The power that the Vengeful Valkyrie is best at.

It's called revenge.

If she were in that star civilization, she would probably be a star god, a star god in charge of revenge.

And what is the Star God?

They create reality, erase stars, and leave their traces on countless worlds.

People know very little about these mysterious beings wandering in the chaotic sea of ​​stars. Limited by limited cognition, intelligent life can only vaguely perceive that the Star Gods are embarking on a destiny that cannot be seen by ordinary things, and rely on certain ideas to exercise their immeasurable power.

Simply put, this is the Eternal Lord.

However, Starway Civilization seems to understand Eternal Venerable better.

Even interpreted it.

In the starry sky, the Eternal Lord has a talent.

That is to call its name and be able to perceive it no matter when and where it is.

And this is also said in Xingtu Civilization.

If someone can step onto the destiny controlled by the Star God, they will receive his distant response, like a glance from countless light years.

Many people believe that this is the only intersection that Star Gods and mortals can have.

Thinking about it, it makes sense.

If someone steps into the law of time or the law of space, Yu Ziyu will feel it. even cast a glance

"Starway Civilization really understands eternity."

Suddenly sighing, Yu Ziyu, who traveled through the chaos with the Chaos Bell Zhenling, also had a complicated expression.

He has been very interested in star civilization recently. He has been asking about the Chaos Bell Zhenling.

But the more he listened, the more he became more and more interested. It’s surprising.

This civilization is scary.

Really scary.

In other civilizations, when they still don’t know what the Eternal Venerable is, they have analyzed and even understood the Eternal Venerable.

Even more so in the way of fate. , opening up their own eternal path.

If you practice in their way, it may be easier to set foot in eternity.

This is an exaggeration.

It is enough to show that their practice system is more advanced.

Moreover, according to Chaos Bell Zhenling , when she knew about it, the Xingtu Civilization already had eleven star gods.


, now

"Speed ​​up, I sense their location."

Suddenly speaking, Yu Ziyu raised his head in one step. When he appeared again, he had crossed the chaos and headed straight for the other side.

But at this moment, in the depths of the chaos, two streams of light were constantly entangled.

One was a dark stream of light..

One is a starry light.

These are the black apes of the divine blood clan and the vengeful Valkyrie.

They keep colliding.

Every collision shakes half of the chaos.

The so-called world, in front of them, snaps. Destroyable.

The so-called planet, in front of them, is like a drop in the ocean.

Terrible and terrifying.

This is the Eternal Lord

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roaring, the aftermath ripples circled in circles, enough to level dozens of star fields.

"I will definitely kill you, kill you."

The black ape roared. His eyes were red.

His fangs were exposed, and even more terrifying power spurted out.

Like a dark demon, standing in the chaos.

Seeing this, the Vengeful Valkyrie just retreated again and again.

She Without a physical body, it would be unwise to have a head-on collision.

But at this moment, as if she noticed something, the eyes of the Vengeful Valkyrie suddenly lit up.

"This is?"

She sensed a very familiar aura.

Although it was just a wisp, at this juncture, it was enough to make the Vengeful Valkyrie ecstatic.

"Here we come."

With a touch of surprise, the Vengeful Valkyrie advanced instead of retreating. She even shouted:

"Sky Spear."

As she finished speaking, the bloody spear in her hand burst out with bright light, as if to swallow up the entire chaos.


With a cold snort, the black ape also laughed.

He dared to confront him head-on. He was really looking for death.

Looking at this extremely bright light, the black ape stepped out


Hearing an earth-shattering roar, he raised his hand and punched.

It actually wants to break the entire trend of chaos.

This is the punch of eternity.

It was even more of a punch from the Chaos Behemoth.

Powerful yet powerful. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It is enough to destroy thousands of worlds.

Asking for flowers 0 but it’s a pity...

The moment he punched...A golden wicker hung down from the chaos at some point

"What's this?"

The black ape was a little confused.

But the next moment, a feeling of numbness in his scalp poured into his heart.

"Retreat, must retreat."

Every pore in my body seemed to be shrinking, and all the hairs on my body stood up.


Without even hesitating, the black ape turned around and shot out.

But at this moment, he discovered a terrifying fact.

That is, no matter how fast he is, the bloody world is far away, getting further and further away.

It seems forever out of reach.

This is the power of space.

Space is constantly extending.

Accompanying it is the golden wicker that can be transformed into a hundred.

One hundred transforms into thousand, one thousand transforms into ten thousand.

In just a moment, billions of wicker branches hung down like a waterfall and landed in front of the black ape.

This is a golden waterfall.

Falling from chaos...

In a moment, he stopped in front of the black ape.

The black ape raised his hand, as if to tear the golden waterfall apart.

But what was waiting for him were thousands of wicker branches, like spiritual snakes, constantly scurrying around until his body was completely covered.

"Puff, puff..."

It felt like the tip of a needle piercing his skin, as countless wicker sticks tore through his terrifying defense and penetrated all of them.

You know, he is the body of a chaotic beast.

Defense is the most terrifying.

But in front of this wicker, his defense was like paper. this...

However this is not terrible.

The really scary thing is,

"Gulu, Gulu..."

Amidst the continuous sounds, countless willow branches opened and shrank, beginning to swallow everything about him.

Flesh and blood, strength.

Even the rules...

This is Yu Ziyu's method.

The Liu Shenfa of the past was finally transformed into a divine art that shocked the past and the present.

Ignore its defenses and devour everything it has.

So what if he is the Eternal Venerable?

At the moment when the wicker is entangled, it is difficult to escape..

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