The nine fallen angels each walked out.

At the front of the legion, crawling in mid-air.

For fallen angels, or angels, the sky is the ground...

Even if they don't have wings, they can still float in the sky.

The wings are more about increasing speed.

Of course, the wings of fallen angels contain different powers.

Although their wings are strangely shaped, the power of these wings is far beyond what others imagine.

And now...

Slowly raising his eyes, Yu Ziyu's gaze also passed over one fallen angel archang after another.

There are four of them who have just been reincarnated.

The other five have been reincarnated for a long time.

Among them, Lucifer, the leader of the fallen angels, and Pula, the killing angel, can be regarded as Yu Ziyu's confidants.

Now, they are also the first and second commanders of the Fallen Angel Legion.

"My lord, there are seventeen thousand fallen angels in total....It's all here..."

While speaking softly, the fallen angel Lucifer also made a simple report


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also looked satisfied.

The Fallen Angel Legion, as a legendary legion, does not rule by numbers.

This is a small, elite army.

Small number.

But all of them are elites with one against ten.

No, one against ten, they all underestimated them.

The angel clan is a powerful clan second only to the true dragon clan.

Fallen angels are the top bloodline among the angel clan.

Comparable to a real dragon, no exaggeration.

But this is not scary.

What is really terrifying is that these fallen angels all have countless memories of their previous lives and have all kinds of fighting skills at their fingertips.

It also has countless magical powers and secret techniques.

Genius, who can reach this point is not a genius?

These fallen angels are the reincarnations of the most terrifying fallen angels from all eras.

They are all considered true talents.

Moreover, he is not an ordinary genius.

There are even several people at the level of Era Tianjiao.

In this way, you can imagine how terrifying these fallen angels are

"when they spread their wings...That's when the killing spreads..."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu seemed to have seen the scene of this army sweeping across the world.

However, they don't need to rely on sweeping the world to prove themselves.

A legendary legion does not require any proof.

All they have to do is polish.

Keep polishing yourself.

Then polish yourself to the limit.

In this way, they have the capital to conquer the ancient times.


While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked at the many fallen angels.

"You do not exist to kill sentient beings..."

"Not to prove myself..."

"I have summoned you from a distant era to the present day..."

"just for one thing..."

Having said this, Yu Ziyu paused, and then continued:

"Conquer the ancient world, the purpose of your existence is to conquer the ancient world, to conquer a distant world..."

"That piece of heaven and earth was extremely vast, much more vast than the starry sky today."

"It is extremely powerful, and there are as many as seven in eternity...."...

Listening quietly, many fallen angels couldn't help but be surprised

"prehistoric times...Isn’t that the earliest era? Isn't it from the prehistoric era?"

Amidst some astonished voices, Lucifer, the leader of the fallen angels, also looked puzzled.

"No, the prehistoric era was never the earliest era. It has existed since ancient times and has stood firm in the chaos to this day....For us, the starry sky is just a remote corner..."

A rare explanation, Yu Ziyu also has patience.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"Let's go, I'll take you to Chaos first...That's where you belong..."

As he spoke, Yu Ziyu waved his right hand,


Amid the sudden roar, the heaven and earth spun, but it was Yu Ziyu who led everyone in the Fallen Angel Legion to the distant chaos.

Only it's not scary.

The really scary thing is...As the world rotated, even the planet where the Fallen Angel Legion was stationed came to chaos.

But now, this planet is still in Yu Ziyu's palm, like a marble


Staring at the 'planet' in Yu Ziyu's palm with his eyes widened, the fallen angel Lucifer couldn't help but be horrified:

"Is this the secret behind your sleeve?"

【The Universe in the Sleeve - The narrow sleeve can contain all the yin and yang of heaven and earth. 】

This is a great magical power, a famous magical power.

When it is completed, all things in the world can be included in the sleeve.

It can be regarded as the ultimate use of space.

The reason why the fallen angel Lucifer said that this is"the universe in one's sleeves".

It was also because in a certain era, he led a million legions to conquer the world, but he didn't want anyone to cultivate the universe within his sleeves.

With the roll of his sleeves, all the millions of troops were captured.

He was left alone to escape.

It is also conceivable why he had such a huge reaction when he saw Yu Ziyu's move here.

"Everything is hidden in one’s sleeves..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but become speechless.

This is indeed a very famous magical power.

It's just a pity.

He will not.

However, Yu Ziyu believed that his skills were not much different from those of the real Qian Kun in his sleeves.

"Although the universe in the sleeve is a perfect method, I am burdened with time and space...Understand the principles of space..."

"If you give me time, I can deduce it even if I don't know everything in my sleeves."

Muttering in his heart, Yu Ziyu is looking forward to it.

If he has time, he really wants to develop this great magical power.

He can feel that this great magical power can perform the ultimate attack.

Of course, this place is worth visiting. The thing to mention is that the Qiankun in the Sleeve itself should be an auxiliary magical power.

But in the hands of different people, it has different changes.

And if he falls in the hands of Yu Ziyu, he will definitely perform an offensive method.

Now Yu Ziyu , has no shortage of auxiliary supernatural powers.

What he lacks is only attack.

The power to control time and space....Attack Wushuang.

The three-life sacred stone reflects the past and present and communicates time. If you study hard, you will definitely be able to evolve the killer move of time.

But there's nothing hidden in one's sleeves...Naturally, it is the killer move of space.

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