The breakthrough of the Immortal Sky Crow was a great surprise for Yu Ziyu.

You know, the Immortal Sky Crow is a member of the God's Guard.

And what are the Guards of God?

They were the strongest guards who took their own blood as an oath and were born to protect Yu Ziyu from generation to generation.

Every one of them is the most powerful genius of Demon Court.

However, since Yu Ziyu faked his death, the God's Guard has quietly disappeared into the darkness and has fallen apart since then.

Unexpectedly, the former members of the God's Guard are now developing well.

The Immortal Sky Crow has become the most powerful genius of the ancient Golden Crow clan, controlling most of the Golden Crow clan, and his own cultivation has reached the fifth level of Tianmen.

Golden Behemoth also thrived among the Behemoth clan.

And the red lotus platypus...and the Red Lotus Tyrant.

These two are now the masters.

He was even honored as the 'Second Lord of Red Lotus' by Xingkong.

One big and one small, one tall and one short.

Red Lotus Tyrant...It is thousands of feet tall, with red lotus-like karma fire burning all over its body.

The Red Lotus Platypus is only a few meters tall, with a liquid like magma flowing around its body....

Although, they are only the second level of Tianmen.

But there is nothing to say about the combat power.

Just because the two of them are different from ordinary masters.

Fortunately for the Red Lotus Platypus, he carries the law of 'volcano' and understands the true meaning of 'explosion'.

As he raised his hand, power several times his own continued to explode.

And the Red Lotus Tyrant?...To be more precise, he should be the master of technology.

Just because most of his body was modified.

Especially his core is the crystallization of Yaoting's technology side - the heart of eternal movement.

It is said that it was a core made by members of the Demon Court's technology side using the science and technology stolen from the high goblin clan.

Very precious.

However, Yu Ziyu didn't care about these.

Now, he is simply satisfied with the growth of God's Guard.

However, among these guys, Yu Ziyu touched another figure with the most satisfaction.

Slowly raise your eyes...Looking at a world intertwined with illusions.

There, there was a giant snake entangled.

And above the giant snake, there is a figure sitting cross-legged.

This figure has long black hair and long golden pupils....

His skin was very pale, as if he was seriously ill.

This is the Great Snake, an existence that Yu Ziyu values ​​​​very much.

He is an eternal reincarnation.

No, it shouldn't be said to be 'reincarnation'.

It should be said that he awakened the eternal inheritance memory of a statue and became the carrier of that statue.

If all the inherited memories are revived, one-eighth of the power and even consciousness of the Eternal Lord will return through the body of the big snake.

It's just a pity.

All of this ended at the hands of Yu Ziyu.

Now, Orochi has refined and absorbed all the inheritance of one eighth of this eternity.

And this also achieved the sixth level of the Serpent Heaven Sect.

Even, approaching the seventh level of Tianmen

"There are countless talented people, but there are only a few people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with me."

"You are one of them."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also knew that Orochi is expected to step into eternity.

This is not just talk.

Rather, he is the inheritor of eternity.

It is not difficult to enter eternity again.

What's more, he has Yu Ziyu to protect him.

And now...

"Come here, big snake."

A soft call sounded in the heart of the big snake.

Then, as if he realized something, the big snake's face was happy and he said excitedly:

"Yes, master."

The moment he finished speaking, he turned into a giant white-scaled python and poured into the space-time wormhole that suddenly appeared in front of him.


During the shocking scream, a figure crossed the wormhole of time and space and came to Yu Ziyu and the Immortal Sky Crow.

"The subordinates pay homage to their master."

As he said that, the big snake fell to the ground and knelt down to worship here.

It was different from others....

Orochi is no longer loyal to Yu Ziyu.

That can already be called 'foolish loyalty'.

Yes, Yu Zhong.

The big snake looks cold and indifferent.

But he attaches great importance to feelings.

As long as I can get into his heart...He must treat it sincerely.

And Yu Ziyu's kindness to him was not simple.

First, bring him up with one hand.

It also suppressed the eternal inheritance for him and helped him practice.

Time and time again, the result was a snake that would swear allegiance to Yu Ziyu.

If Yu Ziyu is willing.

With just one word, he could even make the big snake die.

And this was the Orochi's loyalty to him.

However, he has already proven his loyalty.

At the beginning, when the Demon Court was still rising, he was willing to give up his body and seize the nobles of the high-level goblin clan for the sake of the Demon Court and Yu Ziyu....

If he hadn't found the treasures of heaven and earth later, he might not have been able to advance even an inch in his cultivation.

In this way, you can also imagine what he paid.

And now...

"You have grown too."

While sighing from the heart, Yu Ziyu also thought of business.

"What about other inheritors?"

Inheriter, the inheritance of the first generation of beasts of disaster...

In the past, the beast of disaster set foot in eternity, and then divided into eight, turning into eight inheritances.

They are, fear, sadness, despair...

One after another is a kind of inheritance.

The big snake represents the 'heritage of fear' of the beast of disaster.

The other inheritors each represent a group

"Reporting back to the master, to this day, I have just noticed that there is a inheritance that has awakened...But where exactly it is, my subordinates are not allowed to find out...."

In the soft response, Orochi was also helpless.

Why has the beast of disaster not been truly resurrected for several epochs?

The big reason is that because of his power inheritance, no one knows when he will wake up.

And that's not even scary.

What is really scary is that only when these guys set foot on the sixth level of Tianmen can the inheritance of the beast of disaster truly awaken.

Only by stepping into the dominion can the consciousness of the beast of disaster hope to seize its body.


If the beast of disaster wants to be completely resurrected.

It would take eight strong men from the Snake Clan to awaken his power one after another and even set foot on the Dominion.

And this is impossible even if you think about it.

How long an era is.

Like the big snake, it represents the fear that awakens at the beginning of the era.

But other powers may awaken at the end of the era.

No matter how powerful the snake is, it will not be able to survive until the end of the era.

Not to mention, all eight inheritors need to step into the Dominion, and they are all in the same era.

Therefore, the beast of disaster has not been truly resurrected even after today.

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