although he is good, he is only an eternity after all.

And the ancestors of the mutant civilization are after all outsiders. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) can be trusted.

But not enough to rely on.

Therefore, now Yu Ziyu is looking forward to the second eternity in the starry sky to come out.

No matter who this eternity is?

Of course, it is best to be a trustworthy guy.

If you dare to disobey him, if Dare to question him.

So what if it lasts forever?

Kill him all the same.

This is Yu Ziyu.

The heroic nature is fully revealed.

He allows some people to set foot in eternity.

But he will never allow anyone to dare to disobey him.

This is one of his few bottom lines.

And At this time, the Starry Sky Heaven and Earth's treatment of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth also came to an end.

All the creatures in the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth were enslaved and relegated to the lowest level.

The creatures were divided into three, six or nine grades.

And the creatures in the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, no matter high or low, were , are all ninth-level people.

As for when to improve their status, it depends on the contribution they can make to the starry sky and earth and the mutant civilization.

And not long after that, the Vengeful Valkyrie and the Tribunal of Life also learned from Yu Ziyu He took away a drop of eternal blood that eroded the ancestor of the divine blood world.

Then he sacrificed the secret method


A simple word was branded deep in the blood of countless creatures in the Divine Blood World.

At this moment, countless creatures in the Divine Blood World were shocked.

For some reason, they felt a palpitation in their souls.

In particular, an illusory word appeared between the eyebrows of some strong men.

That is a slave.

A simple word, but it left an indelible mark on all the spirits in the world.

At this point, the Divine Blood World has finally become a subsidiary world of the Starry Sky World.


Suddenly sighing, the Vengeful Valkyrie also had a complicated expression on her face.

"You guys really have no mercy, there are still many innocent creatures"

"In the war of civilization, there are no innocents, only the weak and the strong."

The Tribunal of Life said.

Then he took a deep look at the (good) Goddess of Vengeance:

"If you lose, your fate will be even more miserable. A woman will be eternal....Maybe it will become some guy's plaything."

Hearing this, the Vengeful Valkyrie also fell silent.

She understands the truth.

But she doesn't have the courage of these guys.

I have to say that the current Life Tribunal and the Devouring Beast seem to have really followed the right people.

Yu Ziyu, this extraordinary Lord of Time and Space, is exactly the leader they most want to see.

Cruel, evil, and merciless.

All he has is extremely cold interests.

However, it is precisely because of these few Guys, their civilized war will go so smoothly

"In the vast chaos, there are only the laws of the dark forest"

"Any saint, mercy, is fatal"

"Definitely needs to be strangled."

The court of life has come to a conclusion!! Three!.

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