Apostles can be regarded as one of the forces carefully cultivated by Yu Ziyu.

Its existence is no less than that of the Void Empire, the Demon Court, and the Sea of ​​Immortal Blood.

However, the existence of the apostle has always been a secret.

An unknown secret.

Its existence, to a certain extent, only serves Yu Ziyu.

Harvesting evolution points for Yu Ziyu.

As for why it has reached this point?

All I can say is that everything is changing.

Nothing is set in stone.

And benign changes are the so-called evolution.

The apostles under his command have also been seeking their own path.

Now, arrange the apostles.

Yu Ziyu is also looking forward to how many evolutionary points they will bring to him.

Evolution is very important.

This is an energy.

It is the energy that creates the jade butterfly fragments to deduce all things.

The more evolution points there are, the more things Yu Ziyu's jade butterfly fragment can do.

Until now,

Yu Ziyu still has a great demand for the jade butterfly fragments05.

Such as the practice of various great supernatural powers, andGrinding requires evolution.

For example, deducing the changes of all things also requires evolutionary points. like...

With enough evolution points, Yu Ziyu will have unlimited possibilities.

And harmony is also the reason why Yu Ziyu has been chasing the point of evolution.

If he has enough evolution points.

I dare not say anything else.

But he will definitely be able to master three thousand great magical powers nine out of ten times.

At that time, in terms of combat power alone, he was estimated to be even better than the Beyonder.

This is the terrifying thing about great supernatural powers.

However, this takes time.

It takes a long time.

Even if he has a fragment of the Jade Butterfly of Creation.

The points of evolution itself are also endless.

Mastering many great magical powers does not happen overnight.

If you want to cultivate a great magical power, even an extremely ordinary one, the number of evolution points required is estimated to be hundreds of billions.

Not to mention this, it needs to be a small success or a big success.

Based on this calculation, the number of evolution points required to fully refine a great magical power is definitely an unimaginable number.

This is also the reason why Yu Ziyu has only mastered seven or eight great magical powers until now.

However, if outsiders knew this, they would definitely be stunned.

Do you really dare to say that there are seven or eight great supernatural powers?

Generally speaking, an Eternal Venerable can only cultivate one or two great supernatural powers.

Great supernatural power lies in essence, not in quantity.

Being able to cultivate a great magical power is already a great thing.

However, if they knew about every great magical power of Yu Ziyu, they would start from the very beginning.

From Xiaocheng to Dacheng.

I guess I will be even more stunned.

This is the horror of the jade butterfly fragments.

No, to be more precise, it is the horror of living beings.

Because every evolutionary point of Yu Ziyu was created by the lives of living beings.

This is why Yu Ziyu has been committed to guarding the starry sky.

Now Xingkong, under his management, is an extremely qualified breeding farm.

Every once in a while, he would swing his scythe and start harvesting.

And, the key is...When he does this, he is not a demon.

It's not about killing sentient beings.

But, in the true sense, he is doing justice for heaven.

Because spiritual cultivation is against nature.

They consume spiritual energy to replenish their bodies.

And Yu Ziyu killed hundreds of millions of creatures and replenished the world.

To a certain extent, Yu Ziyu protects the world.

Not only that,

Yu Ziyu didn't kill them randomly.

He relies more on cause and effect, reincarnation, fate, and other reasons for harvesting.

Just like the demons are warlike and like to invade.

Yu Ziyu arranged for apostles to sneak into the demon clan and start a war.

Then harvest evolutionary points.

The fact is, even if Yu Ziyu does not arrange for the apostles to start a war, the demons will take the initiative to start a war.

His existence only accelerated this process.

In other words, he just harvested some lives by the way.

And this is what Yu Ziyu has always pursued.

He doesn't reject it and becomes a big devil and villain.

But he prefers the current title.

He is Chaos, an ordinary shepherd.

Grazing in all the heavens and all realms.

Grinning, Yu Ziyu was also proud.

It has to be said that everything went as he planned.

He really turned the starry sky and the earth into a breeding farm.

Especially the emergence of the world of reincarnation.

Even more so.

He doesn't even need to be exposed to others.

You can continuously obtain evolution points.

But, this is not enough.

He also needs a wider world.

Mutant civilization is just the beginning.

And this divine blood world

"If I win the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, I won't be able to cultivate five great magical powers."

Yu Ziyu estimated that winning the Divine Blood World would bring a massive amount of evolutionary points.

To say the least, it would help him cultivate five gates.

If he was lucky, he could even achieve seven great powers.

And Yu Ziyu had already decided on these great powers.

Two. He has one offensive magical power, two defensive magical powers, and three auxiliary magical powers.

But now, he needs to speed up the harvest.

He wants to win the divine blood world at a faster speed.

And, there is one more thing.

He He is extremely curious about the foundation of the Divine Blood World.

The foundation is the treasure of civilization.

If he can capture it, 040 will probably be of great benefit to him.

At this point, transcendence is also expected.

Today, he only pursues becoming more powerful.

And the foundation of civilization is one of the few things that can make him stronger.

And not long after that, the starry sky and the earth were on the edge of chaos.

One after another, mysterious battleships got into the space vortex, Heading straight to the battlefield of the Divine Blood World.

That is the battleship of the Samsara World.

It is unknown.

But it is extremely powerful.

It is enough to allow the creatures of the Samsara World to shuttle through the chaos.

But now, the creatures of the Samsara World are carrying Yu Ziyu's will went to the battlefield of the Divine Blood World. They began to prepare for new killings.

While they obtained more reincarnation points, they would also bring a steady stream of evolution points to Yu Ziyu.

However, this was just a small head.

This time, Yu Ziyu I don’t plan to shake hands with these guys.

The reason why I cooperate with the Transcendents is because the Transcendents belong to the starry sky, and they are from the same world.

But this time is different.

This is a real foreign land.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu and others have Absolute advantage.

Therefore, killing and harvesting are Yu Ziyu’s best choices.

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