"seven thrones..."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

He was always thorough in his work.

Nowadays, planning for great times will naturally not be just empty talk.

Not to mention the legendary legion he has already begun to polish - the Fallen Angel Legion.

The Seven Thrones alone are a big trump card.

This is the benchmark, the most powerful power of the Seven Saints.

It also means that the existence of less than seven gods is comparable to eternity.

Yes, comparable to eternity.

Rather than setting foot on eternity.

It is unrealistic for seven people to step into eternity.

Even Yu Ziyu is not sure about recreating eternity.

Eternity is hard to come by.

It's not just talk.

This is the end of biological evolution.

Everyone who steps into eternity can be said to be ancient and unparalleled in the present.

There must be something unique about it.

Therefore, it is difficult, very difficult, and almost impossible for Yu Ziyu to help others forever.

In this life, he is probably lucky to be able to help one person realize the eternal truth.

It can help people become enlightened, even if it is difficult.

It does not mean that Yu Ziyu cannot create some power comparable to eternity.

You know, the Seven Saints of the Ancient World were all man-made.

And Yu Ziyu believed that his talents were not inferior to those of the great Taoist ancestors.


Like the serpent, he is the eternal inheritor.

With Yu Ziyu's help, he has at least a 10% chance of setting foot in eternity.

Yes, 10%.

This is not low.

You know, many of the strongest people who are half-step into eternity have no chance of stepping into eternity.

But only the big snake in the sixth level of Tianmen actually has a 10% chance.

One can imagine how terrifying this is.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu also thought about it...

Even if it is difficult for the big snake to set foot in eternity...He will also plan carefully to push him to the"half-step eternity" combat power.

And in this way, in the future...The big snake is considered to be a statue, comparable to the eternal fighting power. so..

"The serpent is the lord of the throne...Except for the big snake...Mo, I also have high expectations."

Muttering in his heart, Yu Ziyu also thought of Mo.

He was the fallen Taoist Qingyi. He was born with a sword body, and his sword heart was clear.

After falling into the devil's way, he became more attached to the sword and guarded the sword.

Moreover, he also understood Enlightenment of 'killing'.

Being able to stop killing with killing, and stop killing with killing.

It can be said that as long as Mo continues to kill, killing world after world, his combat power will inevitably be pushed to an extreme peak.

Of course, he will also Losing control and growing into a killing machine.

But is this important?

Of course it is not important.

Just because Mo is Yu Ziyu's puppet.

He is the killing machine in Yu Ziyu's hands.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu does not need to care about what he will become in the future.

And he All he had to do was let Mo grow up until he set foot on the ninth level of Tianmen, and even half a step into eternity.

At that time, holding the Immortal Trap Sword, his combat power was so powerful that it was probably shocking.

However, this was not the end yet....

Because, Yu Ziyu will still think of ways to make Mo go further

"Mo Bing will sit high on the Slaughter Throne, and it will also be a trump card that restricts Tongtian among the Seven Saints of the Great Desolate World."

Thinking like this, Yu Ziyu is also looking forward to it.

Can a being who has reached the end of the way of killing and swords compete with Tongtian?

Probably not.

However, Mo only needs to contain Tongtian one or two times. But.

Leave the rest to others.

And this is Yu Ziyu’s plan.

Part of the plan for the prehistoric times.

The legendary legion...

There are seven thrones...

Of course, this is just the beginning.

There is still an extremely long period of time before the battle begins, and during this period of time, Yu Ziyu can still make more plans.

Just as he thought before...

The legendary twelve legendary legions...He will reappear in heaven and earth as much as possible.

Also, one ancient inheritance after another, he will also bring out from the years.

He wants to push this era to unprecedented prosperity.

Then, use this era to conquer the wilderness.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also suppressed many thoughts.

Now, what is more important is to guide these little guys to practice and grow...

Until one day, she becomes his true helper...

The night is getting darker.

It was rare that Yu Ziyu did not leave.

He stood quietly in front of a very majestic giant tree of the Golden Crow clan.

Slowly raising his right hand, Yu Ziyu caressed the giant tree, and the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

This is a sacred tree.

The extremely hot fire element surges in the body.

If your guess is correct, it should be the legendary Fuso tree.

But, unfortunately, this is only a subspecies that contains part of the power of the Fuso Sacred Tree.

The real sacred tree of Fusang is the sacred tree of heaven and earth.

Extremely scary.

Give birth to the legendary sun fire.

Sharing weal and woe with the Golden Crow clan.

Some people even say that it is the Fusang sacred tree that gave birth to the spirit of the sun - the Golden Crow.

Although, this is just a rumor.

But it also shows how terrifying the Fuso tree is.

And Yu Ziyu, as the ancestor of the tree, has an extraordinary perception of the sacred tree. like now...

"I, Jin Yan, pay my respects to the ancestor of the tree."

A sudden voice sounded from the sky and the earth.

Looking for the sound, it turned out to be the Fusang sacred tree. The flaming waves rolled back and intertwined with a flaming figure.

This was the divine thought of this Fusang sacred tree.

Now, he sensed Yu Ziyu Existence.

Come out to see him in person.

There is unimaginable excitement and enthusiasm on his face.

This is the tree ancestor.

A great existence that proves eternity.

Most people have never heard of it or seen it.

And this kind of existence actually appeared in front of him. He How can you not be excited?

What is worth mentioning here is that....When Yu Ziyu stepped into eternity, all living beings felt something.

Especially these sacred tree creatures, the majestic scene of Yu Ziyu was intertwined in their minds, and they felt the unimaginable vastness.

And this is all because Yu Ziyu is the ancestor of the sacred tree.

It is the length of ten thousand trees.

Therefore, all sacred trees can be regarded as his subjects.

It's normal to feel something about him.

And now, this sacred hibiscus tree has sensed his presence.

Therefore, ecstatic.

He even clasped his knees on the ground and bowed in front of Yu Ziyu.

Along with this, the divine fire all over the sky is also crawling.

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